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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Contributions of climatic and anthropogenic drivers to vegetation dynamics indicated by NDVI in a large dam-reservoir-river system 期刊论文 Pingping Zhang;Yanpeng Cai;Wei Yang;Yujun Yi;Zhifeng Yang;Qiang Fu
2 Energy-environment-economy nexus in Pakistan: Lessons from a PAK-TIMES model 期刊论文 Syed Aziz Ur Rehman;Yanpeng Cai;Nayyar Hussain Mirjat;Gordhan Das Walasai;Mohammad Nafees
3 Visualization and Analysis of Mapping Knowledge Domains for Food Waste Studies 期刊论文 Yiran Ouyang;Yanpeng Cai;Hongjiang Guo
4 An optimal modeling approach for reducing carbon footprint in agricultural water-energy-food nexus system 期刊论文 Fan Zhang;Yanpeng Cai;Qian Tan;Bernard A. Engel;Xuan Wang
5 Ecological preservation based multi-objective optimization of coastal seawall engineering structures 期刊论文 Yan Xu;Yanpeng Cai;Tao Sun;Xin’An Yin;Qian Tan;Jun Sun;Jianfeng Peng
6 Multi-scale simulation and dynamic coordination evaluation of water-energy-food and economy for the Pearl River Delta city cluster in China 期刊论文 Yiran Ouyang;Yanpeng Cai;Yulei Xie;Wencong Yue;Hongjiang Guo
7 Contribution of various categories of environmental factors to sediment nitrogen-removal in a low C/N ratio river 期刊论文 Haoping Wu;Beibei Hao;Qichao Zhou;Ke Xu;Yanpeng Cai;Guihua Liu
8 Multiple spatio-temporal patterns of vegetation coverage and its relationship with climatic factors in a large dam-reservoir-river system 期刊论文 Pingping Zhang;Yanpeng Cai;Wei Yang;Yujun Yi;Zhifeng Yang;Qiang Fu
9 Key factors controlling transport of micro- and nanoplastic in porous media and its effect on coexisting pollutants 期刊论文 Dan Zhou;Yanpeng Cai;Zhifeng Yang
10 一种静电场力耦合多级隔板水力作用去除胶体杂质的装置 专利 陈淑英;谭倩;蔡宴朋;杨志峰
11 Water security assessment with the improvement of modifying the boundary consistency between footprint and provision 期刊论文 Yanan Liang;Yanpeng Cai;Xuan Wang;Chunhui Li;Qiang Liu
12 An integrated approach for reducing spatially coupled water-shortage risks of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration in China 期刊论文 Yanpeng Cai;Hao Wang;Wencong Yue;Yulei Xie;Qingtian Liang
13 An integrated modeling approach for identifying cost-effective strategies in controlling water pollution of urban watersheds 期刊论文 Yong Zeng;Yanpeng Cai;Qian Tan;Chao Dai
14 Agricultural nitrogen flow in a reservoir watershed and its implications for water pollution mitigation 期刊论文 Ronghua Xu;Yanpeng Cai;Xuan Wang;Chunhui Li;Qiang Liu;Zhifeng Yang
15 An inexact modeling approach for supporting water resources allocation under natural and social complexities in a border city of China and Myanmar 期刊论文 Dongni Chen;Yanpeng Cai;Xuan Wang;Chunhui Li;Xinan Yin;Qiang Liu
16 A dual-randomness bi-level interval multi-objective programming model for regional water resources management 期刊论文 Jun Xiao;Yanpeng Cai;Yanhu He;Yulei Xie;Zhifeng Yang
17 一种考虑多水源联合概率分布的区域可供水量估算方法 专利 王烜;蔡剑英;方佳佳;王祉静;李春晖;蔡宴朋;刘强;杨志峰
18 Water footprint and consumption of hydropower from basin-constrained water mass balance 期刊论文 Lian Sun;Yanpeng Cai;Aifang Chen;David Zamora;Fernando Jaramillo
19 Radial growth responses to climate of Pinus yunnanensis at low elevations of the Hengduan Mountains, China 期刊论文 Lian Sun;Yanpeng Cai;Yang Zhou;Shiyuan Shi;Yesi Zhao;Björn E. Gunnarson;Fernando Jaramillo
20 Climatic variations within the dry valleys in southwestern China and the influences of artificial reservoirs 期刊论文 Lian Sun;Yanpeng Cai;Wei Yang;Yujun Yi;Zhifeng Yang
21 Incorporating Fish Tolerance to Supersaturated Total Dissolved Gas for Generating Flood Pulse Discharge Patterns Based on a Simulation‐Optimization Approach 期刊论文 Hang Wan;Qian Tan;Ran Li;Yanpeng Cai;Xiaomei Shen;Zhifeng Yang;Xia Shen
22 Effects of submerged vegetation on sediment nitrogen-cycling bacterial communities in Honghu Lake (China) 期刊论文 Haoping Wu;Beibei Hao;Yanpeng Cai;Guihua Liu;Wei Xing
23 Spatial water footprint optimization of crop planting: A fuzzy multiobjective optimal approach based on MOD16 evapotranspiration products 期刊论文 Fan Zhang;Yanpeng Cai;Qian Tan;Xuan Wang
24 An approach for runoff and sediment nexus analysis under multi-flow conditions in a hyper-concentrated sediment river, Southwest China 期刊论文 Yutong Li;Yanpeng Cai;Zoe Li;Xuan Wang;Qiang Fu;Dan Liu;Lian Sun;Ronghua Xu
25 2019年产学研合作创新成果一等奖 奖励 蔡宴朋;杨志峰;汪义杰;谭倩;徐俏;尹心安;李杰;郝岩
26 环境技术进步奖二等奖 奖励 徐琳瑜;杨志峰;蔡宴朋;章北平;江进;刘耕源;陆谢娟;徐俏;陈磊;姚伟君;郝岩
27 Dynamic flows of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic in China 期刊论文 Jianwen Chu;Yanpeng Cai;Chunhui Li;Xuan Wang;Qiang Liu;Mengchang He
28 Development of an integrated prediction-optimization modeling approach for coupled risk management of water and energy nexus systems 期刊论文 Yanpeng Cai;Jianying Cai;Dongni Chen;Yulei Xie;Jingchun Feng
29 Climatic and anthropogenic impacts on water and sediment generation in the middle reach of the Jinsha River Basin 期刊论文 Pingping Zhang;Yanpeng Cai;Wei Yang;Yujun Yi;Zhifeng Yang
30 A stochastic modeling approach for analyzing water resources systems 期刊论文 Yutong Li;Yanpeng Cai;Qiang Fu;Xuan Wang;Chunhui Li;Qiang Liu;Ronghua Xu
31 Dynamic simulation of coastal wetlands for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay area based on multi-temporal Landsat images and FLUS model 期刊论文 Hongjiang Guo;Yanpeng Cai;Zhifeng Yang;Zhenchang Zhu;Yiran Ouyang
32 数据变化识别方法及设备 专利 孙炼;蔡宴朋;杨薇;易雨君;李春晖;王烜
33 一种河流纵向连通性评价方法 专利 李春晖;李智;卜久贺;王烜;蔡宴朋;刘强
34 一种径流变异影响因子确定方法及系统 专利 刘丹;王烜;杨志峰;崔保山;李春晖;刘强;蔡宴朋;杨薇;赵彦伟;蔡燕子
35 A life-cycle perspective for analyzing carbon neutrality potential of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics in China 期刊论文 Jianwen Chu;Yang Zhou;Yanpeng Cai;Xuan Wang;Chunhui Li;Qiang Liu
36 Evaluation of multi-source precipitation data in a watershed with complex topography based on distributed hydrological modeling 期刊论文 Weichen Wang;Lian Sun;Yanpeng Cai;Yujun Yi;Wei Yang;Zhifeng Yang
37 A hybrid game theory and mathematical programming model for solving trans-boundary water conflicts 期刊论文 Yong Zeng;Jiangbin Li;Yanpeng Cai;Qian Tan;Chao Dai
38 环境保护科学技术奖二等奖 奖励 张远;蔡宴朋;夏瑞;丁森;翟晓燕;王谦;郭朝军;马淑芹;贾晓波
39 An integrated simulation-optimization modeling system for water resources management under coupled impacts of climate and land use variabilities with priority in ecological protection 期刊论文 Congcong Li;Yanpeng Cai;Qian Tan;Xuan Wang;Chunhui Li;Qiang Liu;Dongni Chen
40 Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for streamflow prediction based on multiple optimization algorithms in Yalong River Basin of southwestern China 期刊论文 Yanan Liang;Yanpeng Cai;Lian Sun;Xuan Wang;Chunhui Li;Qiang Liu
41 Seasonality and Species Specificity of Submerged Macrophyte Biomass in Shallow Lakes Under the Influence of Climate Warming and Eutrophication 期刊论文 Haoping Wu;Beibei Hao;Hyunbin Jo;Yanpeng Cai
42 Exploring the influence of reservoir impoundment on surrounding tree growth 期刊论文 Lian Sun;Fernando Jaramillo;Yanpeng Cai;Yang Zhou;Shiyuan Shi;Yesi Zhao;Weichen Wang;Yujun Yi;Wei Yang;Zhifeng Yang;Qian Tan;Björn Gunnarson
43 The frontier evolution and emerging trends of hydrological connectivity in river systems: a scientometric review 期刊论文 Bowen Li;Zhifeng Yang;Yanpeng Cai;Bo Li
44 一种水资源优化配置及优化结果评价反馈方法 专利 潘炜杰;杨志峰;蔡宴朋;肖俊;郭红江;欧阳怡然;谭倩