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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Tunable magnetoplasmons for efficient terahertz modulator and isolator by gated monolayer graphene 期刊论文 Yixuan Zhou|Xinlong Xu|Haiming Fan|Zhaoyu Ren|Jintao Bai|Li Wang|
2 有限厚度金属狭缝对太赫兹脉冲的整形和滤波 期刊论文 刘海亮|张同意|朱少岚|范文慧|
3 Spatiotemporal shaping of terahertz pulses with conductive apertures of finite thickness 期刊论文 Zou Shengwu|Zhang Tongyi|
4 Intersubband optical absorption in a step asymmetric semiconductor quantum well driven by a terahertz field 期刊论文 Zhu, Hai-Yan|Zhang, Tong-Yi|Zhao, Wei|
5 Propagation of terahertz waves in one-dimensional metallic wire arrays 期刊论文 Hui Feng|Li Wang|
6 Energy dispersion of the electrosubbands in parabolic confining quantum wires: Interplay of Rashba, Dresselhaus, lateral spin-orbit interaction and the Zeeman effect 期刊论文 Zhang, Tong-Yi|Zhao, Wei|Liu, Xue-Ming|
7 A Zone Plate as a Tunable Terahertz Filter 期刊论文 Feng Hui|Wang Li|
8 Excitonic optical absorption in quantum wells under intense terahertz waves polarized along the grown direction 会议论文 Li, Ying1|Zhang, Tong-Yi2|
9 All-fiber mode-locked nanosecond laser employing intracavity chirped fiber gratings 期刊论文 Hushan Wang|Yishan Wang|Wei Zhao|
10 Experiments on a compact and robust polarization-entangled photon source 会议论文 Zhang, Shi-Wei1, 2, 3|Zhang, Tong-Yi1|Yao, Yin-Ping1, 3|Wan, Ren-Gang1|Zou, Sheng-Wu1, 3|
11 Ghost interference with pseudo-thermal light 会议论文 Yin-Ping Yao|Ren-Gang Wan|Shi-Wei Zhang|Jia-Zheng Song|Tong-Yi Zhang|
12 Two-dimensional sub-half-wavelength atom localization via controlled spontaneous emission 期刊论文 Wan, Ren-Gang|Zhang, Tong-Yi|
13 Label-free monitoring of interaction between DNA and oxaliplatin in aqueous solution by terahertz spectroscopy 期刊论文 Xiaojun Wu|Yiwen E|Xinchao Lu|Li Wang|
14 Many-body and geometric confinement effects on THz laser gain in asymmetric quantum wells 会议论文 Zhu, Hai-Yan1, 2|Zhang, Tong-Yi1|Zhao, Wei1|
15 Optimizing the phase-matching parameters of a BIBO crystal for ultrafast spontaneous parametric down conversion 会议论文 Huo, Guang-Wen1|Zhang, Tong-Yi1|Wan, Ren-Gang1|Zhang, Mei-Zhi2|Cheng, Guang-Hua1|Zhao, Wei1|
16 Intersubband optical absorption of semiconductor quantum wells driven by an in-plane terahertz field 期刊论文 Hai-Yan Zhu|Wen-Feng Luo| Xiao-Li Li|Tong-Yi Zhang|
17 An analytical investigation of excitonic absorption in terahertz-driven quantum wells 会议论文 Zhang, Tong-Yi1|Zhao, Wei1|
18 Alkanethiol-functionalized terahertz metamaterial as label-free, highly-sensitive and specific biosensor 期刊论文 Xiaojun Wu|Baogang Quan|Xuecong Pan|Xinlong Xu|Xinchao Lu|Li Wang|
19 Spectral Responses by Chains of Subwavelength-Size Metallic Spheres in Terahertz (THz) Region 期刊论文 Wei Yan|Hua Chen|Yimin Sun|Li Wang|
20 Review on quantum clock synchronization schemes 会议论文 Yao, Yin-Ping1, 2|Zhang, Tong-Yi1|Wan, Ren-Gang1|Zhao, Wei1|
21 Characteristic research of photoconductive antenna for broadband THz generation 会议论文 Xue, Bing1|Fan, Wen-Hui1|Yang, Jian1|Liu, Hai-Liang1|Zhang, Tong-Yi1|
22 太赫兹表面等离激元共振传感器 期刊论文 冯辉|汪力|
23 Electric field distribution characteristics of photoconductive antennas 会议论文 Sheng-Wu Zou|Tong-Yi Zhang|
24 Nonlinear intersubband optical absorption of asymmetric semiconductor quantum wells pumped by terahertz and infrared fields 会议论文 Zhu, Hai-Yan1, 2|Zhang, Tong-Yi1|Zhao, Wei1|
25 3D FDTD simulation of spatiotemporal shaping and filtering of terahertz pulses through metal slits with finite thickness 会议论文 Liu, Hai-Liang1, 2|Zhang, Tong-Yi2|Fan, Wen-Hui2|