
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Wavelet coherence analysis of prefrontal tissue oxyhaemoglobin signals as measured using near-infrared spectroscopy in elderly subjects with cerebral infarction 期刊论文 Gao, Yuanjin|Xin, Qing|Wang, Yan|Li, Zengyong|
2 Biomechanical response of the musculoskeletal system to whole body vibration using a seated driver model 期刊论文 Tang QT|Zhang MY|Zhang YX|Li ZY|
3 Effects of Prophylactic Ankle Supports on Vertical Ground Reaction Force during Landing: A Meta-Analysis 期刊论文 Feng, Tienan|Wang, Lejun|Jiang, Chenghua|Zhang, Ming|
4 Chapter 12 Foot–Ankle–Knee Model for Foot Orthosis 专著 Liu X|Zhang Ming|
5 骨肌损伤与康复生物力学研究 奖励 刘笑宇|姚杰|王超|莫中军|
6 Cerebral autoregulation in response to posture change in elderly subjects-assessment by wavelet phase coherence analysis of cerebral tissue oxyhemoglobin concentrations and arterial blood pressure signals 期刊论文 Li WH|Xin Q|Wang Y|Li ZY|
7 Chapter 2 Female Foot Model for High-Heel Shoe Design 专著 Yu J|Zhang Ming|
8 Peak Vertical Ground Reaction Force during Two-Leg Landing: A Systematic Review and Mathematical Modeling 期刊论文 Niu, Wenxin|Feng, Tienan|Jiang, Chenghua|Zhang, Ming|
9 The influence of high-heeled shoes on strain and tension force of the anterior talofibular ligament and plantar fascia during balanced standing and walking 期刊论文 Wong, Duo Wai-Chi|Zhang, Hongtao|Luo, Zong-Ping|Zhang, Ming|
10 Effects of Ankle Eversion, Limb Laterality, and Ankle Stabilizers on Transient Postural Stability During Unipedal Standing 期刊论文 Chu, Zhao-Wei|Jiang, Cheng-Hua|Zhang, Ming|Fan, Yu-Bo|
11 Effects of bone Young's modulus on finite element analysis in the lateral ankle biomechanics 期刊论文 Feng TN|Jiang CH|Fan YB|Zhang Ming|
12 An in vitro and finite element study of load redistribution in the midfoot 期刊论文 Tang TingTing|Zhang Ming|Jiang ChengHua|Fan YuBo|
13 高跟鞋与足部跖间应力关系的有限元分析 期刊论文 张洪涛|罗宗平|张明|余嘉|
14 Computational Models of the Foot and Ankle for Pathomechanics and Clinical Applications: A Review 期刊论文 Wang, Yan|Wong, Duo Wai-Chi|Zhang, Ming|
15 In-shoe plantar tri-axial stress profiles during maximum-effort cutting maneuvers 期刊论文 Cong, Yan|Lam, Wing Kai|Cheung, Jason Tak-Man|Zhang, Ming|
16 Chapter 7 Knee joint models for kneeling biomechanics 专著 Wang YX|Fan YB|Zhang Ming|
17 Biomechanical study of tarsometatarsal joint fusion using finite element analysis 期刊论文 Wang Yan|Li Zengyong|Zhang Ming|
18 锁定钢板、交叉金属螺钉和可吸收螺钉固定治疗跟骨关节内骨折的生物力学比较 期刊论文 黄伟志|梅炯|牛文鑫|张明|
19 Biomechanical effects of cervical arthroplasty with U-shaped disc implant on segmental range of motion and loading of surrounding soft tissue 期刊论文 Wang, Li Zhen|Sun, Yu|Zhang, Ming|Fan, Yu Bo|
20 Frequency-specific functional connectivity revealed by wavelet-based coherence analysis in elderly subjects with cerebral infarction using NIRS method 期刊论文 Wang, Yan|Xin, Qing|Wang, Bitan|Li, Zengyong|
21 Wavelet coherence analysis of spontaneous oscillations in cerebral tissue oxyhemoglobin concentrations and arterial blood pressure in elderly subjects 期刊论文 Lu, Liqian|Zhou, Weiei|Han, Qingyu|Gao, Yuanjin|
22 Comparison of stress on knee cartilage during kneeling and standing using finite element models 期刊论文 Wang Yuxing|Fan Yubo|Zhang Ming|
23 A Footwear-Foot-Knee Computational Platform for Exploring Footwear Effects on Knee Joint Biomechanics 期刊论文 Liu, Xuan|Ouyang, Jun|Fan, Yubo|Zhang, Ming|
24 Computational Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System 专著 Ming Zhang|Yubo Fan|
25 Wavelet coherence analysis of prefrontal oxygenation signals in elderly subjects with hypertension 期刊论文 Liqian, Lu|Zhou, Weiei|Han, Qingyu|Gao, Yuanjin|
26 Biomechanical understanding of surgical consequence of tarsomedtatarsal joint fusion 会议论文 Wang Yan|Zhang Ming|
27 中足载荷再分配的离体实验与有限元研究 期刊论文 汤亭亭|张明|姜成华|樊瑜波|
28 Chapter 3 Foot and Ankle Model for Surgical Treatment 专著 Wang Y|Zhang Ming|
29 Biomechanical comparison of locking plate and crossing metallic and absorbable screws fixations for intra-articular calcaneal fractures 期刊论文 Wong, Duo Wai-Chi|Mei, Jiong|Niu, Wenxin|Zhang, Ming|
30 Chapter 1 Foot Model for Investigating Foot Biomechanics and Footwear Design 专著 Zhang M|Yu Jia|Cong Yan|Cheung JTM|
31 Effects of Ankle Arthrodesis on Biomechanical Performance of the Entire Foot 期刊论文 Wang, Yan|Li, Zengyong|Wong, Duo Wai-Chi|Zhang, Ming|
32 膝关节对于足底支撑的生物力学响应:人体下肢计算机仿真 期刊论文 刘璇|张明|樊瑜波|
33 Age-related alterations in phase synchronization of oxyhemoglobin concentration changes in prefrontal tissues as measured by near-infrared spectroscopy signals 期刊论文 Zhang MY|Geng Yanquan|Xin Q|Li Zengyong|
34 Computational models of foot and ankle for foot support design 会议论文 Zhang Ming|Wang Yan|Wong DWC|
35 Finite Element Analysis of Foot and Ankle Impact Injury: Risk Evaluation of Calcaneus and Talus Fracture 期刊论文 Wong DWC|Niu WX|Wang Y|Zhang Ming|
36 Does Location of Rotation Center in Artificial Disc Affect Cervical Biomechanics? 期刊论文 Du, Chengfei|Sun, Yu|Zhang, Ming|Fan, Yubo|
37 Biomechanical simulation of high-heeled shoe donning and walking 期刊论文 Cheung, Jason Tak-Man|Wong, Duo Wai-Chi|Cong, Yan|Zhang, Ming|