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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Exceptional points and dynamics of a non-Hermitian two-level system without PT symmetry 期刊论文 Qiu Wang;Jiao Wang;H. Z. Shen;S. C. Hou;X. X. Yi
2 Controllable scattering of a single photon inside a one-dimensional coupled resonator waveguide with second-order nonlinearity 期刊论文 Y. H. Zhou;X. Y. Zhang;Dan Dan Zou;Qi-Cheng Wu;Biao Liang Ye;Y. L. Fang;H. Z. Shen;Chui-Ping Yang
3 Current in an open tight-binding system 期刊论文 Shuang Xu;H. Z. Shen;X. X. Yi
4 Unconventional photon blockade from bimodal driving and dissipations in coupled semiconductor microcavities 期刊论文 H. Z. Shen;Shuang Xu;Y. H. Zhou;Gangcheng Wang;X. X. Yi
5 Controllable dissipation of a qubit coupled to an engineering reservoir 期刊论文 H. Z. Shen;Shuang Xu;Su Yi;X. X. Yi
6 Non-Markovian quantum Brownian motion in one dimension in electric fields 期刊论文 H. Z. Shen;S. L. Su;Y. H. Zhou;X. X. Yi
7 System susceptibility and bound-states in structured reservoirs 期刊论文 H. Z. Shen;Shuang Xu;Y. H. Zhou;X. X. Yi
8 Nonreciprocity in a strongly coupled three-mode optomechanical circulatory system 期刊论文 Cheng Shang;H. Z. Shen;X. X. Yi
9 Bound state and localization of excitation in many-body open systems 期刊论文 H. T. Cui;H. Z. Shen;S. C. Hou;X. X. Yi
10 Nonreciprocal conventional photon blockade in driven dissipative atom-cavity 期刊论文 W. S. Xue;H. Z. Shen;X. X. Yi
11 Readout of the spectral density of an environment from the dynamics of an open system 期刊论文 Shuang Xu;H. Z. Shen;X. X. Yi;W. Wang
12 Second-order Nonlinearity Induced Unconventional Photon Blockade 期刊论文 Y. H. Zhou;Qi-Cheng Wu;Biaoliang Ye;Liyuan Xue;H. Z. Shen
13 Zero eigenvalues of a photon blockade induced by a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian with a gain cavity 期刊论文 Y. H. Zhou;H. Z. Shen;X. Y. Zhang;X. X. Yi
14 Master equation for open two-band systems and its applications to Hall conductance 期刊论文 H. Z. Shen;S. S. Zhang;C. M. Dai;X. X. Yi
15 One-step construction of the multiple-qubit Rydberg controlled-PHASE gate 期刊论文 S. L. Su;H. Z. Shen;Erjun Liang;Shou Zhang
16 Non-Markovian dynamics of a system of two-level atoms coupled to a structured environment 期刊论文 H. Z. Shen;S. Xu;H. T. Cui;X. X. Yi
17 Conventional photon blockade with a three-wave mixing 期刊论文 Y. H. Zhou;X. Y. Zhang;Q. C. Wu;B. L. Ye;Zhi-Qiang Zhang;D. D. Zou;H. Z. Shen;Chui-Ping Yang
18 Optically tunable spin texture of the surface state for Bi2Se3 and SmB6 topological insulators 期刊论文 Y. F. Peng;C. M. Dai;H. Z. Shen;X. X. Yi
19 Linear response theory for periodically driven systems with non-Markovian effects 期刊论文 H. Z. Shen;Shuang Xu;Hong Li;S. L. Wu;X. X. Yi
20 Controlled state transfer in a Heisenberg spin chain by periodic drives 期刊论文 H. J. Shan;C. M. Dai;H. Z. Shen;X. X. Yi
21 Demultiplexing of photonic temporal modes by a linear system 期刊论文 Shuang Xu;H. Z. Shen;X. X. Yi
22 Unconventional single-photon blockade in non-Markovian systems 期刊论文 H. Z. Shen;Cheng Shang;Y. H. Zhou;X. X. Yi
23 Optical-assisted Photon Blockade in a Cavity System via Parametric Interactions 期刊论文 H. Y. Sun;Cheng Shang;X. X. Luo;Y. H. Zhou;H. Z. Shen
24 Quantum Optical Switching Based on Local Single-excitation Resonance 期刊论文 D. D. Zou;X. Y. Zhang;Q. C. Wu;B. L. Ye;J. H. Teng;D. W. Zhang;H. Z. Shen;Y. H. Zhou;Chui-Ping Yang
25 Nonreciprocal unconventional photon blockade in a driven dissipative cavity with parametric amplification 期刊论文 H. Z. Shen;Q. Wang;J. Wang;X. X. Yi