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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 青藏高原周边对流层顶的时空分布、热力成因及动力效应分析 期刊论文 夏昕;任荣彩;吴国雄;孙舒悦
2 ENSO期间热带各洋盆海温协同影响冬季平流层环流的数值模拟研究 奖励 饶建
3 Asymmetry and nonlinearity of the influence of ENSO onthe northern winter stratosphere. part II: Observations 期刊论文 饶建;任荣彩
4 Understanding the Systematic Air Temperature Biases in a Coupled Climate System Model through a Process-Based Decomposition Method 期刊论文 REN RONG CAI;Yang Yang;M Cai;J Rao
5 Summer SST anomalies in the Indian Ocean and the seasonal timing of ENSO decay phase 期刊论文 Ren Rongcai;Sun Shuyue;Yang Yang;Li Qian
6 On the Contrasting Decadal Changes of Diurnal SurfaceTemperature Range between the Tibetan Plateau and Southeastern China during1980s–2000s 期刊论文 杨扬;任荣彩
7 DynamicalLinkage between Cold Air Outbreaks and Intensity Variations of the MeridionalMass Circulation 期刊论文 Yu Yueyue;任荣彩;M Cai
8 FEELING THE PULSE OF THE STRATOSPHERE An Emerging Opportunity for Predicting Continental-Scale Cold-Air Outbreaks I Month in Advance 期刊论文 Cai Ming;Yu Yueyue;Deng Yi;van den Cool Huug M.;Ren Rongcai;Saha Suru;Wu Xingren;Huang Jin
9 大气经向质量环流与北半球冬季寒潮爆发 奖励 虞越越
10 Towardsa physical understanding of stratospheric cooling under global warming througha process-based decomposition method 期刊论文 杨扬;任荣彩;M Cai
11 青藏高原和亚洲夏季风动力学研究的新进展 期刊论文 吴国雄;何编;刘屹岷;包庆;任荣彩;刘伯奇
12 大气经向质量环流与北半球冬季寒潮爆发 奖励 虞越越
13 Asymmetry and nonlinearity of the influence of ENSO onthe northern winter stratosphere. part I: Model study with WACCM 期刊论文 饶建;任荣彩
14 Understandingthe global surface-atmosphere energy balance in FGOALS-s2 through anattribution analysis of the global temperature biases 期刊论文 yang Yang;任荣彩
15 基于TIGGE数据的西太平洋副热带高压多模式集成预报及检验 期刊论文 颜妍;周任君;柯宗建;刘长征;杜良敏;苏琪骅
16 A decomposition of ENSO’s impacts on the northern winter stratosphere: competingeffect of SST forcing in the tropical Indian Ocean 期刊论文 Rao Jian;任荣彩
17 平流层-对流层相互作用研究进展:等熵位涡理论的应用及青藏高原影响 期刊论文 任荣彩;吴国雄;CAI Ming;孙舒悦;刘新;李伟平
18 Parallel comparison of the 1982/83, 1997/98 and 2015/16 super El Nios and their effects on the extratropical stratosphere 期刊论文 Rao Jian;Ren Rongcai
19 大气经向质量环流与北半球冬季寒潮爆发 奖励 虞越越
20 Tracking the delayed response of the northern winter stratosphere to ENSO using multi reanalyses and model simulations 期刊论文 Ren Rongcai;Rao Jian;Wu Guoxiong;Cai Ming
21 Progress in research of stratosphere-troposphere interactions: application of isentropic potential vorticity dynamics and the effects of the tibetan plateau 期刊论文 Ren Rongcai;Wu Guoxiong;Cai Ming;Sun Shuyue;Liu Xin;Li Weiping
22 应用地-气能量平衡方法(CFRAM)对地面和大气温度变化的归因研究 奖励 杨扬
23 Comparisonof the Mass Circulation and AO Indices as Indicators of Cold Air Outbreaks inNorthern Winter 期刊论文 Yu Yueyue;任荣彩;M cai
24 Onset of the Bay of Bengal summer monsoon and the seasonal timing of ENSO's decay phase 期刊论文 Sun Shuyue;Ren Rongcai;Wu Guoxiong