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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The influences of ammonia on aerosol formation in the ozonolysis of styrene: roles of Criegee intermediate reactions 期刊论文 Ma Qiao;Lin Xiaoxiao;Yang Chenggiang;Long Bo;Gai Yanbo;Zhang Weijun
2 Kinetic and mechanistic study on gas phase reactions of ozone with a series of cis-3-hexenyl esters 期刊论文 Zhang Qilei;Lin Xiaoxiao;Gai Yanbo;Ma Qiao;Zhao Weixiong;Fang Bo;Long Bo;Zhang Weijun
3 Trifluoroacetaldehyde aminolysis catalyzed by a single water molecule: An important sink pathway for trifluoroacetaldehyde and a potential pathway for secondary organic aerosol growth 期刊论文 Ze-Gang Dong;Fang Xu;Ellen Mitchell;Bo Long
4 Kinetics of the Strongly Correlated CH3O + O-2 Reaction: The Importance of Quadruple Excitations in Atmospheric and Combustion Chemistry 期刊论文 Long Bo;Bao Junwei Lucas;Truhlar Donald G
5 New Mechanistic Pathways for the Reactions of Formaldehyde with Formic Acid Catalyzed by Sulfuric Acid and Formaldehyde with Sulfuric Acid Catalyzed by Formic Acid: Formation of Potential Secondary Organic Aerosol Precursors 期刊论文 Ji-Yu Liu;Zheng-Wen Long;Ellen Mitchell;Bo Long
6 The energetics and kinetics of the CH 3 CHO + (CH 3 ) 2 NH/CH 3 NH 2 reactions catalyzed by a single water molecule in the atmosphere 期刊论文 Ze Gang Dong;Fang Xu;Bo Long
7 第十五届贵州省青年科技奖 奖励 龙波
8 Hydrolysis of Formyl Fluoride Catalyzed by Sulfuric Acid and Formic Acid in the Atmosphere 期刊论文 Zhang Lin;Long Bo
9 Atmospheric Kinetics: Bimolecular Reactions of Carbonyl Oxide by a Triple-Level Strategy 期刊论文 Bo Long;Ying Wang;Yu Xia;Xiao He;Junwei Lucas Bao;Donald G. Truhlar
10 Hydrolysis of ketene catalysed by nitric acid and water in the atmosphere 期刊论文 Xu Fang;Xing-Feng Tan;Ze-Gang Dong;Da-Sen Ren;Bo Long
11 Atmospheric chemistry of CH3O: its unimolecular reaction and reactions with H2O, NH3, and HF 期刊论文 Wei Mei-Ling;Tan Xing-Feng;Long Zheng-Wen;Long Bo
12 New mechanistic pathways for the formation of organosulfates catalyzed by ammonia and carbinolamine formation catalyzed by sulfuric acid in the atmosphere 期刊论文 Tan Xing-Feng;Zhang Lin;Long Bo
13 Atmospheric chemistry of CH3CHO: the hydrolysis of CH3CHO catalyzed by H2SO4 期刊论文 Tan Xing-Feng;Long Bo;Ren Da-Sen;Zhang Wei-Jun;Long Zheng-Wen;Mitchell Ellen
14 Rapid unimolecular reaction of stabilized Criegee intermediates and implications for atmospheric chemistry 期刊论文 Long Bo;Bao Junwei Lucas;Truhlar Donald G.
15 Unimolecular reaction of acetone oxide and its reaction with water in the atmosphere 期刊论文 Long Bo;Bao Junwei Lucas;Truhlar Donald G