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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Degradation of β-N-methylamino-l-alanine (BMAA) by UV/peracetic acid system: Influencing factors, degradation mechanism and DBP formation 期刊论文 Shiqing Zhou;Jiamin Huang;Lingjun Bu;Guangchao Li;Shumin Zhu
2 一种基于物联网的饮用水水质在线检测装置 专利 周石庆;卜令君;伍洋涛;祝淑敏
3 湖南省优秀硕士学位论文指导教师 奖励 周石庆
4 UV365 induced elimination of contaminants of emerging concern in the presence of residual nitrite: Roles of reactive nitrogen species 期刊论文 Shiqing Zhou;Ling Li;Yangtao Wu;Shumin Zhu;Ningyuan Zhu;Lingjun Bu;Dionysios D. Dionysiou
5 Organic chloramines formation from algal organic matters: Insights from Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry 期刊论文 Da Sheng;Lingjun Bu;Shumin Zhu;Yangtao Wu;Jue Wang;Shiqing Zhou
6 Elimination of 13-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) during UV/chlorine process: Influence factors, transformation pathway and DBP formation 期刊论文 Julong Sun;Shiqing Zhou;Da Sheng;Nan Li;Jue Wang;Changbo Jiang
7 Impact of pre-oxidation on the formation of byproducts in algae-laden water disinfection: Insights from fluorescent and molecular weight 期刊论文 Da Sheng;Lingjun Bu;Shumin Zhu;Yangtao Wu;Jue Wang;Nan Li;Shiqing Zhou
8 Simultaneous removal of chlorite and contaminants of emerging concern under UV photolysis: Hydroxyl radicals vs. chlorate formation 期刊论文 Jue Wang;Yangtao Wu;Lingjun Bu;Shumin Zhu;Weiqiu Zhang;Shiqing Zhou;Naiyun Gao
9 Mechanistic insights into paracetamol transformation in UV/NH2Cl process: Experimental and theoretical study 期刊论文 Pin Wang;Lingjun Bu;Yangtao Wu;Jing Deng;Shiqing Zhou
10 Oxidation of Microcystic-LR via the solar/chlorine process: Radical mechanism, pathways and toxicity assessment 期刊论文 Julong Sun;Lingjun Bu;Shiyang Chen;Xianlei Lu;Yangtao Wu;Zhou Shi;Shiqing Zhou
11 水业杰出青年 奖励 周石庆
12 Comparison of UV and UV/chlorine system on degradation of 2,4-diaminobutyric acid and formation of disinfection byproducts in subsequent chlorination 期刊论文 Jiamin Huang;Yuwei Wu;Yangtao Wu;Da Sheng;Julong Sun;Lingjun Bu;Shiqing Zhou
13 Effect of chlorine dioxide pre-oxidation on algal non-protein amino acid degradation and DBPs formation during subsequent chlor(am)ination 期刊论文 Yangtao Wu;Xiaofang Luo;Guangchao Li;Shiqing Zhou
14 Novel insights into formation mechanism of organic chloramines from pre-oxidized algae-laden water: Multiple roles of dissolved organic nitrogen 期刊论文 Da Sheng;Lingjun Bu;Shumin Zhu;Nan Li;Lei Li;Shiqing Zhou
15 Molecular insights into formation of nitrogenous disinfection byproducts from algal organic matter in UV-LEDs/chlorine process based on FT- ICR analysis 期刊论文 Yuwei Wu;Da Sheng;Yangtao Wu;Julong Sun;Lingjun Bu;Shumin Zhu;Shiqing Zhou
16 Nitrogen conversion from ammonia to trichloronitromethane: Potential risk during UV/chlorine process 期刊论文 Shiqing Zhou;Yangtao Wu;Shumin Zhu;Julong Sun;Lingjun Bu;Dionysios D. Dionysiou
17 Comparison of diatrizoate degradation by UV/chlorine and UV/chloramine processes: Kinetic mechanisms and iodinated disinfection byproducts formation 期刊论文 Yangtao Wu;Shumin Zhu;Weiqiu Zhang;Lingjun Bu;Shiqing Zhou
18 Formation, speciation and toxicity of CX3R-type disinfection by-products (DBPs) from chlor(am)ination of 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DAB) 期刊论文 Xiaofang Luo;Shumin Zhu;Jue Wang;Julong Sun;Lingjun Bu;Shiqing Zhou
19 Non-negligible risk of chloropicrin formation during chlorination with the UV/persulfate pretreatment process in the presence of low concentrations of nitrite 期刊论文 Lingjun Bu;Julong Sun;Yangtao Wu;Weiqiu Zhang;Xiaodi Duan;Shiqing Zhou;Dionysios D. Dionysiou;John C. Crittenden
20 一种旋流式高效沉淀装置 专利 周石庆;卜令君;祝淑敏;伍洋涛;王珏;盛炟