
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 速度分群情况下氘氚热核反应率的模拟与分析 期刊论文 李蒙|李百文|
2 Generation of monoenergetic proton beams by a combined scheme with an overdense hydrocarbon target and an underdense plasma gas irradiated by ultra-intense laser pulse 期刊论文 FANGLAN ZHENG|TAIWU HUANG|CHENGZHUO XIAO|MILOS M. SKORIC4|
3 Relative importance of MeV-electron energy deposition by collisions and field effects in fast ignition 期刊论文 曹莉华|
4 Monte Carlo simulation of Ka source generated by hot electrons-nanobrush target interaction 会议论文
5 Improvement of proton energy in high-intensity laser-nanobrush target interactions 期刊论文 余金清|周维民|XIAOLIN JING|曹莉华|
6 Numerical simulations of an ultrashort intense laser pulse interaction with the structured targets 会议论文
7 Transport of fast electrons in a nanowire array with collisional effects included, 期刊论文 Weimin Zhou|Lihua Cao|Baohan Zhang|Yuqiu Gu|
8 Relative importance of mega electronvolt-electron energy deposition by collisions and field effects in fast ignition 期刊论文 Chen, Mo|He, X. T.|Yu, Wei|Yu, M. Y.|
9 Efficient Laser Absorption,Enhanced Electron Yields and Collimated Fast Electrons by the Nanolayered Structured Targets 会议论文
10 Effect of inner-surface roughness of conical target on laser absorption and fast electron generation, 期刊论文 Zongqing Zhao|M. Y. Yu|Yuqiu Gu|X. T. He|
11 A spherical shell target scheme for laser-driven neutron sources 期刊论文 Mo Chen|Wen-Bing Pei|Shao-Ping Zhu|X. T. He|
12 强激光与结构靶相互作用产生可控微焦斑粒子束和Ka射线 会议论文
13 Enhancement in coupling efficiency from laser to forward hot electrons by conical nanolayered targets 期刊论文 Dongxiao Liu|Xiaolin Jin|Bin Li|Yuqiu Gu|
14 Simulation and Experiment Study on Implosion of Cone-Wire Target in Fast Ignition 会议论文 陈默|
15 Collimated proton beams by ultra-short, ultra-intense laser pulse interaction with a foil–ramparts target 期刊论文 HUAN WANG|LIHUA CAO|X.T.He|
16 Coupling simulations of high current electron beam (HCEB) transport in the indirect-drive imploded plasma by Sheng GuangⅡ laser facility 会议论文
17 Model of High Current Electron Beam (HCEB) Transport in the High Density Plasma 会议论文
18 Simulation and Experiment Study on Implosion of Cone‐Wire Target in Fast Ignition 会议论文
19 Efficient Laser Absorption, Enhanced Electron Yields and Collimated Fast Electrons by the Nanolayered Structured Targets 会议论文
20 Enhancement in coupling efficiency from laser to forward hot electrons by conical nanolayered targets 期刊论文 余金清|周维民|曹莉华|
21 Radiography of a Kα X-ray source generated through ultrahigh picosecond laser–nanostructure target interaction 期刊论文 Kainan Zhou|Na Xie|Weimin Zhou|Yuqiu Gu|
22 Guiding and collimating fast electron beam by the quasi-static electromagnetic field array 期刊论文 T. K. Zhang|B. Zhang|Z. M. Zhang|Y. Q. Gu|
23 快电子束在稠密等离子体中传输、能量沉积和加热的物理建模 会议论文
24 锥靶内壁不光滑对激光吸收和快电子产生的影响 会议论文
25 Fast electron beam with manageable spotsize from laser interaction with the tailored cone-nanolayer target 期刊论文 王欢|曹莉华|
26 强激光与不同结构靶相互作用的数值模拟研究 会议论文
27 基于纳米刷靶的高效激光X射线源产生技术 奖励
28 快点火中电子束输运的理论和数值模拟研究 会议论文 曹莉华|
29 Numerical simulations of an ultrashort intense laser pulse interaction with the structured targets 会议论文
30 Fast electron beam with manageable spotsize from laser interaction with the tailored cone-nanolayer target 期刊论文 ZONGQING ZHAO|M.Y.YU|YUQIU GU|X.T.HE|
31 Improvement of proton energy in high-intensity laser-nanobrush target interactions 期刊论文 ZONGQING ZHAO,|WEI HONG|BIN LI|YUQIU GU|
32 Effect of inner-surface roughness of conical target on laser absorption and fast electron generation 期刊论文 赵宗清|郁明阳|谷渝秋|贺贤土|
33 锥靶内壁不光滑对激光吸收和快电子产生的影响 会议论文
34 Two-Dimensional Hybrid Model for High-Current Electron Beam Transport in a Dense Plasma 期刊论文 ZHANG Hua|LIU Zhanjun|WU Junfeng|LI Baiwen|
35 快点火中快电子输运的理论和数值模拟研究 会议论文
36 强激光与不同结构靶相互作用的数值模拟研究 会议论文
37 Coupling simulations of high current electron beam (HCEB) transport in the indirect-drive imploded plasma by Sheng Guang II Laser facility 会议论文
38 Refluxed electrons direct laser acceleration in ultrahigh laser and relativistic critical density plasma interaction, 期刊论文 曹莉华|L. H. Cao|W. M. Zhou|Y. Q. Gu|
39 Effect of inner-surface roughness of conical target on laser absorption and fast electron generation 期刊论文 Zhao Zong-Qing|Yu Ming-Yang|Gu Yu-Qiu|He Xian-Tu|
40 Guiding and collimating fast electron beam by the quasi-static electromagnetic field array 期刊论文 T. K. Zhang|B. Zhang|Z. M. Zhang|Y. Q. Gu|
41 Two-Dimensional Hybrid Model for High-Current Electron Beam Transport in a Dense Plasma 期刊论文 ZHANG Hua|Liu Z. J|WU Junfeng|Li Baiwen|
42 Nonlinear evolution of stimulated Raman scattering near the quarter-critical density 期刊论文 Z. J. Liu|D. Wu|C. Y. Zheng|X. T. He|
43 Study of strong enhancement of synchrotron radiation via surface plasma waves excitation by particle-in-cell simulations 期刊论文 Dong Wu|L. H. Cao|Z. J. Liu|X.T.He|
44 快电子在稠密等离子体中传输、能量沉积和加热的物理建模 会议论文
45 速度分群情况下氘氚热核反应率的模拟与分析 期刊论文 李蒙|李百文|贾洪祥|
46 Generation of monoenergetic proton beams by a combined scheme with an overdense hydrocarbon target and an underdense plasma gas irradiated by ultra-intense laser pulse 期刊论文 FANGLAN ZHENG|TAIWU HUANG|CHENGZHUO XIAO|MILOS M. SKORIC|