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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Preparation of ADM/PRP freeze-dried dressing and effect of mice full-thickness skin defect model 期刊论文 Lei Xiaoxuan;Yang Yu;Shan Guiqiu;Pan Yingen;Cheng Biao
2 Topical 1% propranolol cream promotes cutaneous wound healing in spontaneously diabetic mice 期刊论文 Zheng Zhifang;Liu Yishu;Yang Yu;Tang Jianbing;Cheng Biao
3 n-3多不饱和脂肪酸在预防皮肤光老化中的作用 期刊论文 朱美抒;程飚;庞梦如;范锟铻;韩艳丽;姜宏;杨光
4 Problems and Solutions for Platelet-Rich Plasma in Facial Rejuvenation: A Systematic Review 期刊论文 Lei Xiaoxuan;Xu Pengcheng;Cheng Biao
5 Iatrogenic wounds: a common but often overlooked problem 期刊论文 Cheng Biao;Tian Ju;Peng Yan;Fu Xiaobing
6 Microbiome Imbalances: An Overlooked Potential Mechanism in Chronic Nonhealing Wounds 期刊论文 Pang Mengru;Zhu Meishu;Lei Xiaoxuan;Xu Pengcheng;Cheng Biao
7 浓缩血小板产品在创伤外科应用中的问题与思考 期刊论文 程飚
8 Changes in Foot Skin Microbiome of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Using High-Throughput 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing: A Case Control Study from a Single Center 期刊论文 Mengru Pang;Meishu Zhu;Xiaoxuan Lei;Caihong Chen;Zexin Yao;Biao Cheng
9 Recovery of sympathetic nerve function after lumbar sympathectomy is slower in the hind limbs than in the torso 期刊论文 Zheng Zhi fang;Liu Yi shu;Min Xuan;Tang Jian bing;Liu Hong wei;Cheng Biao
10 Lumbar sympathectomy reduces vascular permeability, possibly through decreased adenosine receptor A2a expression in the hind plantar skin of rats 期刊论文 Zheng Zhifang;Liu Yishu;Zhu Lulu;Tang Jianbing;Huang Wenhua;Cheng Biao
11 The effects of aging, diabetes mellitus, and antiplatelet drugs on growth factors and anti-aging proteins in platelet-rich plasma 期刊论文 Tian Ju;Lei Xiao Xuan;Xuan Li;Tang Jian Bing;Cheng Biao
12 Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Fat and Nanofat Survival: An Experimental Study on Mice 期刊论文 Lei Xiaoxuan;Liu Huan;Pang Mengru;Zheng Zhifang;Tan Xi;Cheng Biao
13 Neurotensin-loaded PLGA/CNC composite nanofiber membranes accelerate diabetic wound healing 期刊论文 Zheng Zhifang;Liu Yishu;Huang Wenhua;Mo Yunfei;Lan Yong;Guo Rui;Cheng Biao
14 Nonselective alpha-/beta- AR antagonists can inhibit pericyte proliferation, migration, and secretion in vitro 期刊论文 Mengru Pang;Xiaoxuan Lei;Zexin Yao;Caihong Chen;Biao Cheng
15 Application of plasma-combined regeneration technology in managing facial acne scars 期刊论文 Tian Ju;Lei Xiao Xuan;Xuan Li;Tang Jian Bing;Cheng Biao
16 Human-microorganism mutualism theory: Possible mechanisms for the delayed chronic wound healing process 期刊论文 Mengru Pang;Zexin Yao;Caihong Chen;Xiaoxuan Lei;Cheng B
17 Norepinephrine protects against apoptosis of mesenchymal stem cells induced by high glucose 期刊论文 Kong Yanan;Cheng Liuhanghang;Ma Li;Li Haihong;Cheng Biao;Zhao Yu
18 Lumbar sympathectomy accelerates sacrococcygeal wound healing in rats 期刊论文 Zheng Zhifang;Liu Yishu;Min Xuan;Tang Jianbing;Cheng Biao