
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The restoration feasibility of degraded Carex tussock in soda-salinization area in arid region 期刊论文 王雪宏;张冬杰;齐清;佟守正;安雨;吕宪国;刘言
2 Effect of priming on Carex schmidtii seed germination and seedling growth: Implications for tussock wetland restoration 期刊论文 张洺也;齐清;张冬杰;佟守正;王雪宏;安雨;吕宪国
3 Effects of melatonin priming on Suaeda corniculata seed germination, antioxidant defense, and reserve mobilization: Implications for salinized wetland restoration 期刊论文 张洺也;刘姝辰;佟守正;张冬杰;齐清;王延吉;王雪宏;安雨;吕宪国
4 人工恢复与自然恢复模式下苔草草丘生态特征比较 期刊论文 齐清;刘晓伟;佟守正;张冬杰;张洺也;安雨;王雪宏
5 Hydrological and microtopographic effects on community ecological characteristics of Carex schmidtii tussock wetland 期刊论文 齐清;张冬杰;张洺也;佟守正;安雨;王雪宏;朱光磊
6 测定湿地不同土层枯落物分解速率的装置 专利 齐清;佟守正;张洺也;张冬杰;张旸;安雨;刘言
7 一种便携式样框及其在调查湿地草本植被中的应用 专利 张洺也;佟守正;张冬杰;齐清;安雨;刘言;崔庚;宋铁军;朱光磊
8 一种利用芦苇茎秆无性繁殖恢复退化湿地植被的方法 专利 张洺也;佟守正;张冬杰;齐清;安雨;刘言;崔庚;宋铁军
9 一种用于苔草草丘湿地种子雨的收集装置 专利 张洺也;佟守正;齐清;安雨;刘言;崔庚;宋铁军;朱光磊
10 Effects of drought and re-flooding on growth and photosynthesis of Carex schmidtii meinsh: Implication for tussock restoration 期刊论文 张冬杰;佟守正;齐清;张洺也;安雨;王雪宏;吕宪国
11 Effect of hydrological fluctuation on nutrient stoichiometry and trade-offs of Carex schmidtii 期刊论文 张冬杰;齐清;佟守正;Wang Jim;张洺也;朱光磊;吕宪国
12 Evolution of potential spatial distribution patterns of Carex tussock wetlands under climate change scenarios, Northeast China 期刊论文 齐清;张洺也;佟守正;刘言;朱光磊;吕宪国;张冬杰
13 Physiological responses of Carex schmidtii meinsh to alternating flooding-drought conditions in the Momoge wetland, northeast China 期刊论文 张冬杰;齐清;王雪宏;佟守正;吕宪国;安雨;朱晓燕
14 一种用于刈割湿地挺水植物装置 专利 张洺也;佟守正;张冬杰;齐清;安雨;刘言;崔庚;宋铁军;朱光磊
15 Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in disturbed Carex tussock wetland 期刊论文 齐清;张冬杰;张洺也;佟守正;王雪宏;安雨
16 一种用于样方调查的计量装置 专利 张洺也;佟守正;张冬杰;齐清;安雨;刘言;崔庚;宋铁军
17 一种用于刈割湿地挺水植物装置及其制作方法 专利 张洺也;佟守正;张冬杰;齐清;安雨;刘言;崔庚;宋铁军;朱光磊
18 一种测定不同土层枯落物分解速率的装置 专利 齐清;佟守正;张洺也;张冬杰;张旸;安雨;刘言
19 一种草丘湿地植物群落调查的样方装置及 其应用 专利 齐清;佟守正;张冬杰;张洺也;安雨;刘言;崔庚
20 苔草草丘恢复湿地的景观格局变化-以哈尔滨太阳岛为例 期刊论文 齐清;刘晓伟;佟守正;张冬杰;王雪宏;薛振山;安雨
21 Soil degradation effects on plant diversity and nutrient in tussock meadow wetlands 期刊论文 张冬杰;齐清;佟守正;王雪宏;安雨;张洺也;吕宪国
22 一种用于湿地植物群落调查的装置 专利 齐清;佟守正;张冬杰;张洺也;安雨;刘言;崔庚
23 Eco-physiological responses of Carex schmidtii to soil salinization in the Momoge wetland, Northeast China 期刊论文 张冬杰;齐清;王雪宏;佟守正;安雨
24 一种用于样方调查的计量装置及其使用方法 专利 张洺也;佟守正;张冬杰;齐清;安雨;刘言;崔庚;宋铁军
25 一种用于苔草草丘湿地种子雨的收集装置 专利 张洺也;佟守正;齐清;安雨;刘言;崔庚;宋铁军;朱光磊
26 Flooding effects on population and growth characteristics of Bolboschoenus planiculmis in Momoge wetland, northeast China 期刊论文 张洺也;张冬杰;齐清;佟守正;王雪宏;安雨;吕宪国
27 东北平原内陆退化沼泽近自然综合恢复关键技术创新与应用 奖励 武海涛;安雨;刘波;薛振山;文波龙;王霞;娄彦景;佟守正;杜妍;刘莹;张仲胜;王琳;卢康乐;管强;张科
28 The driving mechanisms for community expansion in a restored Carex tussock wetland 期刊论文 齐清;张冬杰;佟守正;张洺也;王雪宏;安雨;吕宪国
29 Growth of Carex tussocks as a response of flooding depth and tussock patterning and size in temperate sedge wetland, Northeast China 期刊论文 张冬杰;齐清;佟守正
30 利用春季农田退水恢复退化芦苇湿地的方法 专利 张洺也;佟守正;张冬杰;齐清;安雨;刘言;崔庚;宋铁军;朱光磊
31 一种便携式样框 专利 张洺也;佟守正;张冬杰;齐清;安雨;刘言;崔庚;宋铁军;朱光磊