
  • 中英文摘要
  • 结题摘要
  • 结题报告
  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Membership Determination of Open Cluster M48 Based on BATC 13-Band Photometry 期刊论文
2 The Structure of the Galactic Halo 期刊论文
3 Optical Monitoring of BL Lacertae Object S5 0716+714 with a Novel Multi-peak Interference Filter 期刊论文
4 Evolution of the Galaxy Luminosity Function for Redshift and Density Environment at 0.03 < z < 0.5 期刊论文
5 Optical Photometry of the Type II-P Supernova 2004dj in NGC 2403 期刊论文
6 A large array of telescopes in Antarctica with all-sky imaging every five seconds 期刊论文
7 Structural parameters of Mayall II = G1 in M31 期刊论文
8 Galactic structure studies from the Beijing-Arizona-Taiwan-Connecticut survey 期刊论文
9 基于BATC 1999-2008十年观测值班记录的兴隆天气情况统计 期刊论文
10 Variable stars in the field of the old open cluster NGC 2126 期刊论文
11 A Fourteen-Band Photometric Study of A2443 期刊论文
12 Metal Abundance Properties of M81 Globular Cluster System 期刊论文
13 BATC 13 Band Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 7789 期刊论文
14 Gattini: a multisite campaign for the measurement of sky brightness in Antarctica 期刊论文
15 Re-Identification of the `Enigmatic' X-ray Source 1RXS J114003.0 + 124112 期刊论文
16 Old stellar population synthesis: New age and mass estimates for Mayall II = G1 期刊论文
17 037-B327 in M31: Luminous Globular Cluster or Core of a Former Dwarf Spheroidal Companion to M31 期刊论文
18 Optical Variability of the Radio Source J 1128+5925 - - II. Confirmation of Its Optical Quietness 期刊论文
19 Statistical Cluster-QSO Weak Lensing in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 期刊论文
20 Two-dimensional properties, 期刊论文
21 The WEBT Campaign on the Intermediate BL Lac Object 3C 66A in 2007 – 2008 期刊论文
22 Luminosity Function of the Cluster of Galaxies Abell 566 期刊论文
23 Reddening, colour and metallicity of the M31 globular cluster system 期刊论文
24 Optical Monitoring of BL Lacertae Object OJ 287: A 40 Day Period 期刊论文
25 Optical Monitoring of BL Lacertae Object S5 0716+714 with a Novel Multipeak Interference Filter 期刊论文
26 A massive binary black-hole system in OJ287 and a test of general relativity 期刊论文
27 Age Constraints for an M31 Globular Cluster from SEDs Fit 期刊论文
28 New age estimates of M31 globular clusters from multicolour photometry 期刊论文
29 Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR) for Antarctic Dome A 会议论文
30 Age estimations of M 31 globular clusters from their spectral energy distributions 期刊论文
31 A `super' star cluster grown old: the most massive star cluster in the Local Group 期刊论文
32 Spectral Energy Distributions of M81 Globular Clusters in the BATC Multicolor Survey 期刊论文
33 Late-time Photometry of Two Nearby Type II-P Supernovae: 2004dj and 2004et 期刊论文
34 The PLATO Antarctic site testing observatory 期刊论文
35 Optical multiband observations of BL Lacertae during the outburst of 2005 期刊论文
36 Optical Variability of the Radio Source J 1128+5925 期刊论文