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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Post-spreading volcanism triggered by CO2 along the South China Sea fossil spreading axis 期刊论文 Yuan Zhong;Guoliang Zhang;Lifeng Zhong;Lihui Chen;Xiaojun Wang
2 第十二届山东省青年科技奖 奖励 张国良
3 Geochemical and chronological evidence for collision of proto-Yap arc/Caroline plateau and rejuvenated plate subduction at Yap trench 期刊论文 Ji Zhang;Guoliang Zhang
4 Evidence for the essential role of CO2 in the volcanism of the waning Caroline mantle plume 期刊论文 Guoliang Zhang;Shuai Wang;Ji Zhang;Mingjun Zhan;Zhihua Zhao
5 Potassium isotopic composition of low-temperature altered oceanic crust and its impact on the global K cycle 期刊论文 Haiyang Liu;Ying-Yu Xue;Guoliang Zhang;Weidong Sun;Zhen Tian;Brenna Tuller-Ross;Kun Wang
6 Genesis of Intermediate and Silicic Arc Magmas Constrained by Nb/Ta Fractionation 期刊论文 Wei Chen;Guoliang Zhang;Mengfei Ruan;Shuai Wang;Xiaolin Xiong
7 Application of calcite, Mg-calcite and dolomite as Raman pressure sensors for high pressure, high temperature studies 期刊论文 Xueyin Yuan;Xin Xiong;Guoliang Zhang;Robert A. Mayanovic
8 Origin of arc-like intraplate volcanism by melting of lithospheric mantle pyroxenite of the South China continental margin 期刊论文 Zhi-Hua Zhao;Guoliang Zhang;Shuai Wang;Jianxin Zhao
9 Constraints of barium isotopes on recycling of ancient oceanic crust in the mantle of the South China Sea 期刊论文 Yunchao Shu;Guoliang Zhang;Lan-Lan Tian;Fang Huang
10 南海及周缘地区地幔组成和动力学的岩石地球化学制约 期刊论文 赵智华;张国良;王帅;张吉
11 Geochemical and chronological constraints on the origin and mantle source of Early Cretaceous arc volcanism on the Gagua Ridge in western Pacific 期刊论文 Guoliang Zhang;Ji Zhang;Hayden Dalton;David Phillips
12 Sub-basin scale inhomogeneity of mantle in the South China Sea revealed by magnesium isotopes 期刊论文 Yuan Zhong;Guoliang Zhang;Qizhen Jin;Fang Huang;Xiaojun Wang;Liewen Xie
13 Geochemical and chronological constraints on the mantle plume origin of the Caroline Plateau 期刊论文 Guoliang Zhang;Ji Zhang;Shuai Wang;Jianxin Zhao
14 Origin of high-Mg arc volcanism and fate of subducted sedimentary carbonates in the western Pacific: Evidence from partial melting experiments on mixed sediment and peridotite 期刊论文 Mingjun Zhan;Guoliang Zhang
15 Iron isotope constraints on the lithological heterogeneity of the upper mantle in the South China Sea 期刊论文 Yuan Zhong;Guoliang Zhang;Wei-Xin Lv;Fang Huang
16 Phase transitions among CaCO3 crystal structures under hydrous and anhydrous conditions: Implications for the structural transformation of CaCO3 during subduction processes 期刊论文 Xueyin Yuan;Robert Mayanovic;Guoliang Zhang
17 Geochemical constraints on mantle source nature and recycling of subducted sediments in the Sulu Sea 期刊论文 Shuai Wang;Guoliang Zhang
18 Geochemical constraints on CO2 -rich mantle source for the Kocebu Seamount, Magellan Seamount chain in the western Pacific 期刊论文 Liu Yuhao;Zhang Guoliang;Zhang Ji;Wang Shuai
19 Subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate recorded by arc volcanism in the South China Sea margin 期刊论文 Feng Xu;Guoliang Zhang;Wen Yan;Ji Zhang;Junhua Yao
20 CO2‐rich rejuvenated stage lavas on Hawaiian islands 期刊论文 Guoliang Zhang;Shuai Wang;Shichun Huang;Mingjun Zhan;Junhua Yao
21 Recycling of carbon from the stagnant paleo-Pacific slab beneath Eastern China revealed by olivine geochemistry 期刊论文 Junhua Yao;Guoliang Zhang;Shuai Wang;Jianxin Zhao
22 板块俯冲和岩浆过程中碳循环及深部碳储库 期刊论文 张国良;战明君