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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Volatile depletion in planet-forming disks 期刊论文 Du Fujun
2 Chemical Evolution During the Formation of Molecular Clouds 期刊论文 Sun Jingfei;Du Fujun
3 Searching for axion dark matter with the MeerKAT radio telescope 期刊论文 Zhou Yun-Fan;Houston Nick;Józsa Gyula I. G.;Chen Hao;Ma Yin-Zhe;Yuan Qiang;An Tao;Chandola Yogesh;Ding Ran;Du Fujun;Guo Shao-Guang;Huang Xiaoyuan;Li Mengtian;Sengupta Chandreyee
4 M17 MIR: A Massive Protostar with Multiple Accretion Outbursts 期刊论文 Zhiwei 志维 Chen 陈;Wei 玮 Sun 孙;Rolf Chini;Martin Haas;Zhibo 治波 Jiang 江;Xuepeng 学鹏 Chen 陈
5 The Chemical Structure of Young High-mass Star-forming Clumps. II. Parsec-scale CO Depletion and Deuterium Fraction of HCO+ 期刊论文 Feng S.;Li D.;Caselli P.;Du F.;Lin Y.;Sipilä O.;Beuther H.;Sanhueza Patricio;Tatematsu K.;Liu S. Y.;Zhang Q.;Wang Y.;Hogge T.;Jimenez-Serra I.;Lu X.;Liu T.;Wang K.;Zhang Z. Y.;Zahorecz S.;Li G.;Liu H. B.;Yuan J.
6 A Meta-analysis of Molecular Spectroscopy Databases, and Prospects of Molecule Detection with Some Future Facilities 期刊论文 Liu Xin;Du Fujun
7 The Role of Magnetic Fields in Triggered Star Formation of RCW 120 期刊论文 Chen Zhiwei;Sefako Ramotholo;Yang Yang;Jiang Zhibo;Yu Shuling;Yin Jia
8 We Drink Good 4.5-Billion-Year-Old Water 期刊论文 Ceccarelli Cecilia;Du Fujun
9 Complex organic molecules formation in cold cores on stochastically heated grains 期刊论文 Long-Fei Chen;Qiang Chang;Yao Wang;Di Li
10 Molecular Gas toward the Gemini OB1 Molecular Cloud Complex. III. Chemical Abundance 期刊论文 Wang Chen;Yang Ji;Su Yang;Du Fujun;Ma Yuehui;Zhang Shaobo
11 Chemical modeling of the complex organic molecules in the extended region around Sagittarius B2 期刊论文 Wang Y;Du F;Semenov Dmitry;Wang H;Li J
12 A Detailed Temperature Map of the Archetypal Protostellar Shocks in L1157 期刊论文 Feng S.;Liu H. B.;Caselli P.;Burkhardt A.;Du F.;Bachiller R.;Codella C.;Ceccarelli C.
13 Chempl: a playable package for modeling interstellar chemistry 期刊论文 Du Fujun
14 The JCMT Transient Survey: Four-year Summary of Monitoring the Submillimeter Variability of Protostars 期刊论文 Lee Yong-Hee;Johnstone Doug;Lee Jeong-Eun;Herczeg Gregory;Mairs Steve;Contreras-Peña Carlos;Hatchell Jennifer;Naylor Tim;Bell Graham S.;Bourke Tyler L.;Broughton Colton;Francis Logan;Gupta Aashish;Harsono Daniel;Liu Sheng-Yuan;Park Geumsook;Plovie Spencer;Moriarty-Schieven Gerald H.;Scholz Aleks;Sharma Tanvi;Teixeira Paula Stella;Wang Yao-Te;Aikawa Yuri;Bower Geoffrey C.;Chen Huei-Ru;Bae Jaehan...
15 The radial profile of dust grain size in the protoplanetary disc of DS Tau 期刊论文 Dafa Li;Yao Liu;Hongchi Wang;Yao Wang;Yuehui Ma
16 Gamma-ray observation towards the young massive star cluster NGC 6618 in the M17 region 期刊论文 Bing Liu;Rui-zhi Yang;Zhiwei Chen
17 Impact of an Active Sgr A on the Synthesis of Water and Organic Molecules throughout the Milky Way 期刊论文 Liu C;Chen X;Du F
18 Physical and chemical structure of the Serpens filament: Fast formation and gravity-driven accretion 期刊论文 Gong Y;Belloche A;Du F.J;Menten K.M;Henkel C;Li G.X;Wyrowski F;Mao R.Q