杂多钼氧酸盐3d-4f 异金属衍生材料的设计合成及其对偶氮类染料光降解性能研究

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1 Recent progress in metal-functionalized germanotungstates: from structures to properties 期刊论文 李艳周|罗婕|陈利娟|赵俊伟|
2 Syntheses, structures and properties of a series of 3s–5d–4f mixed metal substituted sandwich-type arsenotungstates 期刊论文 李海楼|李岩岩|陈利娟|赵俊伟|
3 Syntheses, structural characterization and photophysical properties of two series of rare-earth-isonicotinic-acid containing Waugh-type manganomolybdates 期刊论文 罗婕|田雪萌|陈利娟|赵俊伟|
4 Novel One-Dimensional Organic?Inorganic Polyoxometalate Hybrids Constructed from Heteropolymolybdate Units and Copper ? Aminoacid Complexes 期刊论文 张景丽|李艳周|曹静|陈利娟|
5 Rectangle versus Square Oxalate-Connective Tetralanthanide Cluster Anchored in Lacunary Lindqvist Isopolytungstates: Syntheses, Structures, and Properties 期刊论文 李艳周|李春阳|王振岭|陈利娟|
6 Structural Transformation from Dimerization to Tetramerization of Serine-Decorated Rare-Earth-Incorporated Arsenotungstates Induced by the Usage of Rare-Earth Salts 期刊论文 刘敬琳|陈利娟|赵俊伟|杨国昱|
7 Two types of novel tetra-iron substituted sandwich-type arsenotungastates with supporting lanthanide pendants 期刊论文 张芳|马杏|罗婕|赵俊伟|
8 Syntheses, structures and properties of a series of inorganic–organic hybrid copper–lanthanide heterometal comprising germanotungstates with mixed ligands 期刊论文 李海楼|罗婕|陈利娟|赵俊伟|
9 Self-Assembly of a Family of Isopolytungstates Induced by the Synergistic Effect of the Nature of Lanthanoids and the pH Variation in the Reaction Process: Syntheses, Structures, and Properties 期刊论文 陈利娟|马建茹|郑丽巍|赵俊伟|
10 A brief review of the crucial progress on heterometallic polyoxotungstates in the past decade 期刊论文 刘建彩|韩庆|陈利娟|赵俊伟|
11 Synthesis, structure, spectroscopic and ferroelectric properties of an acentric polyoxotungstate containing 1:2-type [Sm( a -PW 11 O 39 ) 2 ] 11? fragment and D -proline components 期刊论文 李海楼|张景丽|赵俊伟|陈利娟|
12 Hydrothermal syntheses, crystal structures and characterization of two new 1-D and 2-D inorganic–organic hybrid polyoxomolybdates [H2dap]2[x-Mo8O26]·2H2O and [Cu(dap)2]2[β-Mo8O26] 期刊论文 王秀华|韩庆|陈利娟|赵俊伟|
13 Significant developments in rare-earth-containing polyoxometalate chemistry: synthetic strategies, structural diversities and correlative properties 期刊论文 马杏|杨雯|陈利娟|赵俊伟|
14 The main progress over the past decade and future outlook on high-nuclear transition-metal substituted polyoxotungstates: from synthetic strategies, structural features to functional properties 期刊论文 马杏|李海楼|陈利娟|赵俊伟|
15 Syntheses, structures and properties of four inorganic–organic hybrid heteropolymolybdates functionalized by chiral serine ligands 期刊论文 邵波|温悦|陈利娟|赵俊伟|
16 Two octamolybdate-based hybrids functionalized by 1,3-bis[tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamino]propane ligand 期刊论文 邵波|李岩岩|陈利娟|赵俊伟|
17 Syntheses, structures and properties of two copper-2-picolinic-acid germanomolybdate hybrids with mixed organic components 期刊论文 李岩岩|罗婕|陈利娟|赵俊伟|