
  • 中英文摘要
  • 结题摘要
  • 结题报告
  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Search and result presentation in scientific workflow repositories 会议论文
2 Personalized recommendation of item category using ranking on time-aware graphs 期刊论文 Chen, Chen|Hou, Chunyan|Nie, Peng|Yuan, Xiaojie|
3 Cross-Domain and Cross-Category Emotion Tagging for Comments of Online News 会议论文
4 Compression on XML database system 期刊论文 Hu Xiangyu|Yuan Xiaojie|Zhang Haiwei|
5 Finding similar questions with categorization information and dependency syntactic tree 会议论文
6 Efficient foreign key discovery based on nearest neighbor search 会议论文
7 Overlapping schema summarization based on multi-label propagation 会议论文
8 Summarizing Relational Database Schema based on Label Propagation 会议论文
9 Relevance Feedback Fusion via Query Expansion 会议论文 Chen Chen|Hou Chunyan|Yuan Xiaojie|
10 Discovery of Unique Column Combinations with Hadoop 会议论文
11 Subordinating to the majority: Factoid question answering over CQA sites 期刊论文 Lian, Xin|Yuan, Xiaojie|Zhang, Haiwei|
12 Multi-label emotion tagging for online news by supervised topic model 会议论文
13 Searching and Ranking XML Documents via Path Constraints 期刊论文 Zhongqi Liu|Haiwei Zhang|Lei Xu|Xiaojie Yuan|
14 一种基于自适应结构概要的有向标签图子图匹配查询算法 期刊论文 段媛媛|温延龙|张莹|袁晓洁|
15 Predicting Emotions for Comments of Online News with Auxiliary Emotion Dependency 期刊论文 Haiwei Zhang|Yanlong Wen|Jinmao Wei|Xiaojie Yuan|
16 Query XML Data in RDBMS 会议论文 Xin Lian|Yunyin Mo|Haiwei Zhang|Xiaojie Yuan|
17 Bid Keyword Suggestion in Sponsored Search based on Competitiveness and Relevance 期刊论文 Weinan Zhang|Bin Gao|Tie-Yan Liu|Xiaojie Yuan|
18 Social Advertisability Analysis on Twitter 会议论文
19 ASSG: Adaptive Structural Summary for RDF Graph data 会议论文
20 DPIX: A Dynamic Path Index for XML Data in Relational Database 期刊论文 Xin Lian|Ya Wang|Xiangyu Hu|Haiwei Zhang|
21 Towards personalized models for question recommendation in community question answering 期刊论文 Xiangyu Hu|Haiwei Zhang|Xinyu Chen|Xiaojie Yuan|
22 Application Performance Monitoring and Analyzing Based on Bayesian Network 会议论文
23 Exploiting Social Media for Stock Market Prediction with Factorization Machine 会议论文
24 K hops frequent subgraphs mining for large attribute graph 会议论文
25 XML retrieval with structural context relaxation 会议论文
26 Emotion Tagging for Comments of Online News by Meta Classification with Heterogeneous Information Sources 会议论文 Xiaojun Quan|Lin Dai|Luo Si|Xiaojie Yuan|
27 一个网构软件可信实体模型及基于评估的信任度量 期刊论文 司冠南|杨巨峰|文硕|张彪|
28 Facet-based Trend Modeling for Cold Start of Recommendation in Social Media 会议论文
29 Joint Optimization of Bid and Budget Allocation in Sponsored Search 会议论文 Bin Gao|Yong Yu|Xiaojie Yuan|Tie-Yan Liu|
30 A compact XML storage scheme supporting efficient path querying 会议论文 Xiangyu Hu|Haiwei Zhang|Xiaojie Yuan|
31 Facet-based user modeling in social media for personalized ranking 会议论文