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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 极区海洋对全球气候变化的快速响应和反馈作用 期刊论文 陈立奇;高众勇;詹力扬;许苏清;汪建君;张远辉;何建华
2 Particulate organic carbon export fluxes on Chukchi Shelf, western Arctic Ocean, derived from Po-210/Pb-210 disequilibrium 期刊论文 He Jianhua;Yu Wen;Lin Wuhui;Men Wu;Chen Liqi
3 Continuous underway measurements of dimethyl sulfide in seawater by purge and trap gas chromatography coupled with pulsed flame photometric detection 期刊论文 Zhang Miming;Chen Liqi
4 南极普里兹湾及邻近南大洋水体N_2O分布特征 期刊论文 吴曼;詹力扬;陈立奇
5 海洋船舶排放清单估算及相关法规进展 期刊论文 纪嘉彬;陈立奇;汪建君
6 快速融冰背景下北冰洋夏季表层海水CO_2分压的变异假设 期刊论文 陈立奇;祁第;高众勇;詹力扬;孙恒;许苏清;张远辉;汪燕敏
7 Particulate organic carbon export fluxes on Chukchi Shelf, western Arctic Ocean, derived from Po-210/Pb-210 disequilibrium 期刊论文 He Jianhua;Yu Wen;Lin Wuhui;Men Wu;Chen Liqi
8 Differences in nitrous oxide distribution patterns between the Bering Sea basin and Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean 期刊论文 Chen Liqi;Zhang Jiexia;Zhan Liyang;Li Yuhong;Sun Heng
9 Linking Phytoplankton Activity in Polynyas and Sulfur Aerosols over Zhongshan Station, East Antarctica 期刊论文 Zhang Miming;Chen Liqi;Xu Guojie;Lin Qi;Liang Minyi
10 Coexistence of nitrous oxide undersaturation and oversaturation in the surface and subsurface of the westernArctic Ocean 期刊论文 Jiexia Zhang;Liyang Zhan;Liqi Chen
11 Sea-air CO2 fluxes in the Southern Ocean for the late spring and early summer in 2009 期刊论文 Xu Suqing;Chen Liqi;Chen Haiying;Li Jonathan;Lin Wuhui;Qi Di
12 A permanent N2O sink in the Nordic Seas and its strength and possible variability over the past four decades 期刊论文 Zhan Liyang;Chen Liqi;Zhang Jiexia;Yan Jinpei;Li Yuhong;Wu Man
13 Preliminary identification of palaeofloods with the alkane ratio C31/C17 and their potential link to global climate changes 期刊论文 陈立奇
14 Increase in acidifying water in the western Arctic Ocean 期刊论文 Qi Di;Chen Liqi;Chen Baoshan;Gao Zhongyong;Zhong Wenli;Feely Richard A.;Anderson Leif G.;Sun Heng;Chen Jianfang;Chen Min;Zhan Liyang;Zhang Yuanhui;Cai Wei-Jun
15 Sea-air CO2 fluxes in the Southern Ocean for the late spring and early summer in 2009 期刊论文 Xu Suqing;Chen Liqi;Chen Haiying;Li Jonathan;Lin Wuhui;Qi Di
16 Austral summer N2O sink and source characteristics and their impact factors in Prydz Bay, Antarctica 期刊论文 Zhan Liyang;Chen Liqi;Zhang Jiexia;Yan Jinpei;Li Yuhong;Wu Man;Xu Suqing;Lin Qi;Pan Jianming;Zhao Jun
17 A vertical gradient of nitrous oxide below the subsurface of the Canada Basin and its formation mechanisms 期刊论文 Zhan Liyang;Chen Liqi;Zhang Jiexia;Li Yuhong
18 A method to analyze "source-sink" structure of non-point source pollution based on remote sensing technology 期刊论文 Jiang Mengzhen;Chen Haiying;Chen Qinghui
19 Bacterial Communities in Marine Aerosols Revealed by 454 Pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA Gene 期刊论文 Xia Xiaomin;Wang Jianjun;Ji Jiabin;Zhang Jiexia;Chen Liqi;Zhang Rui
20 Sea-air CO2 fluxes in the Southern Ocean for the late spring and early summer in 2009 期刊论文 Xu Suqing;Chen Liqi;Chen Haiying;Li Jonathan;Lin Wuhui;Qi Di
21 Spatial Variability and Factors Influencing the Air-Sea N2O Flux in the Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea and Chukchi Abyssal Plain 期刊论文 Wu Man;Chen Liqi;Zhan Liyang;Zhang Jiexia;Li Yuhong;Liu Jian