
  • 中英文摘要
  • 结题摘要
  • 结题报告
  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Simulation Investigation on the Dynamic Characteristics of a 600MW Supercritical Lignite-fired Pulverized Boiler 会议论文 Liu M|Yan JJ|Wang JJ|Chong DT|
2 大型燃煤电站机炉耦合热集成系统[J] 期刊论文 张晨旭|徐钢|黄圣伟|宋晓娜|
3 超超临界机组增设外置式蒸汽冷却器变工况分析 期刊论文 宋景慧|周璐瑶|赵世飞|徐钢|
4 超超临界机组采用MC系统的变工况性能研究 期刊论文 宋景慧|周璐瑶|赵世飞|徐钢|
5 中国火力发电能耗状况及展望 期刊论文 杨勇平|杨志平|徐钢|王宁玲|
6 基于褐煤干燥技术的机炉热集成优化系统[J]. 期刊论文 方亚雄|许诚|徐钢|杨勇平|
7 Simulation study on lignite-fired power system integrated with flue gas drying and waste heat recovery e Performances under variable power loads coupled with off-design parameters 期刊论文 Jinshi Wang|Junjie Yan|Jiping Liu|Feng Xiao|
8 System Integration and Flowsheet Optimization of 1000 MW Coal-fired Supercritical Power Generation Units 会议论文 Gang Xu|Yongping Yang|Chenxu Zhang|Ningling Wang|
9 Experimental investigation on the performance of wet cooling towers with defects in power plants 期刊论文 Daotong Chong|Mingxiao Jia|Jinshi Wang|Junjie Yan|
10 Experimental study on energy transformation and separation characteristic of circulatory flash evaporation 期刊论文 Jinshi Wang|Junjie Yan|Daotong Chong|Jiping Liu|
11 Exergy analysis of the flue gas pre-dried lignite-fired power system based on the boiler with open pulverizing system 期刊论文 Kaili Wu|Weixiong Chen|Feng Xiao|Junjie Yan|
12 新疆维吾尔自治区科学技术进步奖 奖励 杨勇平|
13 Thermodynamic Analysis on a Lignite-Fired Power System Integrated with a Steam Dryer: Investigation on Energy Supply System of the Dryer 期刊论文 Junjie Yan|Jinshi Wang|Daotong Chong|Jiping Liu|
14 A New Proposed Approach for Future Large-scale De-carbonization Coal-fired Power Plants 期刊论文 Ying Wu|Yongping Yang|Kai Zhang|Wenyi Liu|
15 A novel lignite-fired power plant integrated with a vacuum dryer: System design and thermodynamic analysis 期刊论文 Ming Liu|Dongyin Wu|Feng Xiao|JunJie Yan|
16 电站锅炉尾部受热面综合优化设计 期刊论文 郝卫|
17 Thermodynamic Analysis on a Pre-Dried Lignite-Fired Power System:Comparison on Energy Supply Systems for Dryer 会议论文 Yan Junjie|Wang Jinshi|Chong Daotong|Liu Jiping|
18 利用锅炉排烟预干燥原煤的节能效果分析 期刊论文 许诚|白璞|杨勇平|赫向辉|
19 基于我国新大气污染排放标准下的燃煤锅炉高效低 NOx 协调优化系统研究及工程应用 期刊论文 梁志宏|
20 直接空冷高背压供热机组的梯级供热特性与冷端变工况协同优化 期刊论文 王宁玲|杨志平|李晓恩|杨勇平|
21 大数据分析方法在厂级负荷分配中的应用 期刊论文 付鹏|陈德刚|杨志平|杨勇平|
22 Integrated multiscale simulation of combined heat and power based district heating system 期刊论文 Ivar St?le Ertesv?g|Zhihua Ge|Zhiping Yang|Yongping Yang|
23 一种考虑权重不确定性的机组综合评价模型 期刊论文 杨勇平|吴殿法|王宁玲|彭浩|
24 Heat transfer characteristics and energy-consumption benchmark state with varying operation boundaries for coal-fired power units: An exergy analytics approach 期刊论文 Han Xu|Dianfa Wu|Zhiping Yang|Yongping Yang|
25 电站锅炉烟气余热利用系统的热力学分析和优化 期刊论文 黄圣伟|徐钢|张晨旭|杨志平|
26 激光诱导氧气火花演化的数值计算 期刊论文 陈克强|张小波|刘继平|严俊杰|
27 Analysis and optimization of a coal-fired power plant under a proposed flue gas recirculation mode 期刊论文 Guoqiang Zhang|Wenlong Xu|Xiuyan Wang|Yongping Yang|
28 District Heating Mode Analysis Based on an Air-cooled Combined Heat and Power Station 期刊论文 ZH Ge|ZP Yang|YY Chen|YP Yang|
29 Component and process based exergy evaluation of a 600MW coal-fired power plant 会议论文 Xiaoying Hu|Changqing Dong|Zhiping Yang|Yongping Yang|
30 中国能建科技进步奖 奖励 杨勇平|
31 Exergy Evaluation of a 600MWe Supercritical Coal-fired Power Plant Considering Pollution Emissions 会议论文 Dianfa Wu|Yongping Yang|Zhiping Yang|Peng Fu|
32 Energy Consumption of Turbine Unit with Varying Exhaust Pressure under Off-designed Conditions 会议论文 Peng Fu|Dianfa Wu|Zhiping Yang|Yongping Yang|
33 基于改进单耗理论的火电机组能耗基准状态精细表征 期刊论文 王宁玲|徐汉|张雨檬|杨志平|
34 Operation Optimization Approaches of Thermal Power Units with Big Data-Driven Hybrid Modeling 会议论文 WANG Ningling|ZHANG Yong|ZHU Longfei|YANG Zhiping|
35 Sensitive cesium measurement in liquid sample using low-pressure laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy 期刊论文 Ji Ping Liu|Yoshihiro Deguchi|Shunpei Katsumori|Akihiro Ikutomo|
36 A novel lignite pre-drying system incorporating a supplementary steam cycle integrated with a lignite fired supercritical power plant 会议论文 Yaxiong Fang|Luyao Zhou|Yongping Yang|Dongke Zhang|
37 Optimum Design of a Double Reheat Steam System in an Ultra Supercritical Unit 会议论文 Cheng Xu|Yongping Yang|Yuanyuan Li|Jianling Deng|
38 空冷机组空气-烟气余热利用综合分析[J] 期刊论文 许诚|徐钢|方亚雄|吴影.|
39 Techno-economic analysis and optimization of the heat recovery of utility boiler flue gas 期刊论文 Yang Yong-Ping|Wu Ying|Zhang Kai|Xu Cheng|
40 Performance degradation diagnosis of thermal power plants: A method based on advanced exergy analysis 期刊论文 Ligang Wang|Tatiana Morosuk|Yongping Yang|George Tsatsaronis|
41 基于自适应粒子群算法的燃煤-捕碳机组 热力系统优化设计 期刊论文 侯艳峰|王蓝婧|李嘉华|杨勇平|
42 电站余热利用方案的热力学对比分析 期刊论文 张晨旭|徐钢|刘超|杨勇平|
43 Mechanism of energy-consumption benchmark state for coal-fired power units with varying boundary 会议论文 ZHANG Yong|Fu Peng|WANG Ningling|
44 基于LabVIEW 的电厂热力系统模拟及性能预测 期刊论文 陶新磊|杨志平|王修彦|
45 Superstructure-free synthesis and optimization of thermal power plants 期刊论文 Philip Voll|Matthias Lampe|Yongping Yang|Andre Bardow|
46 Thermal economic analysis of desuperheating system in large scale power generation unit 会议论文 Jianling Deng|Peng Fu|Ningling Wang|Yongping Yang|
47 Spatial-temporal energy-saving effect for the diagnosis of energy-consumption benchmark state of thermal power units 会议论文 Peng Fu|Yongping Yang|Longfei Zhu|Dianfa Wu|
48 Multi-factors Analysis of Condenser Vacuum under Overall Working Conditions 会议论文 Fengming Chu|Peng Fu|Zhiping Yang|Yongping Yang|
49 火电厂闭式循环水系统变工况运行优化研究 期刊论文 张瑞山|刘明|种道彤|严俊杰|
50 电站锅炉烟气余热利用与空气预热器综合优化 期刊论文 阚伟民|许诚|徐钢|宋晓娜|
51 基于灰色层次分析理论的电站锅炉前置式 空气预热器的优选分析 期刊论文 李君|徐钢|张昌顺|刘嘉凯|
52 基于GSE的600MW超临界锅炉热力系统仿真模拟 期刊论文 杨明强|王进仕|种道彤|严俊杰|
53 新型沉降式电站锅炉系统的技术经济分析 期刊论文 杨勇平|许诚|宋晓娜|宋景慧|
54 Method for Determining Energy-consumption Benchmark State in the Thermal System of Coal-fired Units Based on Hybrid Model 会议论文 Longfei Zhu|Ningling Wang|Peng Fu|Zhiping Yang|
55 Parametric optimization of supercritical coal-fired power plants by MINLP and differential evolution 期刊论文 Yang, Yongping|Dong, Changqing|Morosuk, Tatiana|Tsatsaronis, George|
56 Numerical Simulation on the Laser Induced Oxygen Sparkunder Different Ambient Conditions. 期刊论文 Zhang Xiaobo|Wang Jinshi|Yan Junjie.|Yoshiro Deguchi|
57 锅炉前置式空气预热器综合分析与优选 期刊论文 李君|徐钢|刘超|郝卫|
58 1000MW超临界燃煤机组蒸汽管道性能优化研究 期刊论文 胡玥|杨志平|杨勇平|
59 多变边界条件下火电机组能耗基准状态诊断 期刊论文 王宁玲|杨勇平|杨志平|
60 次烟煤低温干燥特性的实验研究 期刊论文 徐钢|马英|董伟|郭岩|
61 Investigation on the off-design performances of flue gas pre-dried lignite-fired power system integrated with waste heat recovery at variable external working conditions 期刊论文 Mengxu Zhai|Daotong Chong|Junjie Yan|Feng Xiao|
62 Tempospacial energy-saving effect-based diagnosis in large coal-fired power units: Energy-saving benchmark state 期刊论文 YANG YongPing|XU Han|LI XiaoEn|ZHANG YuMeng|
63 夏季工况直接空冷系统最佳真空特性的研究 期刊论文 李晓恩|王宁玲|冯澎湃|杨志平|
64 A novel flue gas waste heat recovery system for coal-fired ultra-supercritical power plants 期刊论文 Yang, Yongping|Fang, Yaxiong|Li, Yuanyuan|Song, Xiaona|
65 A Comparative Study of Superheat Utilization Measures of Extraction Steam in Double Reheat Power Plants 会议论文 Yongping Yang|Shifei Zhao|Cheng Xu|Kai Zhang|
66 基于信息物理融合的火电机组节能环保负荷优化分配 期刊论文 李晓恩|徐汉|张雨檬|杨勇平|
67 新型燃煤电站低温烟气余热优化利用系统 期刊论文 徐钢|杨勇平|许诚|黄圣伟|
68 新型氢氧——燃煤联合循环系统热力学性能分析 期刊论文 徐钢|周璐瑶|董伟|杨勇平|
69 多变边界火电机组能耗基准状态表征方法 期刊论文 付鹏|王宁玲|杨勇平|杨志平|
70 褐煤抽汽预干燥发电系统变负荷特性仿真研究 期刊论文 刘明|秦远智|翟梦旭|严俊杰|
71 褐煤烟气预干燥发电系统变工况特性仿真研究_机组负荷与原煤水分的影响 期刊论文 穆棋伟|刘明|种道彤|严俊杰|
72 水平表面水-酒精混合蒸气Marangoni 瞬态凝结过程的凝结液形态 期刊论文 王进仕|李勇|夏凯|严俊杰|
73 大型燃煤发电机组能耗时空分布特性 期刊论文 杨志平|王宁玲|杨勇平|
74 A Combined-Type Fluid-Bed Dryer Suitable for Integration Within a Lignite-Fired Power Plant: System Design and Thermodynamic Analysis 期刊论文 Jinshi Wang|Junjie Yan|Daotong Chong|Jiping Liu|
75 火电厂烟风通道主要异形件优化研究 期刊论文 李卫东|严俊杰|种道彤|王进仕|
76 Breakdown Pattern of Hydrocarbons by Laser Breakdown Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry 期刊论文 ZHEN ZHEN WANG|YOSHIHIRO DEGUCHI|JUN JIE YAN|JI PING LIU|
77 Theoretical Investigation on the Partial Load FeedwaterHeating System with Thermal Vapor Compressor in a Coal-fired Power Unit. 期刊论文 Wang Xin|Han Xiaoqu|Chong Daotong|Yan Junjie|
78 中国电力科学技术进步奖 奖励 杨勇平|
79 超临界直流锅炉水冷壁广义全工况能量分析 期刊论文 成涛|郭喜燕|李季|
80 火电厂除尘器前烟道流场性能诊断与优化研究 期刊论文 陈伟雄|李卫东|种道彤|刘继平|
81 褐煤高效发电技术的对比分析 期刊论文 刘明|王万海|郭晓克|
82 基于组合权重_优劣解距离法的火电机组性能综合评价 期刊论文 杨勇平|吴殿法|王宁玲|
83 Multi-objective superstructure-free synthesis and optimization of thermal power plants 期刊论文 Matthias Lampe|Philip Voll|Yongping Yang|Andre Bardow|
84 基于当量抽汽压力的大型热电联产供热模式研究 期刊论文 陈玉勇|李沛峰|何坚忍|杨勇平|
85 Intelligent Energy-Saving Decision Making and Delicacy Management for Power Enterprises 会议论文 ZHANG Yong|WANG Ningling|
86 Comparison of the Detection Characteristics of Trace Species Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Laser Breakdown Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry 期刊论文 Zhenzhen Wang|Yoshihiro Deguchi|Junjie Yan|Jiping Liu|
87 Exergy Analysis of Coal-Fired Power Plants in Two Cooling Condition 会议论文 Dianfa Wu|Ningling Wang|Peng Fu|Shengwei Huang|
88 Investigation on the off-design performances of flue gas pre-dried lignite-fired power system integrated with waste heat recovery at variable external working conditions 期刊论文 Mengxu Zhai|Daotong Chong|Junjie Yan|Feng Xiao|
89 基于组合权重_优劣解距离法的火电机组性能综合评价 期刊论文 杨勇平|吴殿法|王宁玲|