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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 一种分子磁性材料N乙基3吲哚三氟甲基β二酮铽配合物的制备方法 专利 董艳萍;田喜强;田军;赵东江;白晓波;马松艳;乔秀丽
2 萘咪唑类稀土配合物的晶体结构和荧光性质 期刊论文 郝文辉;邹晓艳;费博文;闫鹏飞;董艳萍;李光明
3 一种制备多孔材料的真空恒温控制装置 专利 田喜强;董艳萍
4 CoSe2 /rGO 复合物的水热法合成及其氧还原催化性能 期刊论文 马松艳;田喜强;迟彩霞;赵东江
5 Electron-donating effect dominated 5,6-dimethoxy-2-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)-1-indone dysprosium SMM 期刊论文 董艳萍;李伟佐;邹晓艳;侯广峰;李光明
6 Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetic Properties of a Three-Dimensional Cobalt Carboxylate Metal-Organic Framework 期刊论文 田喜强;董艳萍
7 新型N-乙基-3-吲哚三氟甲基β-二酮Dy( III)配合物的合成、结构及磁性 期刊论文 董艳萍;关遨坤;田喜强;赵东江;田军;白晓波
8 Asymmetry-unit-dominated double slow-relaxation modes of 2,6-dimethyl-3,5-heptanedione dysprosium SMMs 期刊论文 史超;聂荣;姚旭;范思琪;安光辉;董艳萍;李光明
9 Magnetism-Structures Relationship of 3,5-Heptanedione Dy(III) SMMs Based on the Nitrogen-Containing Auxiliary Ligand 期刊论文 董艳萍;范思琪;李光明
10 一种最大气泡法测定液体表面张力试验装置 专利 田喜强;董艳萍;赵东江;迟云超
11 Syntheses, structures, photoluminescence, and magnetism of a series of 3,5-di(3,4-dicarboxylphenyloxy)benzoate-based complexes tuned by N-donor co-ligands and transition metal ions 期刊论文 张巨文;李佳轩;任宇宁;满意;刘滨秋;董艳萍
12 Auxiliary Ligand Field Dominated Magnetic Properties of Mononuclear Dy(III) Ion Complexes Based on 3,5-Heptanedione 期刊论文 董艳萍;范思琪;姚旭;李静芳;李光明
13 一种水循环恒温抽滤瓶 专利 董艳萍;田喜强
14 1,3- 丙二胺缩水杨醛稀土配合物的合成及近红外性能研究 期刊论文 田喜强;田军;崔英姿;白晓波;赵东江;赵小宇
15 一种分子磁性材料苯甲酰丙酮Dy(III)配合物及其制备方法 专利 董艳萍;田喜强;黄守磊;孙红梅
16 A solvent-directed coordination polymer based on Co(II) and 3,5-bis(4-carboxyphenyl)pyridine: Synthesis, structure,photoluminescence, and magnetism 期刊论文 张巨文;张瑞嘉;任宇宁;李佳轩;刘滨秋;董艳萍
17 二苯甲酰甲烷铒β-二酮配合物的合成和晶体结构 期刊论文 董艳萍;田喜强;孙红梅;迟云超;崔英姿
18 1,2-环己二胺缩邻香兰素单核与四核镱稀土配合物的近红外性质 期刊论文 范仲天;高博;董艳萍;邹晓艳;李光明
19 β-二酮稀土配合物荧光及分子磁性 专著 董艳萍;田喜强;黄守磊
20 Syntheses, Structures, Photoluminescence, and Magnetism of a Series of Discrete Lanthanide Complexes based on 2,5-Dichlorobenzoate and 1,10-Phenanthroline 期刊论文 张巨文;满意;任宇宁;刘文华;刘滨秋;董艳萍
21 Syntheses, Structures, and Magnetic Properties of Two Series of 3d–4f Heterometallic Coordination Polymers Derived from Pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylic Acid 期刊论文 张巨文;任宇宁;李佳轩;刘滨秋;董艳萍
22 Syntheses and Properties of Three Types of 3,4-Dichlorobenzoate-based Ni(II)-Ln(III) Heterometallic Clusters 期刊论文 张巨文;刘文华;王岑如;徐爽;刘滨秋;董艳萍
23 一种用于超声清洗机的试管架 专利 董艳萍;田喜强
24 Near-infrared luminescent materials: From β-diketonate ytterbium complexes to β-diketonate-ytterbium-complex@PMMA thin film 期刊论文 范思琪;姚旭;李静芳;李伟佐;李光明
25 A Dy2 dimer derived from a two-dimensional network with a high Ueff value 期刊论文 张巨文;满意;刘文华;刘滨秋;董艳萍
26 Syntheses, structures, photoluminescence, and magnetism of a series of lanthanide 1,3-adamantanedicarboxylate coordination polymers 期刊论文 张巨文;李佳轩;蒋姚;刘滨秋;董艳萍
27 A new metal-organic framework constructed from Cu(II) and 3-bromo-5-(4-carboxyphenyl)pyridine: Synthesis, structure, photoluminescent and magnetic properties 期刊论文 张巨文;张瑞嘉;满意;刘滨秋;董艳萍
28 Syntheses, structures, photoluminescent and magnetic properties of pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylate-based cadmium-lanthanide/lanthanide coordination polymers tuned by CdII 期刊论文 张巨文;满意;任宇宁;刘文华;刘滨秋;董艳萍
29 Two types of three-dimensional copper-lanthanide pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylate coordination polymers from one-pot reaction 期刊论文 田喜强;刘颖;董艳萍