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  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Rare earth elements of seep carbonates: Indication for redox variations and microbiological processes at modern seep sites 期刊论文 Duofu Chen|J?rn Peckmann|Gerhard Bohrmann|Harry H. Roberts|
2 Estimating the time of pockmark formation in the SW Xisha Uplift (South China Sea) using reaction-transport modeling 期刊论文 Hensen Christian|Gieskes Joris|Yan Wen|Chen Duofu|
3 In-situ and on-line measurement of gas flux at a hydrocarbon seep from the northern South China Sea 期刊论文 Di Pengfei|Feng Dong|Chen Duofu|
4 海底冷泉环境中的白云石(岩)研究现状 期刊论文 卞友艳|陈多福|
5 莺歌海盆地海底麻坑的形成与泥底辟发育和流体活动的关系 期刊论文 黄华谷|黄保家|何家雄|陈多福|
6 Using Bathymodiolus tissue stable carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotopes to infer biogeochemical process at a cold seep in the South China Sea 期刊论文 Yang Qunhui|Zhou Huaiyang|Peng Yongbo|Chen Duofu|
7 Pockmark activity inferred from pore water geochemistry in shallow sediments of the pockmark field in southwestern Xisha Uplift, northwestern South China Sea 期刊论文 Shuhong Wang|Wen Yan|Hongbin Wang|Duofu Chen|
8 Using iron speciation in authigenic carbonates from hydrocarbon seeps to trace variable redox conditions 期刊论文 Chen Linying|Zheng Guodong|Peckmann Jorn|Chen Duofu|
9 Authigenic carbonates from an active cold seep of the northern South China Sea: New insights into fluid sources and past seepage activity 期刊论文 Feng Dong|Chen Duofu|
10 南海天然气水合物研究进展 期刊论文 罗敏|王宏斌|杨胜雄|陈多福|
11 A comparative study of authigenic carbonates from mussel and tubewormenvironments: Implications for discriminating the effects of tubeworms 期刊论文 Dong Feng|Erik E. Cordes|Harry H. Roberts|Charles R. Fisher|
12 南海北部陆坡神狐海域富有孔虫沉积层的特征及成因 期刊论文 李牛|陈多福|
13 孔隙水渗流通量对渗漏型天然气水合物影响的数值模拟 期刊论文 曹运诚|苏正|陈多福|
14 Methane seepage in the Shenhu area of the northern South China Sea: constraints from carbonate chimneys 期刊论文 Shengyi Mao|Nengyou Wu|Hongfeng Lu|Duofu Chen|
15 海洋天然气水合物发育顶界的模拟计算 期刊论文 曹运诚|陈多福|
16 Formation of low-magnesium calcite at cold seeps in an aragonite sea 期刊论文 Feng, D.|Roberts H H,|Joye S B|Heydari E|
17 Methane seepage intensities traced by biomarker patterns in authigenic carbonates from the South China Sea 期刊论文 Hongxiang Guan|Dong Feng|Nengyou Wu|Duofu Chen|
18 南海西部海底巨型麻坑活动性示踪研究 期刊论文 王淑红|颜文|王宏斌|陈多福|
19 Tracing the evolution of seep fluids from authigenic carbonates: Green Canyon, northern Gulf of Mexico 期刊论文 Youyan Bian|Dong Feng|Harry H. Roberts|Duofu Chen|
20 墨西哥湾北部上陆坡Green Canyon 140冷泉活动在自生碳酸盐岩中的地球化学记录 期刊论文 卞友艳|陈多福|
21 Temporal variation in the natural gas seep rate and the influence factors in the Lingtou promontory seep field of the northern South China Sea 期刊论文 Di Pengfei|Feng Dong|Chen Duofu|
22 南海北部冷泉碳酸盐岩的矿物、岩石及地球化学研究进展 期刊论文 佟宏鹏|冯东|陈多福|
23 New insights into cerium anomalies and mechanisms of trace metal enrichment in authigenic carbonate from hydrocarbon seeps 期刊论文 Feng Dong|Peckmann J|Roberts H H|Chen Duofu|
24 Gas hydrate occurrence inferred from pore water Cl- concentrations and δ18O values in the shallow sediments of the pockmark field in southwestern Xisha Uplift, northern South China Sea. 期刊论文 Min Luo|Chen Linying|Wen Yan|Chen Duofu|
25 A kinetic model for the methane hydrate precipitated from venting gas at cold seep sites at Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia margin, Oregon 期刊论文 Cao Y.|Chen Duofu|Cathles L. M.|
26 Authigenic carbonates from seeps on the northern continental slope of the South China Sea: New insights into fluid sources and geochronology 期刊论文 Angela G. Min|R. Lawrence Edwards|Zhong Chen|Duofu Chen|
27 Using sediment geochemistry to infer temporal variation of methane flux at a cold seep in the South China Sea 期刊论文 Feng Dong|Chen Duofu|Chen Linying|Wang Hongbin|
28 Controlling factors for gas hydrate occurrence in Shenhu area on the northern slope of the South China Sea 期刊论文 Wu Nengyou|Zhang Guangxue|Liang Jinqiang|Chen Duofu|
29 The distribution and variation in the gas composition of macro-seeps on the near-shore Lingtou Promontory in the South China Sea 期刊论文 DI Pengfei|FENG Dong|Chen Duofu|
30 Influence of water flow on gas hydrate accumulation at cold vents 期刊论文 Cao Yuncheng|Su Zheng|Chen Duofu|
31 Impact of anaerobic oxidation of methane on the geochemical cycle of redox-sensitive elements at cold-seep sites of the northern South China Sea 期刊论文 Liang Qianyong|Xia Zhen|Chen Linying|Chen Duofu|
32 A quantitative assessment of methane cycling in Hikurangi Marginsediments (New Zealand) using geophysical imaging and biogeochemical modeling 期刊论文 Gareth Crutchley|Henko De Stigterrt|Duofu Chen|Jens Greine|
33 Time integrated variation of sources of fluids and seepage dynamics archived in authigenic carbonates from Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Seafloor Observatory 期刊论文 Sassen R|Liu X-L|Hinrichs H-U|Chen Duofu|