
  • 中英文摘要
  • 结题摘要
  • 结题报告
  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The Study of Risk Assessment on Land Subsidence in Beijing 会议论文 Gong Huili|Zheng Lijuan|Chen Beibei|Zhang Youquan|Li Xiaojuan|
2 北京地区地面沉降监控关键技术及其工程应用 奖励 李小娟|张有全|孙颖|贾三满|叶超|宫辉力|赵文吉|史文中|喻孟良|于军|
3 基于GPS 和MERIS 数据的InSAR 大气延迟改正 会议论文 李昂晟|周环|陈蓓蓓|李小娟|张有全|
4 Impacts of Land Use Change on Groundwater Resources in Beijing City from 1990 to 2006 会议论文 Sun Ying|Chen Beibei|Gong Huili|Pang Jumei|Lu Xuehui|Lei Kunchao|Yin Ming|Zhang Youquan|Liu Junrong|
5 土壤水分遥感监测研究进展 期刊论文 宫辉力|李小娟|杨涛|
6 Research on evolution of land subsidence induced by nature and human activity by utilizing remote sensing technology 会议论文 Li, Xiaojuan|Jiang, Jun|Su, Yaoming|Jing, Lingling|Gong, Huili|Zhu, Lin|
7 合成孔径雷达干涉测量验证平台 专利 宫辉力; 张有全; 李小娟; 赵文吉; 卢学辉; 叶超; 陈蓓蓓; 雷坤超; 孙颖
8 The Application of RS and GIS to the optimal Design of Groundwater Observation Network 会议论文 ZHENG shengtao|ZHOU tao|WANG shufang|LEI kunchao|WANG liya|Liu Junrong|Zhang Youquan|Sun Ying|LIU yuanzhang|
9 driving forces for the marsh wetland degradation in the honghe national nature reserve in sanjiang plain,northeast chins 期刊论文 Yiyong Wang|Demin Zhou|Huili Gong|
10 Quantitative exploration of the mechanisms behind the urban thermal environment in Beijing 期刊论文 Huili Gong|Dan Meng|Xiaojuan Li|Wenji Zhao|
11 一种宽幅面阵数码相机的多镜头结构 专利 宫辉力; 刘先林; 段福洲; 赵文吉
12 SAR 在湿地土壤湿度提取中的应用研究 会议论文 宫辉力|周环|李小娟|李昂晟|张有全|陈蓓蓓|
13 Evaluating the effectiveness of routine water quality monitoring in Miyun reservoir based on geostatistical analysis 期刊论文 Gong Huili|Zhang Zhengjun|
14 Modeling atmospheric effects of In SAR measurements based on meris and GPS observations 会议论文 Zhou, Huan|Li, Xiaojuan|Sun, Yonghua|Chen, Beibei|Li, Angsheng|Gong, Huili|Zhang, Youquan|
15 多模式微波信号反射增强器 专利 宫辉力; 张有全; 李小娟; 赵文吉; 卢学辉; 叶超; 陈蓓蓓; 雷坤超; 孙颖
16 成像雷达遥感地质灾害应用 期刊论文 李小娟|宫辉力|杨涛|
17 Distribution and formation mechanism analysis of ground fissures in Shunyi County, Beijing 会议论文 Zhu, Lin|Su, Yao-Ming|Di, Xin-Cui|Gong, Hui-Li|Zhao, Wen-Ji|Zhang, You-Quan|
18 基于永久散射体雷达干涉测量技术的北京市地面沉降研究 期刊论文 卢学辉|李小娟|张有全|宫辉力|陈蓓蓓|顾兆芹|
19 国家级遥感测图业务平台研制及重大工程应用 奖励 宫辉力|张继贤|
20 北京顺义区地裂缝分布特征及成因分析 期刊论文 赵文吉|宫辉力|杨涛|
21 Seasonal displacements in upper-middle alluvial fan of Chaobai River, Beijing, China, observed by the permanent scatterers technique 会议论文 Youquan, Zhang|Kunchao, Lei|Huili, Gong|Beibei, Chen|Na, Jiang|
22 INSAR analysis of land subsidence caused by groundwater exploitation in changping, BEIJING, CHINA 会议论文 Zhang, Youquan|Li, Angsheng|Li, Xiaojuan|Chen, Beibei|Liu, Taiguang|Gong, Huili|Su, Yaoming|Yang, Wen|
23 基于生态响应的水文生态学模型研究进展与趋势评价 期刊论文 张明祥|宫辉力|周德民|
24 合成孔径雷达(SAR)在湿地中的应用综述 会议论文 李小娟|周环|张有全|陈蓓蓓|李昂晟|宫辉力|
25 利用GAMIT软件反演北京大气可降水量的初步研究 期刊论文 陈蓓蓓|周环|李昂晟|张有全|
26 Radar differential interferometry based on permanent scatterers and its application in Beijing subsidence 会议论文 Chen Beibei|Lei Kunchao|Sun Ying|Zhang Youquan|Gong Huili|Liu Junrong|