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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Discovery of pentaene polyols by the activation of an enediyne gene cluster: biosynthetic implications for 9-membered enediyne core structures 期刊论文 Jian Pan;Qingwen Tan;Saibin Zhu;Xiaohui Yan;Yu Li;Zhoukang Zhuang;Xiangcheng Zhu;Yanwen Duan;Yong Huang
2 Deciphering the pathway-specific regulatory network for production of ten-membered enediyne Tiancimycins in Streptomyces sp. CB03234-S. 期刊论文 Manxiang Zhu;Fan Zhang;Ting Gan;Jing Lin;Yanwen Duan;Xiangcheng Zhu
3 深海、沙漠、火山、极地来源链霉菌新天然产物(2009~2020) 期刊论文 江婷;蒲洪;段燕文;颜晓晖;黄勇
4 Anthraquinone-fused enediynes: discovery, biosynthesis and development 期刊论文 Yan Xiaohui
5 新型angucycline/angucyclinone类天然产物的研究进展(2010–2020) 期刊论文 张景琰;段燕文;朱湘成;颜晓晖
6 Characterization of Chalkophomycin, a Copper(II) Metallophore with an Unprecedented Molecular Architecture 期刊论文 Bang Gong;Enhe Bai;Xueqiong Feng;Liwei Yi;Yeji Wang;Xin Chen;Xiangcheng Zhu;Yanwen Duan;Yong Huang
7 链霉菌CB03234-S中天赐霉素衍生物的发现 期刊论文 薛露;张丽花;张成玉;赵鑫;党伟帆;王昭昕;王春华;所同川;颜晓晖
8 信号分子在链霉菌天然产物发现和开发中的应用研究进展 期刊论文 刘鑫鑫;张雨薇;王敏;周迎;段燕文;黄勇;颜晓晖
9 Degradation of Mirubactin to Multiple Siderophores with Varying Fe(III) Chelation Properties 期刊论文 Hong Pu;Ting Jiang;Dian Peng;Juanjuan Xia;Juan Gao;Yeji Wang;Xiaohui Yan;Xueshuang Huang;Yanwen Duan;Yong Huang
10 Yangpumicins F and G, Enediyne Congeners from Micromonospora yangpuensis DSM 45577 期刊论文 Wang Zilong;Wen Zhongqing;Liu Ling;Zhu Xiangcheng;Shen Ben;Yan Xiaohui;Duan Yanwen;Huang Yong
11 链霉菌CB02959中四霉素及四烯菌素的鉴定及培养基优化 期刊论文 张燕珂;周迎;薛露;段燕文;朱湘成;颜晓晖
12 Construction of Inducible Genetic Switch for the Global Regulator WblA To Sustain Both Overproduction of Tiancimycins and On-Demand Sporulation in Streptomyces sp. CB03234 期刊论文 Fan Zhang;Die Gao;Jing Lin;Manxiang Zhu;Zhoukang Zhuang;Yanwen Duan;Xiangcheng Zhu
13 Genome mining of novel rubiginones from Streptomyces sp. CB02414 and characterization of the post-PKS modification steps in rubiginone biosynthesis 期刊论文 Zhang Jingyan;Sun Ying;Wang Yeji;Chen Xin;Xue Lu;Zhang Jingjing;Zhu Xiangcheng;Duan Yanwen;Yan Xiaohui
14 途径特异性调控因子介导的链霉菌来源天然产物的产量提升 期刊论文 熊婉;段燕文;颜晓晖;黄勇
15 Discovery of gas vesicles in Streptomyces sp. CB03234-S and potential effects of gas vesicle gene overexpression on morphological and metabolic changes in streptomycetes 期刊论文 Huang Rong;Lin Jin;Gao Die;Zhang Fan;Yi Liwei;Huang Yong;Yan Xiaohui;Duan Yanwen;Zhu Xiangcheng
16 Genome shuffling based on different types of ribosome engineering mutants for enhanced production of 10-membered enediyne tiancimycin-A 期刊论文 Huiming Liu;Chengzhou Jiang;Jing Lin;Zhoukang Zhuang;Wenping Kong;Ling Liu;Yong Huang;Yanwen Duan;Xiangcheng Zhu
17 Genome mining of Streptomyces sp. CB00271 as a natural high‐producer of β‐rubromycin and the resulting discovery of β‐rubromycin acid 期刊论文 Liwei Yi;Jieqian Kong;Yi Xiong;Sirui Yi;Ting Gan;Chengshuang Huang;Yanwen Duan;Xiangcheng Zhu
18 Streptomycin-induced ribosome engineering complemented with fermentation optimization for enhanced production of 10-membered enediynes tiancimycin-A and tiancimycin-D 期刊论文 Zhuang Zhoukang;Jiang Chengzhou;Zhang Fan;Huang Rong;Yi Liwei;Huang Yong;Yan Xiaohui;Duan Yanwen;Zhu Xiangcheng