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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Thalictrum kangdingense (Ranunculaceae), a new synonym of T. megalostigma from China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
2 Thalictrum nanhuaense (Ranunculaceae), a new species from central Yunnan, China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
3 Anemone pindariensis (Ranunculaceae), most recently described from the western Himalaya in India, is a teratological form of A. rivularis 期刊论文 Fei Wen Qun;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
4 The identity of Clematis dongchuanensis (Ranunculaceae) from northeastern Yunnan, China 期刊论文 Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
5 Clematis hainanensis (Ranunculaceae), described from Hainan in southern China, 期刊论文 Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
6 Ranunculus kangmaensis (Ranunculaceae), a new synonym of Halerpestes tricuspis var. variifolia. 期刊论文 Zhang Meng;Zeng You Pai;Yang Qin Er
7 Taxonomic studies on the genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China (XXI): The identities of D. breviscaposum and D. filibracteolum from northwestern Yunnan. 期刊论文 Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
8 Thalictrum fusiforme (Ranunculaceae), described from southeastern Xizang, China, is merged with T. rostellatum, a Sino-Himalayan species 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
9 Thalictrum bouffordii (Ranunculaceae), a new species from the Qionglai mountains region in western Sichuan, China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
10 Thalictrum cuonaense (Ranunculaceae) is merged with the Himalayan T. reniforme, with notes on its morphologically similar species 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
11 Thalictrum semiscandens (Ranunculaceae), almost totally overlooked since its publication, is merged with T. trichopus 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
12 Thalictrum mairei (Ranunculaceae) is synonymous with T. foliolosum, not T. leuconotum 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
13 Thalictrum hengduanshanense and T. longistipitatum (Ranunculaceae), two new species from southeastern Xizang and northwestern Yunnan, China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
14 Lectotypification of Thalictrum chayuense (Ranunculaceae), with its reduction to the synonymy of T. tsawarungense, both described from Zayu in southeastern Xizang, China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
15 Two new synonyms of Clematis hastata (Ranunculaceae), a species from the Daba mountains region in central China 期刊论文 Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
16 Thalictrum daguanense (Ranunculaceae) is merged with T. omeiense, a species distributed in Sichuan and Yunnan, China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
17 The identity of Anemone weixiensis (Ranunculaceae) from northwestern Yunnan, China 期刊论文 Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
18 Thalictrum minshanicum and T. pseudoramosum (Ranunculaceae), two new species from China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
19 Clarification of some morphological characters in the Chinese species Thalictrum przewalskii (Ranunculaceae), with reduction of T. lasiogynum and T. latistylum to its synonymy 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
20 Thalictrum brevisericeum var. pentagynum (Ranunculaceae), a new synonym of T. uncinulatum from China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
21 Thalictrum jilongense and T. tenuicaule (Ranunculaceae) are both merged with T. leuconotum 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
22 Thalictrum panzhihuaense (Ranunculaceae) is placed in synonymy with T. glandulosissimum, with reduction of T. tsaii to T. glandulosissimum var. tsaii 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
23 Thalictrum changii (Ranunculaceae), a new species from southern Xizang (Tibet), China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
24 Thalictrum spiristylum (Ranunculaceae), described from northwestern Yunnan, is merged with T. atriplex, a species common in the Hengduan Mountains region of southwestern China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
25 Ranunculus huainingensis and R. lujiangensis (Ranunculaceae), described from Anhui in China, are both synonymous with R. ternatus, a polymorphic eastern Asian species 期刊论文 Fei Wen Qun;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
26 Taxonomic studies on the genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae) from China (XXII): Clarifying morphological distinction between D. drepanocentrum and D. umbrosum and synonymizing D. umbrosoides 期刊论文 Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
27 Thalictrum punduanum var. hirtellum (Ranunculaceae), another new synonym of T. neurocarpum 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
28 Thalictrum virgatum var. obtusifolium (Ranunculaceae), a new synonym of T. virgatum, with the new record of the morphologically similar Himalayan species T. secundum for China 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er
29 Clarification of morphology and distribution of Thalictrum fortunei (Ranunculaceae) from China, with reduction of T. fortunei var. bulbiliferum to its synonymy 期刊论文 Zeng You Pai;Yuan Qiong;Yang Qin Er