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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 A new dinosaur track site from the earliest Cretaceous (Berriasian) part of the Tuchengzi Formation, Hebei Province, China: Implications for morphology, ontogeny and paleocommunity structure 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Mao Zhifang;Klein Hendrik;Gu Zhenfei;Bai Chundong;Qiu Liang;Liu Yusheng;Romilio Anthony;Persons W. Scott;Wan Xiaoqiao
2 Ornamental feathers in Cretaceous Burmese amber: resolving the enigma of rachis-dominated feather structure 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Cocio Pierre;McKellar Ryan C.;O'Connor Jingmai
3 Inter-amphibian predation in the Early Cretaceous of China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Niu Kecheng;Evans Susan E.
4 Dinosaur tracks from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary Tuchengzi Formation (Hebei Province, China) used as building stones in the Chengde imperial summer resort: Age, ichnology, and history 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Du Tianming;Zhang Lijun;Klein Hendrik;Romilio Anthony;Persons W. Scott;Wang Kuan;Li Zhenyu;Wan Xiaoqiao
5 Diverse sauropod-theropod-dominated track assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous Dasheng Group of Eastern China: Testing the use of drones in footprint documentation 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Romilio Anthony;Klein Hendrik;Zhang Junqiang;Chen Haiying;Zhang Jiajie;Burns Michael E.;Wang Xiaoli
6 Early Jurassic basal sauropodomorpha dominated tracks from Guizhou, China: Morphology, ethology, and paleoenvironment 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Tang Dongjie;Klein Hendrik;Peng Guangzhao;Ye Yong;Hao Baoqiao
7 A review of the non-avian theropod track record and the implications for the Ontogenetic Niche Shift model 期刊论文 Lockley Martin G.;Xing Lida
8 Land Snail with Periostracal Hairs Preserved in Burmese Amber 期刊论文 Neubauer Thomas A.;Xing Lida;Jochum Adrienne
9 Review and Detailed Description of Sauropod-Dominated Trackways from the Upper Cretaceous Jiangdihe Formation of Yunnan, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G;Matsukawa Masaki;Klein Hendrik;Zhang Jianping;Wang Tao;Persons W Scott;Hu Jian;Dai Hui;Hu Haiqian
10 Lower Cretaceous turtle tracks from Hekou Group of Northwest China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Li Daqing;Klein Hendrik;Lockley Martin G;Liang Qingqing;Yang Jingtao;Li Longfeng;You Wenze
11 Crab in amber reveals an early colonization of nonmarine environments during the Cretaceous 期刊论文 Javier Luque;Lida Xing
12 A partial articulated hadrosaurid skeleton from the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Ganzhou area, Jiangxi Province, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Niu Kecheng;Wang Donghao;Marquez Albert Prieto
13 A Lower Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from the Taoqihe Formation in Central Heilongjiang, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Klein Hendrik;Qiu Liang;Chou Chunyong;Wang Donghao;Persons W. Scott
14 The first theropod tracks from the Middle Jurassic of Gansu, Northwest China: new and rare evidence of quadrupedal progression in theropod dinosaurs 期刊论文 Li Da Qing;Xing Li Da;Lockley Martin G;Romilio Anthony;Yang Jing Tao;Li Long Feng
15 Upper Jurassic dinosaur tracks from the Tianchihe Formation of Shanxi Province, China: review and new observations 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Klein Hendrik;Wang Enze;Persons W. Scott
16 Integumentary remains and abdominal contents in the Early Cretaceous Chinese lizard, Yabeinosaurus (Squamata), demonstrate colour banding and a diet including crayfish 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Niu Kechung;Taylor Rod S.;Evans Susan E.
17 A theropod and sauropod track assemblage from the Lower Jurassic of Guizhou, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Klein Hendrik;Zeng Rong;Peng Guangzhao;Ye Yong;Hao Baoqiao;Persons W. Scott
18 Theropod assemblages and a new ichnotaxon Gigandipus chiappei ichnosp nov from the Jiaguan Formation, Lower Cretaceous of Guizhou Province, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Klein Hendrik;Zeng Rong;Cai Sifu;Luo Xiuchun;Li Chen
19 A mid-Cretaceous embryonic-to-neonate snake in amber from Myanmar 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Caldwell Michael W.;Chen Rui;Nydam Randall L.;Palci Alessandro;Simoes Tiago R.;McKellar Ryan C.;Lee Michael S. Y.;Liu Ye;Shi Hongliang;Wang Kuan;Bai Ming
20 STEGOSAUR TRACK ASSEMBLAGE FROM XINJIANG, CHINA, FEATURING THE SMALLEST KNOWN STEGOSAUR RECORD 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Persons W. Scott;Klein Hendrik;Romilio Anthony;Wang Donghao;Wang Miaoyan
21 An historic theropod-dominated track assemblage from the Upper Jurassic of Sichuan, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Romilio Anthony;Klein Hendrik;Peng Guangzhao;Persons W. Scott;Ye Yong;Jiang Shan;Wang Miaoyan
22 白垩纪缅甸琥珀脊椎动物群:新知与展望 会议论文 邢立达;万晓樵
23 中国白垩纪的恐爪龙类足迹 会议论文 邢立达;张建平;丑春永;徐星
24 Lower cretaceous avian-dominated, theropod, thyreophoran, pterosaur and turtle track assemblages from the Tugulu Group, Xinjiang, China: ichnotaxonomy and palaeoecology 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Jia Chengkai;Klein Hendrik;Niu Kecheng;Zhang Lijun;Qi Liqi;Chou Chunyong;Romilio Anthony;Wang Donghao;Zhang Yu;Persons W. Scott;Wang Miaoyan
25 A fully feathered enantiornithine foot and wing fragment preserved in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber 期刊论文 Xing Lida;McKellar Ryan C.;O'Connor Jingmai K.;Bai Ming;Tseng Kuowei;Chiappe Luis M.
26 Lower Cretaceous avian tracks from Jiangsu Province, China: A first Chinese report for ichnogenus Goseongornipes (Ignotornidae) 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Buckley Lisa G.;Lockley Martin G.;McCrea Richard T.;Tang Yonggang
27 Chirotherium and first Asian Rhynchosauroides tetrapod trackways from the Middle Triassic of Yunnan, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Klein Hendrik
28 An unusually large bird wing in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber 期刊论文 Xing Lida;McKellar Ryan C.;O'Connor Jingmai K.
29 Variation in sauropod trackway pattern from the Tuchengzi Formation (Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary) in western Liaoning, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Jiang Zikun;Klein Hendrik;Persons W. Scott;Zhang Peifu;Wan Xiaoqiao
30 A mid-Cretaceous enantiornithine foot and tail feather preserved in Burmese amber 期刊论文 Xing Lida;McKellar Ryan C.;O'Connor Jingmai K.;Niu Kecheng;Mai Huijuan
31 The first shrimp preserved in mid-cretaceous Kachin amber: systematics, palaeoecology, and taphonomy 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Liu Yu;McKellar Ryan C.;Luque Javier;Li Gang;Wang Yanping;Yi Qiru;Sun Rui;Wang Enze;Audo Denis
32 Lower Cretaceous theropod tracks with the new ichnogenus and combination Lockleypus luanpingensis from the Dabeigou Formation of the Luanping Basin, Hebei Province, China 期刊论文 Xing Li-Da;Klein Hendrik;Qin Zuo-Huan;Persons W. Scott;Xu Xing
33 Unusual dinosaur trackway preservation as clues to paleo-landscape and behavior from the Lower Cretaceous Luohe Formation, Shaanxi Province, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Tang Yongzhong;Klein Hendrik;Persons W. Scott;Wang Miaoyan;Li Xingwen;Wu Hao
34 The first record of an ornithomimosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Tugulu Group of the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Persons W. Scott IV;Lautenschlager Stephan;Wang Donghao;Niu Kecheng
35 The new ichnotaxon Eubrontes nobitai ichnosp. nov. and other saurischian tracks from the Lower Cretaceous of Sichuan Province and a review of Chinese Eubrontes-type tracks 期刊论文 Xing Li-Da;Lockley Martin G.;Klein Hendrik;Zhang Li-Jun;Romilio Anthony;Scott Persons W.;Peng Guang-Zhao;Ye Yong;Wang Miao-Yan
36 A mid-Cretaceous dinosaur track assemblage from the Hengshan Formation in central Zhejiang, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Klein Hendrik;Chou Chunyong;Wang Donghao;Persons W. Scott
37 Palaeopathology in a Cretaceous terrestrial lizard from China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Niu Kecheng;Wang Donghao;Rothschild Bruce M.;Evans Susan E.
38 A new compsognathid theropod dinosaur from the oldest assemblage of the Jehol Biota in the Lower Cretaceous Huajiying Formation, northeastern China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Miyashita Tetsuto;Wang Donghao;Niu Kechung;Currie Philip J.
39 A gigantic marine ostracod (Crustacea: Myodocopa) trapped in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Sames Benjamin;McKellar Ryan C.;Xi Dangpeng;Bai Ming;Wan Xiaoqiao
40 Possible bite-induced abscess and osteomyelitis in Lufengosaurus (Dinosauria: sauropodomorph) from the Lower Jurassic of the Yimen Basin, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Rothschild Bruce M.;Randolph-Quinney Patrick S.;Wang Yi;Parkinson Alexander H.;Ran Hao
41 A diversified dinosaur track assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous Xiaoba Formation of Sichuan Province, China: Implications for ichnological database and census studies 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Tong Kui;Peng Guangzhao;Romilio Anthony;Klein Hendrik;Persons W. Scott;Ye Yong;Jiang Shan
42 Dinosaur tracks from the Lower Cretaceous Xiguayuan Formation in the Luanping Basin, Hebei Province, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Qin Zuohuan;Klein Hendrik;Romilio Anthony;Persons W. Scott;Nie Xin;Wan Xiaoqiao
43 中国新沂马陵山白垩纪恐龙足迹——从虎到肉食龙及由传说至古生物学(英文) 期刊论文 邢立达;钮科程;马丁G洛克利;郭颖;唐永刚;W.斯考特培森四世;冉浩
44 Tetrapod track assemblages from Lower Cretaceous desert facies in the Ordos Basin, Shaanxi Province, China, and their implications for Mesozoic paleoecology 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Tang Yongzhong;Romilio Anthony;Xu Tao;Li Xingwen;Tang Yu;Li Yizhao
45 A diversified tetrapod ichnite fauna from the Lower Cretaceous Hekou Group of Gansu Province, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Peng Cuo;Lockley Martin G.;Wang Yongdong;Li Daqing;Klein Hendrik;Yang Jingtao;Li Longfeng;Persons W. Scott;Wang Miaoyan
46 Late Triassic sauropodomorph and Middle Jurassic theropod tracks from the Xichang Basin, Sichuan Province, southwestern China: First report of the ichnogenus Carmelopodus 期刊论文 Xing Li-Da;Ba Jin;Lockley Martin G.;Klein Hendrik;Yan Sheng-Wu;Romilio Anthony;Chou Chun-Yong;Persons W. Scott
47 Multiple parallel deinonychosaurian trackways from a diverse dinosaur track assemblage of the Lower Cretaceous Dasheng Group of Shandong Province, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Guo Ying;Klein Hendrik;Zhang Junqiang;Zhang Li;Persons W. Scott;Romilio Anthony;Tang Yonggang;Wang Xiaoli
48 A New Enantiornithine Bird with Unusual Pedal Proportions Found in Amber 期刊论文 Xing Lida;O'Connor Jingmai K.;Chiappe Luis M.;McKellar Ryan C.;Carroll Nathan;Hu Han;Bai Ming;Lei Fuming
49 An unusual dinosaur track assemblage from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary, Anning formation, Lufeng Basin, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Romilio Anthony
50 The earliest direct evidence of frogs in wet tropical forests from Cretaceous Burmese amber 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Stanley Edward L.;Bai Ming;Blackburn David C.
51 The possible earliest epizoochorous fruit preserved in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Gu Lei
52 Footprints of marine reptiles from the Middle Triassic (Anisian-Ladinian) Guanling Formation of Guizhou Province, southwestern China: The earliest evidence of synchronous style of swimming 期刊论文 Lida Xing;Hendrik Klein;Martin G. Lockley;Xiao-chun Wu;Michael J. Benton;Rong Zeng;Anthony Romilio
53 陕西中鸡发现白垩纪恐龙足迹群 期刊论文 唐永忠;邢立达;徐涛;李兴文;唐玉;李益朝;刘涛
54 A New Enantiornithine (Aves) Preserved in Mid-Cretaceous Burmese Amber Contributes to Growing Diversity of Cretaceous Plumage Patterns 期刊论文 Xing Lida;O'Connor Jingmai K.;Niu Kecheng;Cockx Pierre;Mai Huijuan;McKellar Ryan C.
55 A redescription of the ichnospecies Koreanaornis anhuiensis (Aves) from the Lower Cretaceous Qiuzhuang Formation at Mingguang city, Anhui Province, China 期刊论文 Xing Li-Da;Hu Yuan-Chao;Huang Jian-Dong;He Qing;Lockley Martin G.;Burns Michael E.;Fang Jun
56 A flattened enantiornithine in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber: morphology and preservation 期刊论文 Xing Lida;O'Connor Jingmai K.;McKellar Ryan C.;Chiappe Luis M.;Bai Ming;Tseng Kuowei;Zhang Jie;Yang Haidong;Fang Jun;Li Gang
57 Juvenile snail with preserved soft tissue in mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar suggests a cyclophoroidean (Gastropoda) ancestry 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Ross Andrew J.;Stilwell Jeffrey D.;Fang Jun;McKellar Ryan C.
58 Disassociated feathers in Burmese amber shed new light on mid-Cretaceous dinosaurs and avifauna 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Cockx Pierre;McKellar Ryan C.
59 Zircon U-Pb age constraints on the mid-Cretaceous Hkamti amber biota in northern Myanmar 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Qiu Liang
60 A probable tyrannosaurid track from the Upper Cretaceous of southern China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Niu Kecheng;Lockley Martin G.;Klein Hendrik;Romilio Anthony;Persons W. Scott;Brusatte Stephen L.
61 Possible egg masses from amphibians, gastropods, and insects in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Wang Donghao;L Gang i;McKellar Ryan C.;Bai Ming;Chen Huarong;Evans Susan E.
62 Largest dinosaur tracksite in China (Cretaceous, Zhaojue area, Sichuan Province): On the verge of destruction 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Klein Hendrik;Persons W. Scott;Peng Guangzhao;Ye Yong;Wang Miaoyan
63 The first record of Cretaceous non-avian dinosaur tracks from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Lockley Martin G.;Klein Hendrik;Persons W. Scott;Wei Mengyuan;Chen Li;Wang Miaoyan
64 Cretaceous Hitchhikers: a Possible Phoretic Association between a Pseudoscorpion and Bird in Burmese Amber 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Mckellar Ryan C.;Gao Zhizhong
65 四川西昌盆地白垩纪恐龙足迹群的新发现 期刊论文 童馗;邢立达;姜巽;彭光照;叶勇;江山;丑春永;李轲;李智武
66 Lower Cretaceous sauropod trackways from Lishui City and an overview of dinosaur dominated track assemblages from Zhejiang Province, China 期刊论文 Xing Li-Da;Chou Chun-Yong;Lockley Martin G.;Romilio Anthony;Klein Hendrik;Li Nan;Persons W. Scott
67 Sauropod tracks from the Middle Jurassic Chuanjie Formation of Yunnan Province and the pre-Cretaceous sauropodomorph trackways from China 期刊论文 Xing Li-Da;Lockley Martin G.;Klein Hendrik;Wang Tao
68 安徽齐云山恐龙蛋化石的显微结构和拉曼光谱特征 期刊论文 何情;姜琴;邢立达;安燕飞;侯捷;胡毅
69 Saurischian-dominated tracksites and first Cretaceous lizard trackway from China from the Hekou Group (Lower Cretaceous) of Lanzhou-Minhe Basin, Gansu, Northwest China 期刊论文 Xing Lida;Li Daqing;Lockley Martin G.;Persons W. Scott;Klein Hendrik;Yang Jingtao;Li Longfeng;Peng Cuo
70 詹姆斯·李·威尔逊奖(James Lee Wilson Award) 奖励 邢立达