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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Clip-and-Filter-Based Crest Factor Reduction and Digital Predistortion for WLAN-Over-Fiber Links 期刊论文 Yin, Chunjing|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|Xu, Kun|
2 Coherent Detection of Multiband Phase Modulated Radio-over-Fiber Signals Using Bandpass Sampling 会议论文 Li, Jianqiang|Xu, Kun|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|
3 A Detection-Switching-Assisted DCF Mechanism for Simulcast WLAN-over-Fiber Based Distributed Antenna Systems? 期刊论文 Fan Yuting|Li Jianqiang|Xu Kun|Dai Yitang|
4 Space-division-multiplexed transmission of IEEE 802.11 ac-compliant 3x3 WLAN signals over 200-mconventional graded-index multimode fiber 会议论文 Fu songnian|Yin Feifei|Dai Yitang|Xu Kun|
5 Experimental Study on Multi-Dimensional Digital Predistortion for Multi-Band Externally-Modulated Radio-over-Fiber Systems 会议论文 Pei, Yinqing|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|Lin, Jintong|
6 Experimental investigation on multi-dimensional digital predistortion for multi-band radio-over-fiber systems 期刊论文 Pei, Yinqing|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|Lin, Jintong|
7 Improved Radio-over-fiber-based Distributed Antenna System with Antenna Diversity forPassive UHF RFID 会议论文 Meng Ziyi|Yin Feifei|Dai Yitang|Xu Kun|
8 Full-band direct-conversion receiver using microwave photonic I/Q mixer 会议论文 Yuting Fan|Feifei Yin|Yitang Dai|Kun Xu|
9 Radio-over-fiber-based distributed antenna system with transmit-receive antenna diversity for passive UHF RFID 会议论文 Yin, Feifei|Dai, Yitang|Zhou, Yue|Xu, Kun|
10 Remote Monitoring and Transmission Links for Centralized Radio-over-fiber Network Management 会议论文 Gong, Ningxi|Yin, Feifei|Dai, Yitang|Xu, Kun|
11 Bandpass Sampling Based Digital Coherent Receiver with Free-Running Local Oscillator Laser for Phase-Modulated Radio-over-Fiber Links 期刊论文 Li, Jianqiang|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|Xu, Kun|
12 Performance analysis of commercial multiple-input-multiple-output access point in distributed antenna system 期刊论文 Aighobahi, Anthony E.|Gomes, Nathan J.|Xu, Kun|Li, Jianqiang|
13 Photonic aided bandpass sampling in coherent phase modulated radio-over-fiber links 期刊论文 Yitang Dai|Feifei Yin|Yue Zhou|Kun Xu|
14 An RF photonic frontend for multi-channel broadband communication payloads 会议论文 Junyi Zhang|Feifei Yin|Yitang Dai|Kun Xu|
15 Behavioral modeling and digital compensation of nonlinearity in multi-band externally-modulated radio-over-fiber links 会议论文 Fan Yuting|Yin Feifei|Dai Yitang|Xu Kun|
16 Multi-Dimensional Crest Factor Reduction for Multi-Band Directly-Modulated Radio-over-Fiber Links 会议论文 Xu, Kun|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|Lin, Jintong|
17 Performance Analysis of WLAN Medium Access Control Protocols in Simulcast Radio-Over-Fiber-Based Distributed Antenna Systems 期刊论文 Fan Yuting|Chen Hao|Lu Xun|Xu Kun|
18 Space-Division-MultiplexedTransmission of IEEE 802.11ac-Compliant 6×6 WLAN Signals over 2-km 7-core Fiber 会议论文 Yin Feifei|Dai Yitang|Xu Kun|Ji Yuefeng|
19 Integrating baseband-over-fiber and six-port direct modulation for high-speedhigh-frequency wireless communications 会议论文 Lei Yi|Yin Feifei|Dai Yitang|Xu Kun|
20 Digital Coherent Detection with Bandpass Sampling in Multiband Phase-Modulated Radio-over-Fiber Links 会议论文 Li, Jianqiang|Yin, Feifei|Dai, Yitang|Xu, Kun|
21 Multi-Dimensional Crest Factor Reduction and Digital Predistortion for Multi-Band Radio-over-Fiber Links 期刊论文 Yin, Chunjing|Xu, Kun|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|
22 Bandpass Sampling in Digital Coherent Receiver with Free-Running Local Oscillator Laser for Phase Modulated Radio-over-Fiber Systems 会议论文 Xu, Kun|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|Lin, Jintong|
23 Improved IEEE 802.11 Point Coordination Function Considering Fiber-Delay Difference in Distributed Antenna Systems 会议论文 Nathan J. Gomes|Lu, Xun|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|
24 Multiband Phase-Modulated RoF Link With Coherent Detection and Bandpass Sampling 期刊论文 Li, Jianqiang|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|Xu, Kun|
25 Space-division-multiplexedtransmission of 3x3 multiple-input multiple-output wireless signals overconventional graded-index multimode fiber 期刊论文 Fu Songnian|Yin Feifei|Dai Yitang|Xu Kun|
26 基于微波光子的宽带I/Q混频技术 期刊论文 吕强|戴一堂|尹飞飞|徐坤|
27 基于微波光子技术的一体化射频前端 期刊论文 张君毅|戴一堂|尹飞飞|徐坤|
28 Bandpass Sampling Based Digital Coherent Receiver with Free-Running Local Oscillator Laser for Phase-Modulated Radio-over-Fiber Links 期刊论文 Li, Jianqiang|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|Xu, Kun|
29 Multi-Dimensional Crest Factor Reduction and Digital Predistortion for Multi-Band Radio-over-Fiber Links 期刊论文 Yin, Chunjing|Xu, Kun|Dai, Yitang|Yin, Feifei|