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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 A new lattice model accounting for multiple optimal current differences' anticipation effect in two-lane system 期刊论文 Li Xiaoqin;Fang Kangling;Peng Guanghan
2 A novel lattice hydrodynamic model considering the optimal estimation of flux difference effect on two-lane highway 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Yang Shuhong;Xia Dongxue;Li Xiaoqin
3 The difference of drivers' anticipation behaviors in a new macro model of traffic flow and numerical simulation 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Yang Shuhong;Zhao Hongzhuan
4 A new lattice model of traffic flow considering driver's anticipation effect of the traffic interruption probability 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Kuang Hua;Qing Li
5 A new macro model of traffic flow by incorporating both timid and aggressive driving behaviors 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Qing Li
6 New Feedback Control Model in the Lattice Hydrodynamic Model Considering the Historic Optimal Velocity Difference Effect 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Yang Shuhong;Zhao Hongzhuan
7 The flux difference memory integral effect on two-lane stability in the lattice hydrodynamic model 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Yang Shuhong;Zhao Hongzhuan;Qing Li
8 Feedback control method in lattice hydrodynamic model under honk environment 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Kuang Hua;Qing Li
9 The impact of self-stabilization on traffic stability considering the current lattice's historic flux for two-lane freeway 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Zhao Hongzhuan;Li Xiaoqin
10 Feedback control pattern for a new lattice hydrodynamic model accounting for historic evolution information 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Yang Shuhong;Qingli
11 Delayed-feedback control in a car-following model with the combination of V2V communication 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Yang Shuhong;Xia Dongxue;Li Xiaoqin
12 A new lattice model of traffic flow with the consideration of the drivers' aggressive characteristics 期刊论文 Li Xiaoqin;Fang Kangling;Peng Guanghan
13 Nonlinear analysis of a new car-following model accounting for the global average optimal velocity difference 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Lu Weizhen;He Hongdi
14 Prevision of vehicle headway effect on urban traffic with a new car-following model 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Lu Weizhen;He Hongdi;Gu Zhenghua
15 A delayed-feedback control method for the lattice hydrodynamic model caused by the historic density difference effect 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Yang Shuhong;Zhao Hongzhuan
16 Impact of lattice's self-anticipative density on traffic stability of lattice model on two lanes 期刊论文 Peng Guanghan;Yang Shuhong;Xia Dongxue;Li Xiaoqin