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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Will rapid urban expansion in the drylands of northern China continue: A scenario analysis based on the Land Use Scenario Dynamics-urban model and the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways 期刊论文 Chunyang He;Jingwei Li;Xiaoling Zhang;Zhifeng Liu;Da Zhang
2 The relationship between habitat loss and fragmentation during urbanization: An empirical evaluation from 16 world cities 期刊论文 Zhifeng Liu;Chunyang He;Jianguo Wu
3 Quantifying surface coal-mining patterns to promote regional sustainability in ordos, Inner Mongolia 期刊论文 Xiaoji Zeng;Zhifeng Liu;Chunyang He;Qun Ma;Jianguo Wu
4 Detecting surface coal mining areas from remote sensing imagery: an approach based on object-oriented decision trees 期刊论文 Xiaoji Zeng;Zhifeng Liu;Chunyang He;Qun Ma;Jianguo Wu
5 中国北方农牧交错带城市扩展过程对植被净初级生产力影响研究——以呼包鄂地区为例 期刊论文 丁美慧;孙泽祥;刘志锋;何春阳
6 中国北方干燥地城市扩展过程对生态系统服务的影响——以呼和浩特-包头-鄂尔多斯城市群地区为例 期刊论文 孙泽祥;刘志锋;何春阳;邬建国
7 Spatiotemporal patterns of forest in the transnational area of Changbai Mountain from 1977 to 2015: A comparative analysis of the chinese and DPRK Sub-Regions 期刊论文 Hui Tao;Ying Nan;Zhifeng Liu
8 How did urban land expand in China between 1992 and 2015? A multi-scale landscape analysis 期刊论文 Min Xu;Chunyang He;Zhifeng Liu;Yinyin Dou
9 General spatiotemporal patterns of urbanization: An examination of 16 world cities 期刊论文 Zhifeng Liu;Chunyang He;Jianguo Wu
10 中国北方农牧交错带贫困动态——基于贫困距离指数的分析 期刊论文 任强;何春阳;黄庆旭;刘志锋;李经纬
11 Are the drylands in northern China sustainable? A perspective from ecological footprint dynamics from 1990 to 2010 期刊论文 Jingwei Li;Zhifeng Liu;Chunyang He;Wei Tu;Zexiang Sun
12 Urban expansion brought stress to food security in China: Evidence from decreased cropland net primary productivity 期刊论文 Chunyang He;Zhifeng Liu;Min Xu;Qun Ma;Yinyin Dou
13 The extent of temporary water bodies increased in the drylands of northern China: a multiscale analysis based on MODIS data 期刊论文 Siyuan Gou;Zhifeng Liu;Chunyang He;Jingwei Li
14 中国快速城市化干燥地区的生态系统服务权衡关系多尺度分析——以呼包鄂榆地区为例 期刊论文 孙泽祥;刘志锋;何春阳;邬建国
15 Urban land extraction using VIIRS nighttime light data: An evaluation of three popular methods 期刊论文 Yinyin Dou;Zhifeng Liu;Chunyang He;Huanbi Yue
16 风电场对草地蒸散发影响分析 期刊论文 李国庆;刘志锋;常学礼;张蒙
17 Water shortages raised a legitimate concern over the sustainable development of the drylands of northern China: Evidence from the water stress index 期刊论文 Jingwei Li;Zhifeng Liu;Chunyang He;Huanbi Yue;Siyuan Gou
18 Understanding land system change through scenario-based simulations: A case study from the drylands in northern China 期刊论文 Zhifeng Liu;Peter H. Verburg;Jianguo Wu;Chunyang He