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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus plakortidis P203T (DSM 19153), an Alkali- and Salt-Tolerant Marine Bacterium. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Ge Cibin;Xiao Rongfeng;Zheng Xuefang;Shi Huai
2 Bacillus mesophilus sp nov., an alginate-degrading bacterium isolated from a soil sample collected from an abandoned marine solar saltern 期刊论文 Zhou Yan-Xia;Liu Guo-Hong;Liu Bo;Chen Guan-Jun;Du Zong-Jun
3 短短芽胞杆菌产抗菌物质——羟苯乙酯发酵培养基的优化 期刊论文 车建美;刘波;陈冰冰;刘国红;葛慈斌;蓝江林
4 Bacillus bingmayongensis sp. nov., isolated from the pit soil of Emperor Qin‘s Terracotta Warriors in China 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guo-Hong;Hu Gui-Ping;Sengonca C;Lin Nai-Quan;Tang Jian-Yang;Tang Wei-QI;Lin Ying-Zhi
5 茉莉鲜花[Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton]香气成分研究 期刊论文 陈梅春;朱育菁;刘晓港;陈峥;刘波
6 短短芽胞杆菌FJAT-0809-GLX对番茄促长作用的研究 期刊论文 车建美;刘波;郭慧慧;刘国红;葛慈斌;刘丹莹
7 产挥发性物质芽胞杆菌对枇杷炭疽病菌的抑制作用及其鉴定 期刊论文 车建美;郭慧慧;刘波;葛慈斌;刘国红;刘丹莹;唐建阳
8 微生物发酵床大栏养猪垫料中曲霉菌的分离与鉴定 期刊论文 肖荣凤;朱育菁;刘波;潘志针;刘国红;刘芸
9 Identificationof ethylparaben as the antimicrobial substance produced by Brevibacillus brevis FJAT-0809-GLX 期刊论文 Che Jianmei;Liu Bo;Chen Zheng;Shi Huai;Liu Guohong;Ge Cibin
10 High-Quality Genome Sequence of Bacillus vireti DSM 15602T for Setting Up Phylogenomics for the Genomic Taxonomy of Bacillus-Like Bacteria. 期刊论文 Liu Guohong;Liu Bo;Wang Jieping;Che Jianmei;Chen Qianqian;Chen Zheng
11 养猪污染治理异位微生物发酵床的设计与应用 期刊论文 刘波;戴文霄;余文权;蓝江林;陈倩倩;王阶平;黄勤楼;陈华;陈峥;朱育菁;潘志针
12 茉莉红茶特征风味成分研究 期刊论文 刘晓港;陈梅春;朱育菁;张海峰;刘波
13 青枯病植物疫苗对番茄根系土壤微生物群落结构的影响 期刊论文 郑雪芳;刘波;朱育菁
14 芽胞杆菌来源尼日利亚菌素的检测与分析 期刊论文 朱育菁;刘波;郑梅霞;陈峥;史怀
15 短短芽胞杆菌FJAT-0809-GLX几丁质酶基因(chiD)的克隆与原核表达 期刊论文 黄丹丹;车建美;刘波;陈庆河
16 不同致病性青枯雷尔氏菌诱导番茄代谢产物的异质性研究 期刊论文 郑雪芳;刘波;朱育菁;陈峥;史怀
17 基于液相色谱/四极杆飞行时间质谱的产非蛋白质氨基酸-今可豆氨酸芽胞杆菌筛选 期刊论文 陈峥;刘波;朱育菁;郑梅霞;张连宝;刘国红;潘志针
18 金线莲根部内生菌多样性宏基因组的分析 期刊论文 陈倩倩;刘波;关雄;唐建阳
19 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus shackletonii LMG 18435T, Isolated from Volcanic Mossy Soil. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Ge Cibin;Xiao Rongfeng;Zheng Xuefang;Shi Huai
20 尖孢镰刀菌致病性菌株遗传多样性的ISSR分析 期刊论文 肖荣凤;陈燕萍;朱育菁;詹洪;刘波;葛慈斌
21 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus cecembensis PN5T (DSM 21993), a Psychrotolerant Bacterium Isolated from Soil Samples near the Pindari Glacier. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Ge Cibin;Chen Qianqian;Che Jianmei;Chen Deju
22 玉米根际土壤芽胞杆菌的多样性 期刊论文 刘国红;朱育菁;刘波;车建美;唐建阳;潘志针;陈泽辉
23 Genome Sequence of Type Strain Bacillus decisifrondis E5HC-32T (DSM 11725T), Isolated from Soil Underlying the Decaying Leaf Litter of a Slash Pine Forest. 期刊论文 Liu Guohong;Liu Bo;Wang Jieping;Chen Qianqian;Che Jianmei;Zheng Xuefang;Ge Cibin
24 Bacillus taiwanensis sp. nov., isolated from a soil sample from Taiwan 期刊论文 Liu B;Liu GH;Sengonca C;Schumann P;Che JM;Zhu YJ;Wang JP
25 芽胞杆菌系统分类研究最新进展 期刊论文 王阶平;刘波;刘国红;喻子牛;陶天申
26 酸碱条件对枯草芽胞杆菌FJAT-14254代谢物产生的影响. 期刊论文 陈峥;刘波;张连宝;潘志针;黄盛芳;刘国红;朱育菁
27 番茄青枯病植物疫苗胶悬菌剂的制备及其对病害的防治效果 期刊论文 郑雪芳;朱育菁;刘波;葛慈斌
28 美洲大蠊内生菌的分离鉴定及酶活性、抑菌作用测定 期刊论文 阮传清;刘波;吴珍泉;苏明星;蔡怀锦;李涛
29 利用响应面法优化非致病性尖孢镰刀菌FJAT-9290固体发酵培养基 期刊论文 肖荣凤;郑梅霞;刘波;陈燕萍;朱育菁;葛慈斌
30 基于云服务的食用菌工厂化安全生产管理与质量溯源系统开发 期刊论文 邱荣洲;林营志;陈宏;池美香;赵健
31 Bacillus loiseleuriae sp nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil from a loiseleuria plant 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guo-Hong;Zhu Yu-Jing;Wang Jie-Ping;Che Jian-Mei;Chen Qian-Qian;Chen Zheng
32 利用物质组学方法筛选产游离油酸的芽胞杆菌菌株 期刊论文 肖通奋;王阶平;刘波;陈峥;刘国红;陈倩倩;车建美;葛慈斌
33 Genome Sequence of Virgibacillus pantothenticus DSM 26T (ATCC 14576), a Mesophilic and Halotolerant Bacterium Isolated from Soil. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Chen Deju;Zhu Yujing;Chen Zheng;Che Jianmei
34 Draft Genome Sequence of Sporosarcina globispora W 25T (DSM 4), a Psychrophilic Bacterium Isolated from Soil and River Water. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Xiao Rongfeng;Zheng Xuefang;Shi Huai;Ge Cibin
35 Bacillus wuyishanensis sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of a medical plant, Prunella vulgaris 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Sengonca Cetin;Schumann Peter;Che Jianmei;Zhu Yujing;Wang Jieping
36 High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Aneurinibacillus migulanus ATCC 9999T (DSM 2895), a Gramicidin S-Producing Bacterium Isolated from Garden Soil. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Ge Cibin;Xiao Rongfeng;Zheng Xuefang;Shi Huai
37 Bacillus cihuensis sp nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of a plant in the Cihu area of Taiwan 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guo-Hong;Sengonca Cetin;Schumann Peter;Wang Ming-Kuang;Tang Jian-Yang;Chen Mei-Chun
38 Diversity and dynamics of the bacterial community involved in pig manure biodegradation in a microbial fermentation bed system 期刊论文 Chen Qianqian;Liu Bo;Wang Jieping;Che Jianmei;Liu Guohong;Guan Xiong
39 基于SPME-GC-MS的四季桂花和枝叶挥发性物质测定 期刊论文 张海峰;陈梅春;刘波;朱育菁;潘志针;陈峥;郑梅霞
40 超声波辅助提取蒜苔中总黄酮工艺的响应面优化 期刊论文 郑梅霞;朱育菁;刘波;陈峥;黄素芳;阮传清;刘欣
41 Characterization of a new cry2Ab gene of Bacillus thuringiensis with high insecticidal activity against Plutella xylostella L. 期刊论文 Pan Zhizhen;Xu Lian;Zhu Yujing;Shi Huai;Chen Zheng;Chen Meichun;Chen Qingxi;Liu Bo
42 液相色谱/四极杆飞行时间串联质谱筛选产β-丙氨酸甜菜碱芽胞杆菌 期刊论文 葛慈斌;刘波;陈峥;朱育菁;潘志针
43 Genome Sequence of Paenibacillus sp. Strain FJAT-28004 for the Genome Sequencing Project for Genomic Taxonomy and Phylogenomics of Bacillus-Like Bacteria. 期刊论文 Liu Guohong;Liu Bo;Wang Jieping;Che Jianmei;Zhu Yujing;Chen Qianqian;Ruan Chuanqing
44 产鸭嘴花酚碱芽胞杆菌的筛选 期刊论文 郑梅霞;陈峥;刘波;朱育菁;潘志针;史怀
45 Bacillus mesonae sp. nov., isolated from Mesona chinensis root. 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guo-Hong;Hu Gui-Hing;Chen Mei-Chun
46 Bacillus bingmayongensis sp nov., isolated from the pit soil of Emperor Qin's Terra-cotta warriors in China 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guo-Hong;Hu Gui-Ping;Cetin Sengonca;Lin Nai-Quan;Tang Jian-Yang;Tang Wei-Qi;Lin Ying-Zhi
47 Bacillus wudalianchiensis sp nov., isolated from grass soils of the Wudalianchi scenic area 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guo-Hong;Sengonca Cetin;Schumann Peter;Wang Jie-Ping;Zhu Yu-Jing;Zhang Hai-Feng
48 Genome Sequence of Bacillus butanolivorans K9T (DSM 18926), an n-Butanol-Consuming Bacterium Isolated from Soil. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Chen Deju;Xiao Rongfeng;Zheng Xuefang;Shi Huai;Ge Cibin
49 基于脂肪酸生物标记芽胞杆菌属种类的系统发育 期刊论文 刘波;刘国红;林乃铨
50 Rapid differentiation of Ralstonia solanacearum avirulent and virulent strains by cell fractioning of an isolate using high performance liquid chromatography 期刊论文 Xuefang Zheng;Yujing Zhu;Bo Liu;Qian Yu;Naiquan Lin
51 Genome Sequence of Brevibacillus reuszeri NRRL NRS-1206T, an l-N-Carbamoylase-Producing Bacillus-Like Bacterium. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Chen Deju;Ge Cibin;Chen Zheng;Che Jianmei
52 仙草植物内生芽胞杆菌种群多样性研究 期刊论文 刘国红;刘波;车建美;唐建阳;葛慈斌
53 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus muralis LMG 20238T (DSM 16288), a Spore-Forming Bacterium Isolated from Deteriorated Mural Paintings. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Chen Qianqian;Pan Zhizhen;Zheng Xuefang;Chen Meichun
54 Bacillus cihuensis sp. nov., isolated from a plant rhizosphere soil in the Cihu area of Taiwan 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guo-Hong;Sengonca C;Schumann P;Wang Ming-Kuang;Tang Jian-Yang;Chen Mei-Chun
55 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus marisflavi TF-11T (JCM 11544), a Carotenoid-Producing Bacterium Isolated from Seawater from a Tidal Flat in the Yellow Sea. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Chen Deju;Chen Qianqian;Zhu Yujing;Chen Zheng;Che Jianmei
56 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus humi LMG 22167T (DSM 16318), an Endospore-Forming Bacterium Isolated from Soil. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Pan Zhizhen;Xiao Rongfeng;Chen Meichun;Chen Deju
57 福建芽胞杆菌资源保藏中心的建设与管理 期刊论文 朱育菁;刘波;陈峥;王阶平;葛慈斌;刘国红;林营志
58 Genome Sequence of Anaerobacillus macyae JMM-4T (DSM 16346), the First Genomic Information of the Newly Established Genus Anaerobacillus. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Ge Cibin;Chen Qianqian;Zhu Yujing;Chen Zheng
59 Draft Genome Sequence of Type Strain Lysinibacillus xylanilyticus DSM 23493T. 期刊论文 Liu Guohong;Liu Bo;Wang Jieping;Che Jianmei;Zheng Xuefang;Chen Qianqian;Ge Cibin
60 青海可可西里嗜碱芽胞杆菌资源调查 期刊论文 王小英;刘国红;刘波;阮传清;陈峥
61 西藏羌塘高原芽胞杆菌资源的收集与保存 期刊论文 陈峥;刘波;朱育菁;潘志针;刘欣;刘丹莹
62 Genome Sequence of Type Strain Lysinibacillus macroides DSM 54T. 期刊论文 Liu Guohong;Liu Bo;Wang Jieping;Che Jianmei;Chen Qianqian;Chen Zheng;Ge Cibin
63 Draft Genome Sequence of Brevibacillus choshinensis HPD52T (DSM 8552), a Bacterial Host for Efficient Expression of Heterologous Proteins. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Che Jianmei;Chen Zheng;Chen Meichun;Shi Huai
64 武夷山自然保护区土壤可培养芽胞杆菌的物种多样性及分布 期刊论文 葛慈斌;郑榕;刘波;刘国红;车建美;唐建阳
65 液相色谱/四极杆飞行时间质谱法筛选产组胺H_3受体激动剂伊默匹泊的芽胞杆菌 期刊论文 郑梅霞;朱育菁;陈梅春;陈峥;刘波
66 High-quality genome sequence of Bacillus vireti DSM 15602t for setting up phylogenomics for thegenomic taxonomy of bacillus-like bacteria 期刊论文 Liu GH;Liu B;Wang JP;Che JM;Chen QQ;Chen Z
67 仙草植物内生芽胞杆菌种群多样性研究 期刊论文 刘国红;刘波;车建美;唐建阳;葛慈斌
68 产挥发性物质芽胞杆菌对枇杷炭疽病菌的抑制作用及其鉴定 期刊论文 车建美;郭慧慧;刘波;葛慈斌;刘国红;刘丹莹;唐建阳
69 产挥发性物质芽胞杆菌对枇杷炭疽病菌的抑制作用及其鉴定 期刊论文 车建美;郭慧慧;刘波;葛慈斌;刘国红;刘丹莹;唐建阳
70 玉米根际土壤芽胞杆菌的多样性 期刊论文 刘国红;朱育菁;刘波;车建美;唐建阳;潘志针;陈泽辉
71 Bacillus solani sp. nov. , isolated from rhizosphere soil of potato field in Xinjiang of China. 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Sengonca Cetin;Schumann Peter;Ge Cibin;Wang Jieping;Cui Weidong;Lin Naiquan
72 武夷山地衣表生和内生芽孢杆菌种群的多样性 期刊论文 葛慈斌;刘波;车建美;陈梅春;刘国红;魏江春
73 陕北土壤芽胞杆菌种类分布多样性研究 期刊论文 郑梅霞;刘波;葛慈斌;车建美;刘国红;郑榕;唐建阳;朱育菁;刘丹莹
74 Bacillus gobiensis sp. nov., isolated from a soil sample. 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Sengonca Cetin;Schumann Peter;Pan Zhizhen;Chen Qianqian
75 基于LC-MS技术高通量筛选产Cardiogenol C的芽胞杆菌 期刊论文 潘志针;刘波;陈峥;朱育菁
76 地毯草黄单胞菌发酵生产黄原胶工艺条件优化 期刊论文 郑梅霞;朱育菁;刘波;黄素芳;陈峥;张连宝
77 Effectsof Brevibacillus brevis FJAT-1501-BPAon growth performance, faecal microflora, faecal enzyme activities and bloodparameters of weaned piglets 期刊论文 Che Jianmei;Ye Shaowen;Liu Bo;Deng Yuanyuan;Chen Qianqian;Ge Cibin;Liu Guohong;Wang Jieping
78 芽胞杆菌属及其近缘属种名目录 期刊论文 刘波;王阶平;陶天申;喻子牛
79 短短芽胞杆菌FJAT-0809-GLX几丁质酶基因(chiD)的克隆与原核表达 期刊论文 黄丹丹;车建美;刘波;陈庆河
80 Genome sequence of Bacillus sp. strain FJAT-14515 期刊论文 Liu Guo-Hong;Liu Bo;Tang Wei-Qi;Che Jian-Mei;Lin Ying-Zhi;Zhu Yu-Jing;Su Ming-Xing;Tang Jian-Yang
81 Bacillus gobiensis sp nov., isolated from a soil sample 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guo-Hong;Cetin Sengonca;Schumann Peter;Pan Zhi-Zhen;Chen Qian-Qian
82 固相微萃取结合GC-MS分析黄原胶挥发性成分研究 期刊论文 郑梅霞;朱育菁;陈峥;刘波
83 微生物发酵床大栏猪舍环境监控系统设计 期刊论文 刘波;郑回勇;林营志;刘生兵;郑鸿艺;尤春中;史怀;蓝江林;李兆龙;唐建阳;黄勤楼
84 芽胞杆菌属及其近缘属种名目录 期刊论文 刘波;王阶平;喻子牛;陶天申
85 Identification of ethylparaben as the antimicrobial substance produced by Brevibacillus brevis FJAT-0809-GLX. 期刊论文 Che Jianmei;Liu Bo;Chen Zheng;Shi Huai;Liu Guohong;Ge Cibin
86 Heterologous expression of VHb can improve the yield and quality of biocontrol fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus, during submerged fermentation 期刊论文 Zhang Shumeng;Wang Jieping;Wei Yale;Tang Qing;Maria Kanwal Ali;He Jin
87 Genome Sequence of Brevibacillus formosus F12T for a Genome-Sequencing Project for Genomic Taxonomy and Phylogenomics of Bacillus-Like Bacteria. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Chen Qianqian;Zhu Yujing;Chen Zheng;Che Jianmei
88 微生物发酵床养猪垫料配制黄瓜育苗基质研究 期刊论文 陈燕萍;朱育菁;肖荣凤;刘波
89 芽胞杆菌FJAT-28592抗真菌脂肽的研究 期刊论文 陈倩倩;刘波;王阶平;车建美;刘国红;龚海艳;关雄
90 冷浸田地下水位与农田小气候生境特征研究 期刊论文 王飞;李清华;林营志;林诚;林新坚;刘玉洁
91 Genome sequence of Anaerobacillus macyae JMM-4T (DSM16346), the first genomic Information of the newly established genusAnaerobacillus 期刊论文 Wang JP;Liu B;Liu GH;Ge CB;Chen QQ;Zhu YJ;Chen Z
92 动物益生菌短短芽胞杆菌FJAT-1501-BPA制剂的制备及其益生特性评价 期刊论文 车建美;刘波;刘国红;陈倩倩;葛慈斌;蓝江林;叶少文
93 液相色谱-四级杆飞行时间质谱筛选代谢对羟基苯乙酮的芽胞杆菌 期刊论文 陈峥;刘波;朱育菁;刘晓港;潘志针
94 Bacillus gobiensis sp. nov., isolated from a soil sample. 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Cetin Sengonca;Schumann Peter;Pan Zhizhen;Chen Qianqian
95 吉氏芽胞杆菌来源来氟米特分析与检测 期刊论文 陈峥;刘波;朱育菁;潘志针
96 Bacillus praedii sp nov., isolated from purplish paddy soil 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guo-Hong;Sengonca Cetin;Schumann Peter;Wang Jie-Ping;Zhu Yu-Jing;Liu Qin-Ying;Wang Ming-Kuang
97 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus murimartini LMG 21005T, an Alkalitolerant Bacterium Isolated from a Church Wall Mural in Germany. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Xiao Rongfeng;Zheng Xuefang;Shi Huai;Ge Cibin
98 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus sp. FJAT-27238 for Setting up Phylogenomic Analysis of Genomic Taxonomy of Bacillus-Like Bacteria. 期刊论文 Liu Guohong;Liu Bo;Wang Jieping;Che Jianmei;Chen Qianqian;Zhu Yujing
99 不同年份陈年普洱茶中芽胞杆菌的多样性 期刊论文 葛慈斌;刘波;陈梅春;朱育菁;刘国红;王阶平
100 液相色谱/四级杆飞行时间质谱分析烟酸芽胞杆菌发酵产物苯乳酸 期刊论文 朱育菁;刘波;郑梅霞;陈峥
101 养猪微生物发酵床芽胞杆菌空间分布多样性 期刊论文 刘国红;刘波;王阶平;朱育菁;车建美;陈倩倩;陈峥
102 Isolation, identification and cyfluthrin-degrading potential of a novel Lysinibacillus sphaericus strain, FLQ-11-1 期刊论文 Gui Ping Hu;Yan Zhao;Feng Qing Song;Bo Liu;Liette Vasseur;Carl Douglas;Min Sheng You
103 Biocontrol of Lasiodiplodia theobromae, which causes black spot disease of harvested wax apple fruit, using a strain of Brevibacillus brevis FJAT-0809-GLX 期刊论文 Jianmei Che;Bo Liu;Chuanqing Ruan;Jianyang Tang;Dandan Huang
104 微生物发酵床猪舍不同发酵等级垫料中大肠杆菌的分离鉴定 期刊论文 陈倩倩;刘波;王阶平;刘国红;车建美;陈峥;唐建阳
105 陕北土壤芽胞杆菌种类分布多样性研究 期刊论文 郑梅霞;刘波;葛慈斌;车建美;刘国红;郑榕;唐建阳;朱育菁;刘丹莹
106 Phenolic compounds and the biological effects of Pu-erh teas with long-term storage 期刊论文 Chen Meichun;Zhu Yujing;Zhang Haifeng;Wang Jieping;Liu Xiaogang;Chen Zheng;Zheng Meixia;Liu Bo
107 武夷山地衣表生和内生芽孢杆菌种群的多样性 期刊论文 葛慈斌;刘波;车建美;陈梅春;刘国红;魏江春
108 基于发酵床养猪垫料的地衣芽胞杆菌FJAT-4固态发酵培养条件的优化 期刊论文 陈燕萍;肖荣凤;刘波;史怀;唐建阳;朱育菁
109 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus pseudalcaliphilus PN-137T (DSM 8725), an Alkaliphilic Halotolerant Bacterium Isolated from Garden Soils. 期刊论文 Wang Jieping;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Xiao Rongfeng;Zheng Xuefang;Shi Huai;Ge Cibin
110 液相色谱-四极杆飞行时间质谱法筛选产来氟米特芽胞杆菌菌株 期刊论文 陈峥;刘波;朱育菁;潘志针
111 Changes in the volatiles, chemical components, and antioxidant activities of Chinese jasmine tea during the scenting processes 期刊论文 Chen Meichun;Zhu Yujing;Liu Bo;Chen Zheng;Zheng Jiangmin;Guan Mindan;Shi Huai;Wang Yanna;Yang Wenwen
112 Genome sequence of Brevibacillusformosus F12T for a genome-sequencing project for genomic taxonomy andphylogenomics of bacillus-like bacteria 期刊论文 Wang JP;Liu B;Liu GH;Chen QQ;Zhu YJ;Chen Z;Che JM
113 基于液相色谱-四极杆飞行时间质谱产莫能菌素芽胞杆菌筛选 期刊论文 朱育菁;陈峥;刘波;刘国红;郑梅霞;史怀;潘志针
114 新疆伊犁马铃薯根际芽胞杆菌纯培养多样性 期刊论文 刘国红;刘波;车建美;陈倩倩;林乃铨;崔卫东
115 Bacillus taiwanensis sp. nov., isolated from a soil sample from Taiwan 期刊论文 Liu B;Liu GH;Sengonca C;Schumann P;Wang KM;Xiao RX;Zheng XF;Chen Z
116 Antifungal Lipopeptides Produced by Bacillus sp FJAT-14262 Isolated from Rhizosphere Soil of the Medicinal Plant Anoectochilus roxburghii 期刊论文 Chen Qianqian;Liu Bo;Wang Jieping;Che Jianmei;Liu Guohong;Guan Xiong
117 台湾地区芽胞杆菌物种多样性 期刊论文 刘国红;刘波;朱育菁;车建美;葛慈斌;苏明星;唐建阳
118 养猪发酵床微生物宏基因组基本分析方法 期刊论文 刘波;王阶平;陈倩倩;刘国红;车建美;陈德局;郑雪芳;葛慈斌
119 番茄青枯病植物疫苗胶悬剂保存特性的研究 期刊论文 代升飞;郑雪芳;刘波;葛慈斌
120 苏云金芽胞杆菌挥发性物质的测定 期刊论文 郑梅霞;潘志针;刘波;陈峥;车建美;唐建阳;朱育菁;陈梅春
121 Bacillus solani sp nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of a potato field 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guo-Hong;Sengonca Cetin;Schumann Peter;Ge Ci-Bin;Wang Jie-Ping;Cui Wei-Dong;Lin Nai-Quan
122 液相色谱-四级杆飞行时间质谱筛选代谢对羟基苯乙酮的芽胞杆菌 期刊论文 陈峥;刘波;朱育菁;刘晓港;潘志针
123 基于GC/MS对1株芽孢杆菌FJAT-13831的鉴定 期刊论文 刘国红;刘波;林乃铨;陈峥
124 短短芽胞杆菌FJAT-0809-GLX对番茄促长作用的研究 期刊论文 车建美;刘波;郭慧慧;刘国红;葛慈斌;刘丹莹
125 一株产低温蛋白酶芽胞杆菌FJAT-24893的筛选与鉴定 期刊论文 刘国红;刘波;陈峥;蓝江林;车建美;陈倩倩;李安琪
126 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus fengqiuensis FJAT-14578, isolated from the soil sample in China 期刊论文 Liu Guo-Hong;Liu Bo;Tang Jian-Yang;Che Jian-Mei;Zhu Yu-Jing;Su Ming-Xing;Wang Jie-Ping;Chen Qian-Qian
127 Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus tequilensis Strain FJAT-14262a. 期刊论文 Chen Qianqian;Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Wang Jieping;Che Jianmei
128 青海茶卡盐湖嗜盐碱芽胞杆菌资源分析 期刊论文 王小英;刘国红;刘波;陈峥;潘志针;朱育菁;王阶平;唐建阳
129 Bacillus solani sp. nov., isolated from rhizosphere soil of a potatofield 期刊论文 Liu Bo;Liu Guohong;Sengonca Cetin;Schumann Peter;Ge Cibin;Wang Jieping;Cui Weidong