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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 污染环境修复实践与案例 专著 周启星 刘家女 薛生国等著 唐景春负责第6章
2 A comparative analysis of ball-milled biochar, graphene oxide, and multi-walled carbon nanotubes with respect to toxicity induction in Streptomyces 期刊论文 Xiaomei Liu;Jingchun Tang;Lan Wang;Qinglong Liu;Rutao Liu
3 A review of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) adsorption by biochar and modified biochar in water 期刊论文 Linqing Du;Shakeel Ahmad;Linan Liu;Lan Wang;Jingchun Tang
4 碳包覆纳米零价铁复合材料及其制备方法和应用 专利 唐景春;张成芳;刘庆龙;王兰
5 Microplastics in soil-plant system: effects of nano/microplastics on plant photosynthesis, rhizosphere microbes and soil properties in soil with different residues 期刊论文 Xinwei Ren;Jingchun Tang;Lan Wang;Qinglong Liu
6 Simultaneous sulfamethoxazole degradation with electricity generation by microbial fuel cells using Ni-MOF-74 as cathode catalysts and quantification of antibiotic resistance genes 期刊论文 Shengnan Li;Xuya Zhu;Hang Yu;Xizi Wang;Xiaqing Liu;Hui Yang;Fengxiang Li;Qixing Zhou
7 Biochar-supported nanosized zero-valent iron (nZVI/BC) composites for removal of nitro and chlorinated contaminants 期刊论文 Shakeel Ahmad;Xiaomei Liu;Jingchun Tang;Shicheng Zhang
8 A novel stabilized carbon-coated nZVI as heterogeneous persulfate catalyst for enhanced degradation of 4-chlorophenol 期刊论文 Song Li;Jingchun Tang;Qinglong Liu;Xiaomei Liu;Bin Gao
9 Carbon coating enhances single-electron oxygen reduction reaction on nZVI surface for oxidative degradation of nitrobenzene 期刊论文 Song Li;Jingchun Tang;Lan Wang;Xiaomei Liu
10 Thermal Oxidation Activation of Hydrochar for Tetracycline Adsorption: the Role of Oxygen Concentration and Temperature 期刊论文 Hua Huang;Zhirui Niu;Ruru Shi;Jingchun Tang;Lei Lv;Jian Wang;Yimo Fan
11 Biochar affects greenhouse gas emissions in various environments: A critical review 期刊论文 Honghong Lyu;Hui Zhang;Mengwei Chu;Chengfang Zhang;Jingchun Tang;Scott X. Chang;Ondřej Mašek;Yong Sik Ok
12 Effects of phosphorus modified nZVI-biochar composite on emission of greenhouse gases and changes of microbial community in soil 期刊论文 Zhihui Liu;Jingchun Tang;Xinwei Ren;Sean M. Schaeffer
13 Combined Effects of Microplastics and Biochar on the Removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Phthalate Esters and Its Potential Microbial Ecological Mechanism 期刊论文 Xinwei Ren;Jingchun Tang;Lan Wang;Hongwen Sun
14 Efficient degradation of anthracene in soil by carbon-coated nZVI activated persulfate 期刊论文 Song Li;Jingchun Tang;Chen Yu;Qinglong Liu;Lan Wang
15 Synergistic toxic effects of ball-milled biochar and copper oxide nanoparticles on Streptomyces coelicolor M145 期刊论文 Xiaomei Liu;Jingchun Tang;Lan Wang;Rutao Liu
16 MFC based in situ electrocatalytic persulfate activation for degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol: Process and mechanism 期刊论文 Minjie Zhu;Xiaomei Liu;Linan Liu;Qinglong Liu;Fengxiang Li;Jingchun Tang
17 一种鼠李糖脂改性生物炭强化大米草修复石油污染土壤的方法 专利 唐景春;甄梅楠;宋本如;于宸;李松
18 Sustainable biochar as an electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel cells 期刊论文 Shengnan Li;Shih-Hsin Ho;Tao Hua;Qixing Zhou;Fengxiang Li;Jingchun Tang
19 Rhamnolipid-modified biochar-enhanced bioremediation of crude oil-contaminated soil and mediated regulation of greenhouse gas emission in soil 期刊论文 Meinan Zhen;Jingchun Tang;Chao Li;Hongwen Sun
20 纳米银/生物炭光催化材料及其制备方法和应用 专利 于宸;唐景春
21 球磨零价铁生物炭复合材料及其制备方法和应用 专利 唐景春;王昆
22 Recent advances in metal–organic frameworks–derived carbon-based materials in sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes for organic pollutant removal 期刊论文 Yinghao Shi;Di Feng;Shakeel Ahmad;Linan Liu;Jingchun Tang
23 Activation of peroxymonosulfate by MnFe2O4@BC composite for bisphenol A Degradation: The coexisting of free-radical and non-radical pathways 期刊论文 Siyu Xu;Liangtao Wen;Chen Yu;Song Li;Jingchun Tang
24 Enhanced removal of aged and differently functionalized polystyrene nanoplastics using ball-milled magnetic pinewood biochars 期刊论文 Qingying Shi;Saisai Guo;Jingchun Tang;Honghong Lyu;Cholnam Ri;Hongwen Sun
25 Ball-milled Fe0/FeS2 enhanced interaction of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 with anaerobic microbial community: Impact on 2,4-dichloronitrobenzene reduction and methane yield 期刊论文 Cholnam Ri;Fengxiang Li;Hyokchol Mun;Linan Liu;Jingchun Tang
26 铁酸锰/生物炭复合材料及其制备方法和应用 专利 唐景春;徐思雨;王兰;刘庆龙