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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Poly-victimization and psychopathological symptoms in adolescence: Examining the potential buffering effect of positive childhood experiences 期刊论文 Zhang L;Fang J;Zhang D;Wan Y;Gong C;Su P;Tao F;Sun Y
2 童年期情绪性多食与多基因遗传风险对青春期发育的交互效应研究 期刊论文 刘婉旭;江伟康;赵莉;熊静远;苏普玉;万宇辉;方姣;成果;孙莹
3 从发育可塑性视角拓展早期成长逆境与青少年健康的关联 期刊论文 孙莹;陶芳标
4 生命历程理论模型在早期成长逆境与精神病理症状关联研究中的应用 期刊论文 刘婉旭;孙莹
5 童年期体质量指数轨迹多基因遗传风险与青春期发育启动的前瞻性关联研究 期刊论文 方姣;张丹丹;袁静怡;陶芳标;孙莹
6 Childhood separation from parents with cognitive and psychopathological outcomes in adolescence 期刊论文 Zhao X;Zhang A;Liu W;Tao F;Sun Y
7 Associations between early life parent-child separation and shortened telomere length and psychopathological outcomes during adolescence 期刊论文 Chen XX;Zeng CC;Gong C;Zhang L;Wan Y;Tao F;Sun Y
8 Pubertal recalibration of cortisol reactivity following early life parent-child separation 期刊论文 Zhang DD;Fang J;Zhang L;Yuan JY;Wan Y;Su PY;Tao F;Sun Y
9 Role of Polygenic Risk in Susceptibility to Accelerated Pubertal Onset Following Chronic Stress Exposure 期刊论文 Sun Y;Fang J;Wan Y;Su P;Tao F
10 早期成长逆境与端粒长度关联的研究进展 期刊论文 陈星星;孙莹
11 Prolonged parent-child separation and pain in adolescence: The role of HPA-axis genetic variations 期刊论文 Chen XX;Xu LP;Zeng CC;Zhang XY;Tao FB;Sun Y
12 Casual Associations and Shape Between Prepuberty Body Mass Index and Early Onset of Puberty: A Mendelian Randomization and Dose–Response Relationship Analysis 期刊论文 Fang J;Yuan J;Zhang D;Liu W;Su P;Wan Y;Zhang Z;Tao F;Sun Y
13 青春期代谢调控的新中枢神经通路 期刊论文 袁静怡;孙莹
14 Prolonged Rather Than Early Childhood Parent-Child Separation Predicts Change in Molecular Markers of Cellular Aging: A Consideration of the Role of Adolescence 期刊论文 Wang S;Zhao X;Yu Y;Tao F;Liu D;Sun Y
15 Intergenerational continuity of parent-child separation among mother-offspring dyads: Implication for child cognitive development in rural China 期刊论文 Zhao XD;Zhang AH;Li Q;Wan YH;Tao FB;Sun Y
16 Heightened HPA-axis stress reactivity and accelerated pubertal progression predicts depressive symptoms over 4-year follow up 期刊论文 Gong C;Duan X;Su P;Wan Y;Xu Y;Tao F;Sun Y
17 Adverse Childhood Experiences and Early Pubertal Timing Among Girls: A Meta-Analysis 期刊论文 Zhang L;Zhang D;Sun Y
18 儿童膳食模式与中枢性性早熟的关联 期刊论文 袁静怡;张功;王亚;江伟康;刘婉旭;徐玉祥;孙莹
19 Association between prolonged separation from parents and allostatic load among children in China 期刊论文 Sun Y;Fang J;Xu YX;Xu LP;Su PY;Zhang ZH;Tao FB
20 Inflammatory burden in adolescents with prolonged parent-child separation 期刊论文 Liu W;Zhang A;He H;Zhao X;Tao F;Sun Y
21 Developmental Pattern of Diurnal Cortisol Rhythm and Sex-Specific Associations With Psychopathological Symptoms During Pubertal Transition 期刊论文 Zhang DD;Duan XN;Wan YH;Zhang ZH;Su PY;Tao FB;Sun Y
22 Association of early-life adversity with measures of accelerated biological aging among children in China 期刊论文 Sun Y;Fang J;Wan Y;Su P;Tao FB
23 Associations between distinct dimensions of early life adversity and accelerated reproductive strategy among middle-aged women in China 期刊论文 Yuan J;Yu Y;Liu D;Sun Y