
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Expression analysis of endo-1,4-β-glucanase genes during aril breakdown of harvested longan fruit 期刊论文
2 Antioxidant activities and contents of polyphenoloxidase substrates from pericarp tissue of litchi fruit 期刊论文
3 Physiology and quality response of harvested banana fruit to cold shock 期刊论文
4 出口荔枝、龙眼冷处理保鲜关键技术研究与应用 奖励
5 Identification of (()-epicatechin as the direct substrate for polyphenol oxidase from longan fruit pericarp 期刊论文
6 Effect of nitric oxide on banana fruit slice sensitivity to ethylene 期刊论文
7 番木瓜内生细菌MG-Y2的鉴定及其生防作用 期刊论文
8 Extraction, identification and pharmacologicalProperties of bioactivecompounds from longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruit - A review 期刊论文
9 Purification and characterization of anthocyanin degradation enzyme from litchi anthocyanin degradation enzyme from litchi fruit pericarp 期刊论文
10 Accumulation of soluble sugars in peel at high temperature leads to stay-green ripe banana fruit 期刊论文
11 顶空固相微萃取—气相色谱/质谱分析香蕉的香气成分 期刊论文
12 Eeffect of methyl jasmonate on pericarp browning of postharvest litchi fruit 期刊论文
13 离子色谱法测定贮藏期间菠萝果实的糖分变化 期刊论文
14 不同温度下后熟香蕉果实果皮生理与颜色变化 期刊论文
15 Effect of ATP on changes of fatty acids in harvested litchi fruit infected by Peronophythora litchii 期刊论文
16 Expressions of PAL and HSPs in fresh-cut banana fruit 期刊论文
17 Crucial contribution of membrane lipids’ unsaturation to acquisition of chilling-tolerance in peach fruit stored at 0 (C 期刊论文
18 Physiological and biochemical response of harvested plum fruit to oxalic acid during ripening or shelf life 期刊论文
19 Differential expression of Expansin and XET genes associated with aril breakdown in harvested longan fruit 期刊论文
20 植物叶绿素降解 期刊论文
21 Modification of pectin polysaccharides during ripening of postharvest banana fruit 期刊论文
22 Effects of various extraction conditions on yields of total polyphenolic contents from litchi fruit pericarp in relation to their antioxidant a ctivities 期刊论文
23 Oxidation and peroxidation of postharvest banana fruit during softening 期刊论文
24 Partial purification and property of Mg-dechelatase from harvested banana fruit 期刊论文
25 A comparative identification of Ochratoxin A in longan fruit pulp by high-performance liquid chromat-ography - fluorescence detection and electron spray ionization - mass spectrometry 期刊论文
26 BTH 和BABA 处理对采后沙糖桔病害和品质的影响 期刊论文
27 Altered energy status in pericarp browning of litchi fruit during storage 期刊论文
28 南方主要易腐易褐变特色水果贮藏加工的关键技术研究及应用 奖励
29 Effect of pure oxygen atmosphere on antioxidant enzyme and antioxidant activity of harvested litchi fruit during storage 期刊论文
30 过氧化氢在香蕉果实采后耐冷性诱导中的作用 期刊论文
31 采前喷施壳聚糖和油菜素内酯对葡萄采后落果的影响 期刊论文
32 Effects of salicylic acid on disease resistance and postharvest decay control of fruits 期刊论文
33 茉莉酸甲酯诱导的采后香蕉果实耐冷性与活性氧信号的关系 期刊论文
34 Energy aspects in ripening and senescence of harvested horticultural crops 期刊论文
35 ATP-regulation of antioxidant properties and phenolics in litchi fruit during browning and pathogen infection process 期刊论文
36 Effects of cold storage duration on subsequent quality, energy and membrane permeability and lipid degrading enzymes of litchi fruit during shelf time at ambient temperature 期刊论文
37 气调贮藏对壶瓶枣果实细胞壁和角质层成分及品质的影响 期刊论文
38 呼吸活性和能量代谢与荔枝果实品质劣变的关系 期刊论文
39 广东省丁颖科技奖 奖励
40 Variations in contents of browning substrates and activities of some related enzymes during litchi fruit development 期刊论文
41 Degradation of anthocyanin from litchi fruit pericarp by H2O2 and hydroxyl radical 期刊论文
42 Effects of various temperatures and pH values on phenolic yield extracted from litchi fruit pericarp and antioxidant activity of litchi anthocyanin 期刊论文
43 Effect of nitric oxide on ethylene synthesis and softening of banana fruit slice during ripening 期刊论文
44 枇杷灰斑病菌的生物学特性 期刊论文
45 Postharvest Characteristics, Handling and Processing of Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) Fruit 期刊论文
46 Resistance loss of horticultural crops after harvest to pathogens 期刊论文
47 Modification of hemicellulose polysaccharides during ripening of postharvest banana fruit 期刊论文
48 Responses of reactive oxygen metabolism and quality in mango fruit to exogenous oxalic acid or salicylic acid under chilling temperature stress 期刊论文
49 Expression of a phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene in relation to aril breakdown in harvested longan fruit. The Journal of Horticultural 期刊论文
50 Salicylic acid alleviated pathogen-induced oxidative stress in harvested sweet cherry fruit 期刊论文
51 大蕉脱镁螯合酶初步纯化及其酶学性质的研究 期刊论文
52 Effect of Pichia membranaefaciens combined with salicylic acid on controlling brown rot in peach fruit and the mechanisms involved 期刊论文
53 Characterization and regulation of multiple forms of endo-1,4-β-glucanase genes during longan fruit growth and development 期刊论文
54 Identification of major phenolic compounds of Chinese water chestnut and their antioxidant activity 期刊论文
55 冷害导致砂糖橘果实品质劣变 期刊论文
56 多酚氧化酶在荔枝果皮花色素苷降解中的作用 期刊论文
57 Effects of various temperatures and pH values on antioxidant activities of litchi anthocyanins 期刊论文
58 1-MCP delayed softening and affected expressions of XET and EXP genes in harvested cherimoya fruit 期刊论文
59 Enhanced effect of L-cysteine and citric acid combination on browning inhibition and quality maintenance of harvested lychee fruit 期刊论文
60 园艺产品采后品质的调控机制 奖励
61 Effect of hydroxyl radical on the scission of cellular wall polysaccharides in vitro of banana fruit at various ripening stages 期刊论文
62 果实蛋白质组学研究的实验方法 期刊论文
63 Hot Water dipping induced chilling resistance of harvested banana fruit 期刊论文
64 Effects of brassinosteroids on postharvest disease and senescence of jujube fruit in storage 期刊论文
65 Peach fruit acquiredtolerance to low temperature stress by accumulation of linolenic acid and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine in plasma membrane 期刊论文
66 Crucial roles of membrane stability and its related proteins in the tolerance ofpeach fruit to chilling injury 期刊论文
67 Isolation and characterization of three ethylene perception elements and their expressions during longan fruit development 期刊论文
68 甜菜碱提高植物抗寒性的机理及其应用 期刊论文
69 Production, Storage and Processing of Lychee Fruit 会议论文
70 沙糖桔采后处理与保鲜技术 期刊论文
71 pH、温度和金属离子对endo-PG降解香蕉果胶多糖的影响 期刊论文
72 Effect of hydroxyl radical on the scission of cellular wall polysaccharides in vitro of banana fruit at various ripening stages 期刊论文