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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 肿腿蜂类寄生蜂室内控害效能评价——以松脊吉丁肿腿蜂为例 期刊论文 展茂魁;杨忠岐;王小艺;张彦龙;克热曼
2 松墨天牛携带松材线虫传播的化学生态学机制 期刊论文 郑雅楠;杨忠岐;王小艺
3 余庆县松褐天牛成虫羽化规律与气温、降水量的关系 期刊论文 蔡华;张彦龙;唐艳龙;高尚坤
4 生命表技术在害虫生物防治中的应用 期刊论文 高尚坤;杨忠岐
5 松褐天牛成虫松材线虫病的传播能力 期刊论文 展茂魁;杨忠岐;王小艺;来燕学;张毅丰
6 管氏肿腿蜂诱导松褐天牛幼虫推迟发育现象的初步研究 期刊论文 来燕学;杨忠岐;王小艺;王亚红;岑定浩;魏建荣;唐艳龙
7 利用花绒寄甲防治越冬后松褐天牛试验 期刊论文 张彦龙;杨忠岐;张翌楠;王小艺;吴成进;马生福;陆之贵
8 Morphology and ultrastructure of the surface of newly hatched larvae of Dastarcus helophoroides (Coleoptera: Bothrideridae) 期刊论文 Mi Feng;Sun Xiao;Chen Jingyuan;Wang Man-Qun
9 栗山天牛成虫补充营养方式及所取食的寄主树液中的主要化学成分 期刊论文 郑雅楠;唐艳龙;杨忠岐;唐桦
10 Structure-Based Analysis of the Ligand-Binding Mechanism for DhelOBP21, a C-minus Odorant Binding Protein, from Dastarcus helophoroides (Fairmaire; Coleoptera: Bothrideridae) 期刊论文 Li Dong-Zhen;Yu Guang-Qiang;Yi Shan-Cheng;Zhang Yinan;Kong De-Xin;Wang Man-Qun
11 一种生物防治松褐天牛有效控制松材线虫病的方法 专利 杨忠岐;唐艳龙;张彦龙;王小艺;高尚坤
12 花绒寄甲寄生松褐天牛的关键环境因子研究 期刊论文 唐艳龙;高尚坤;张彦龙;杨忠岐;路纪芳;展茂魁;王健
13 松褐天牛在马尾松树干上的分布规律 期刊论文 高尚坤;唐艳龙;张彦龙;杨忠岐;王小艺;路纪芳;王健;司徒春南;付甫永
14 A New Egg Parasitoid Species (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) of Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), With Notes on Its Biology 期刊论文 Yang Zhong-Qi;Cao Liang-Ming;Zhang Yan-Long;Wang Xiao-Yi;Zhan Mao-Kui
15 Effect of parasitoid density on the timing of parasitism and development duration of progeny in Sclerodermus pupariae (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) 期刊论文 Gao Shang-Kun;Wei Ke;Tang Yan-Long;Wang Xiao-Yi;Yang Zhong-Qi
16 Structural Transformation Detection Contributes to Screening of Behaviorally Active Compounds: Dynamic Binding Process Analysis of DhelOBP21 from Dastarcus helophoroides 期刊论文 Rui-Nan Yang;Dong-Zhen Li;Guangqiang Yu;Shan-Cheng Yi;Yinan Zhang;De-Xin Kong;Man-Qun Wang
17 利用管氏肿腿蜂防治松幽天牛幼虫试验 期刊论文 李登泰;何小丽;熊建宏;唐艳龙;高尚坤
18 Molecular Identification of Sibling Species of Sclerodermus (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) That Parasitize Buprestid and Cerambycid Beetles by Using Partial Sequences of Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit 1 and 28S Ribosomal RNA Gene 期刊论文 Jiang Yuan;Yang Zhongqi;Wang Xiaoyi;Hou Yuxia
19 Relationships between Body Size and Parasitic Fitness and Offspring Performance of Sclerodermus pupariae Yang et Yao (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) 期刊论文 Gao Shangkun;Tang Yanlong;Wei Ke;Wang Xiaoyi;Yang Zhongqi;Zhang Yanlong
20 Screening behaviorally active compounds based on fluorescencequenching in combination with binding mechanism analyses ofSspOBP7, an odorant binding protein from Sclerodermus sp. 期刊论文 Shi-Yu Yi;Dong-Zhen Li;Chang-Xiang Zhou;Yan-Long Tang;Hazem Elewa Abdelnabby;Man-Qun Wang
21 Analysis of chemosensory gene families in the beetle Monochamus alternatus and its parasitoid Dastarcus helophoroides 期刊论文 Wang Juan;Li Dong-Zhen;Min Shui-Fa;Mi Feng;Zhou Shuang-Shuang;Wang Man-Qun
22 Antennal Sensilla in the Parasitoid Sclerodermus sp (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) 期刊论文 Zhou Chang-Xiang;Sun Xiao;Mi Feng;Chen Jingyuan;Wang Man-Qun
23 Studies on pollution-free techniques to control Monochamus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) for suppression of pine wilt disease 会议论文 张彦龙;杨忠岐;王小艺
24 花绒寄甲在甘肃地区越冬情况和耐寒能力调查 期刊论文 魏可;张翌楠;杨忠岐;王小艺;韩玉英;刘毅;瞿明青
25 Analysis of antennal transcriptome and odorant binding protein expression profiles of the recently identified parasitoid wasp, Sclerodermus sp. 期刊论文 Zhou Chang-Xiang;Min Shui-Fa;Yan-LongTang;Wang Man-Qun
26 花绒寄甲松褐天牛生物型的越冬特性及耐寒性 期刊论文 高尚坤;张彦龙;唐艳龙;杨忠岐;王小艺;路纪芳;王健;司徒春南;付甫永
27 植物寄生线虫的化学趋性 期刊论文 郑雅楠;杨忠岐;王小艺;唐艳龙;张彦龙
28 几种肿腿蜂mtDNA COⅡ-COⅢ区域序列及分子系统进化分析 期刊论文 姜嫄;杨忠岐;王小艺;魏可;张翌楠;李志强;吴晓云