
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 结题报告
  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Trigonometric based on geometric algebra representation principle for pattern recognition 会议论文 Wang, Jin-Jia1|Zhang, Lan1|Zhang, Cui-Hua1|Zhang, Xu-Jing1|Hong, Wen-Xue2|
2 基于模糊度的计算几何分类器权重分配 期刊论文 张涛|洪文学|
3 基于多维筛分类器的可视化帕金森病诊断 期刊论文 张涛|洪文学|李铭婷|赵勇|孟辉|
4 基于超复数计算的3D径向坐标可视化映射方法 期刊论文 孟辉|王立强|宋佳霖|洪文学|
5 基于聚类率的决策表属性约简 期刊论文 路静|张涛|任宏雷|
6 Multichannel epileptic EEG classification using quaternions and neural network 会议论文 Zhao Yong|Hong Wenxue|Xu Yonghong|Zhang Tao|
7 基于物理化学性质的葡萄酒质量的可视化评价研究 期刊论文 王金甲|尹涛|李静|洪文学|马崇霄|
8 Research on wavelet denoising for pulse signal based on improved wavelet thresholding 会议论文 Chang Fengxiang|Hong Wenxue|Zhang Tao|Jing Jun|Liu Xulong|
9 形式背景的属性拓扑表示 期刊论文 张涛|任宏雷|
10 轻中度单侧Bell面瘫红外热辐射强度异常分析 期刊论文 刘旭龙|洪文学|张涛|吴振英|张栋|
11 基于计算几何分类器的帕金森病语音障碍可视化诊断分析 期刊论文 张涛|洪文学|任宏雷|
12 The complete definitions of attributes and abstract description of attribute features of the formal context 期刊论文 Wenxue Hong|Jingying Mao|Jianping Yu|Jialin Song|
13 多元图表示原理的散点图分类器设计 期刊论文 张涛|洪文学|
14 基于自适应字典选择的MCA图像修复方法 期刊论文 张涛|洪文学|
15 基于形式概念分析的中医辩证可视化方法 期刊论文 刘旭龙|洪文学|张涛|樊凤杰|宋佳霖|
16 一种通用的红外人脸器官定位算法 期刊论文 张涛|赵阳|洪文学|刘旭龙|
17 Data mining in traditional Chinese ophthalmologic formulae based on theory of structural partial-ordered attribute diagram 期刊论文 Yonghong Xu|Tao Zhang|Xiaoyuan Wang|Fengjie Fan|Shumei Ji|Wenxue Hong|
18 The classification of Hsyes-Roth dataset based on structural partial-ordered attribute diagram 期刊论文 Jingmin Luan|Cuiying Wang|Enliang Yan|Jianping Yu|Jialin Song|Wenxue Hong|
19 基于计算几何的非线性可视化分类器设计 期刊论文 张涛|洪文学|
20 A Novel Knowledge Discovery Method for the Kidney Disease Diagnosis in TCM Based on Attribute Hierarchical Graphs 会议论文 Wenxue Hong|Xiaolei Zhao|Wendong Chen|Xulong Liu|Jialin Song|Hailong Jin|Jianping Yu|Yuan Ma|
21 红外面部图像的贝尔面瘫针灸穴位定位算法 期刊论文 赵阳|张涛|练秋生|
22 可视化和可视化分析学 期刊论文 洪文学|王金甲|
23 Syndrome differentiation of six meridians for warm disease based on structural partial-ordered attribute diagram 期刊论文 Jialin Song|Jianping Yu|Enliang Yan|Zhongpeng Zhang|Wenxue Hong|
24 Knowledge representation and discovery of spleen system in TCM based on the attribute hierarchy relations 会议论文 Hong Wenxue|Zhang Chunyan|Liu, Xulong|Zhang Tao|Song Jialing|Ji Shumei|Yu Jianping|Ma Yuan|
25 A recurrence method of attribute reduction based on rough set 期刊论文 Tao Zhang|Jing Lu|Nan Chen|Zhi Gao|
26 基于元音分类度的帕金森病语音特征分析 期刊论文 张涛|洪文学|常凤香|刘旭龙|
27 形式背景的属性树表示 期刊论文 张涛|洪文学|路静|
28 A leukocyte nucleus segmentation scheme based on fingerprint smoothing 会议论文 Hao Lian-Wang|Hong Wen-Xue|Hu Cai-Liang|Zhang Tao|
29 类空间规整度的计算几何组合分类器权重分配 期刊论文 张涛|洪文学|
30 基于色度学空间的多元图表示 期刊论文 张涛|宋佳霖|刘旭龙|洪文学|
31 一种基于树图的属性约简算法 期刊论文 张涛|路静|任宏雷|
32 一种多元图图形特征向球面坐标映射的可视化方法 期刊论文 宋佳霖|孟辉|王立强|洪文学|
33 Anomaly of Infrared Thermal Radiation Intensity on Unilateral Mild to Moderate Bell's Palsy 期刊论文 刘旭龙|洪文学|张涛|吴振英|张栋|
34 Osteoporosis diagnosis based on the multifractal spectrum features of Micro-CT images and C4.5 decision tree 会议论文 Gao Zhi|Hong Wenxue|Xu Yonghong|Tao Zhang|Zhijie Song|Jian Liu|
35 Data mining in traditional Chinese ophthalmologic formulae based on theory of structural partial-ordered attribute diagram 期刊论文 Yonghong Xu|Tao Zhang|Xiaoyuan Wang|Fengjie Fan|Shumei Ji|Wenxue Hong|
36 The complete definitions of attributes and abstract description of attribute features of the formal context 期刊论文 Wenxue Hong|Jingying Mao|Jianping Yu|Jialin Song|
37 A recurrence method of attribute reduction based on rough set 期刊论文 Tao Zhang|Jing Lu|Nan Chen|Zhi Gao|
38 Syndrome differentiation of six meridians for warm disease based on structural partial-ordered attribute diagram 期刊论文 Jialin Song|Jianping Yu|Enliang Yan|Zhongpeng Zhang|Wenxue Hong|
39 Knowledge representation and discovery of spleen system in TCM based on the attribute hierarchy relations 会议论文 Hong Wenxue|Zhang Chunyan|Liu, Xulong|Zhang Tao|Song Jialing|Ji Shumei|Yu Jianping|Ma Yuan|