
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 结题报告
  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Production of intense attosecond vector beam pulse trains based on harmonics 期刊论文 Chen Li-Ming|Li Yu-Tong|Wang Wei-Min|Zhang Jie|
2 Emission spectrum of helium-like ions in photoionized plasmas 期刊论文 Wang, Feilu|Salzmann, David|Zhao, Gang|Takabe, Hideaki|
3 Non-scanning systems for far-infrared radiation detection from laser-induced plasmas 期刊论文 Chun Li|Guo-Qian Liao|Yu-Tong Li|
4 Population transfer to supercritical bound states during pair creation 期刊论文 Lv, Q. Z.|Li, Y. T.|Grobe, R.|Su, Q.|
5 Shockwaves and filaments induced by counter-streaming laser-produced plasmas 期刊论文 Rhee, Yong-Joo|Zhu, J. Q.|Zhao, G.|Zhang, J.|
6 Strong terahertz radiation from relativistic laser interaction with solid density plasmas 期刊论文 Lu, X.|Wang, Z. H.|Wei, Z. Y.|Zhang, J.|
7 Role of resonance absorption in terahertz radiation generation from solid targets 期刊论文 Sheng, Zheng-Ming|Ma, Jing-Long|Lu, Xin|Zhang, Jie|
8 Research on the opacity of Fe M-shell unresolved transition array 期刊论文 Dong Fu-Tong|Wang Fei-Lu|Zhong Jia-Yong|Zhao Gang|
9 中青年科技创新领军人才 奖励 李玉同|
10 A novel laser-collider used to produce monoenergetic 13.3 MeV Li-7 (d, n) neutrons 期刊论文 Zhao, G.|Chen, L. M.|Fu, C. B.|Zhang, J.|
11 高反射效率高定向性的热解石墨晶体X射线谱仪 期刊论文 王兆华|魏志义|盛政明|张杰|
12 Studies of collisionless shockwaves using high-power laser pulses in laboratories 期刊论文 Yuan Da-Wei|Li Yu-Tong|
13 Modeling non-local thermodynamic equilibrium plasma using the Flexible Atomic Code data 期刊论文 Han, Bo|Wang, Feilu|Salzmann, David|Zhao, Gang|
14 Quasimonoenergetic proton bunches generation from doped foil targets irradiated by intense lasers 期刊论文 Wang, Wei-Min|Sheng, Zheng-Ming|Li, Yu-Tong|Zhang, Jie|
15 Laboratory astrophysics with laser-driven strong magnetic fields in China 期刊论文 Yu-Tong Li|Si-Liang Zeng|Shi-Yang Zou|Jie Zhang|
16 强激光实验室天体物理研究进展 期刊论文 李彦霏|李玉同|
17 北京市科技新星称号 奖励 仲佳勇|
18 Quasi-steady-state air plasma channel produced by a femtosecond laser pulse sequence 期刊论文 Li, Yu-Tong|Chen, Li-Ming|Wei, Zhi-Yi|Zhang, Jie|
19 Visible Light Generated By Short X-ray Pulses 期刊论文 Wang, Feilu|More, Richard|
20 Note: A new angle-resolved proton energy spectrometer 期刊论文 W. M. Wang|Z. H. Wang|Z. Y. Wei|J. Zhang|
21 Modeling the interaction of solar wind with a dipole magnetic field with Shenguang II intense lasers 期刊论文 Li, Y. T.|Zhu, J. Q.|Zhang, J.|Zhao, G.|
22 Pair creation induced by transitions between electronic and positronic bound states 期刊论文 Lv, Q. Z.|Li, Y. T.|Grobe, R.|Su, Q.|
23 Three-dimensional fast magnetic reconnection driven by relativistic ultraintense femtosecond lasers 期刊论文 Yan, X. Q.|He, X. T.|Zhang, J.|Zhao, G.|
24 Integrated simulation approach for laser-driven fast ignition 期刊论文 Wang, W. -M.|Gibbon, P.|Sheng, Z. -M.|Li, Y. -T.|
25 Origin of energetic carbon ions with different charge states in ultrashort laser-thin foil interactions 期刊论文 Wang Zhao-Hua|Wei Zhi-Yi|Hu Bi-Tao|Zhang Jie|
26 Terahertz emission from two-plasmon-decay induced transient currents in laser-solid interactions 期刊论文 Ozaki, T.|Wang, W. -M.|Sheng, Z. -M.|Zhang, J.|
27 Strong magnetic fields generated with a simple open-ended coil irradiated by high power laser pulses 期刊论文 Zhao, Z. Q.|Zhang, B. H.|Zhao, G.|Zhang, J.|
28 Backward terahertz radiation from intense laser-solid interactions 期刊论文 Wang, Wei-Min|Sheng, Zheng-Ming|Chen, Li-Ming|Zhang, Jie|
29 Phase Transition and Chemical Decomposition of Liquid Oxygen and Nitrogen Mixture under High Pressures 期刊论文 Chen, GuanYu|Cheng, XinLu|Li, YuTong|Guo, Feng|
30 Investigation of the influence of inner-shell photoionization and photoexcitation on the He-alpha spectrum in photoionized plasmas 期刊论文 Zhong, Jiayong|Liang, Guiyun|Zhao, Gang|Takabe, Hideaki|
31 Experimental studies of the characteristics of a real-time ion detector-plastic scintillator 期刊论文 Li Ying-Jun|Li Yu-Tong|Chen Jia-Er|Zhang Jie|
32 2015年度中国光学重要成果 奖励 金展|R. Kodama|盛政明|张杰|
33 Studies of x-ray emission properties of photoionized plasmas 期刊论文 Wei, Huigang|Zhong, Jiayong|Zhao, Gang|Li, Jia-ming|
34 Relativistic electrons produced by reconnecting electric fields in a laser-driven bench-top solar flare 期刊论文 Sheng, Z. M.|Li, G.|Zhao, G.|Zhang, J.|
35 Proton angular distribution research by a new angle-resolved proton energy spectrometer 期刊论文 Chen LiMing|Wang ZhaoHua|Wei ZhiYi|Zhang Jie|
36 High power terahertz pulses generated in intense laser-plasma interactions 期刊论文 Li Yu-Tong|Wang Wei-Min|Li Chun|Sheng Zheng-Ming|
37 A simulation package - SASAL for X-ray and EUV spectroscopy of astrophysical and laboratory plasmas 期刊论文 Wang, Fei-Lu|Wu, Yong|Zhong, Jia-Yong|Zhao, Gang|
38 K-shell energy levels and radiative rates for transitions in Si IX 期刊论文 Wang, F. L.|Zhong, J. Y.|Liang, G. Y.|Zhao, G.|
39 Intense terahertz radiation from relativistic laser–plasma interactions 期刊论文 Z M Sheng|D Neely|P McKenna|J Zhang|
40 Filaments in high-speed counter-streaming plasma interactions driven by high-power laser pulses 期刊论文 Liao, GuoQian|Yin, ChuanLei|Zhu, BaoJun|Zhang, Jie|
41 Modeling the interaction of solar wind with a dipole magnetic field with Shenguang II intense lasers 期刊论文 S.E. Jiang|Y.K. Ding|Y. Kuramitsu| et al.|
42 Tunable Circularly Polarized Terahertz Radiation from Magnetized Gas Plasma 期刊论文 Wang, W. -M.|Gibbon, P.|Sheng, Z. -M.|Li, Y. -T.|
43 Intense laser-generated plasma jets with potential applications to young stellar object jet simulations 期刊论文 Yang, Su|Zhu, Jianqiang|Zhao, Gang|Zhang, Jie|
44 Excitation processes in experimental photoionized plasmas 期刊论文 Han Bo|Wang Fei-Lu|Liang Gui-Yun|Zhao Gang|
45 Pair creation enhancement due to combined external fields 期刊论文 Lu, X.|Li, Y. J.|Grobe, R.|Su, Q.|
46 Modeling supersonic-jet deflection in the herbig-haro 110-270 system with high-power lasers 期刊论文 Zhu, Jianqiang|He, Xiantu|Zhao, Gang|Zhang, Jie|
47 Magnetic reconnection driven by Gekko XII lasers with a Helmholtz capacitor-coil target 期刊论文 Fujioka, S.|Liang, G. Y.|Wang, F. L.|Zhao, G.|
48 Angle-dependent modulated spectral peaks of proton beams generated in ultrashort intense laser-solid interactions 期刊论文 Wang, X.|Wang, Z. H.|Wei, Z. Y.|Zhang, J.|
49 Neutron yield enhancement in laser-induced deuterium-deuterium fusion using a novel shaped target 期刊论文 Fu, S. Z.|Zhu, J. Q.|Zhao, G.|Zhang, J.|
50 激光驱动磁重联过程中的喷流演化和电子能谱测量 期刊论文 朱健强|丁永坤|张杰|赵刚|
51 第二批国家“万人计划”领军人才 奖励 李玉同|
52 Visible Light Generated By Short X-ray Pulses 期刊论文 Wang, Feilu|More, Richard|
53 Two-stage acceleration of interstellar ions driven by high-energy lepton plasma flows 期刊论文 Sheng ZhengMing|Lu QuanMing|Li YuTong|Zhang Jie|
54 Demonstration of Coherent Terahertz Transition Radiation from Relativistic Laser-Solid Interactions 期刊论文 Lu, Xin|Ma, Jing-Long|Wang, Xuan|Zhang, Jie|
55 实验室天体物理研究进展介绍 期刊论文 刘畅|仲佳勇|
56 Magnetically Assisted Fast Ignition 期刊论文 Wang, W. -M.|Gibbon, P.|Sheng, Z. -M.|Li, Y. -T.|
57 Proton radiography of magnetic fields generated with an open-ended coil driven by high power laser pulses 期刊论文 Yuqiu Gu|Zongqing Zhao|Baohan Zhang|Jie Zhang|
58 Effects of target pre-heating and expansion on terahertz radiation production from intense laser-solid interactions 期刊论文 C.-G.Wahlstrm|J.Zhang|P.McKenna|Z.M.Sheng|
59 High-order optical vortex harmonics generated by relativistic femtosecond laser pulse 期刊论文 Chen Li-Ming|Li Yu-Tong|Wang Wei-Min|Zhang Jie|