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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 一种基于推杆活塞的水下二级高压气泡源 专利 张阿漫;刘丙祥;王诗平;刘云龙;刘晶;张晓龙;明付仁;张帅
2 On the interaction between bubbles and the free surface with high density ratio 3D lattice Boltzmann method 期刊论文 G.Q. Chen;A.M. Zhang;X. Huang
3 高压气枪气泡动力学 专著 张阿漫;张帅
4 Updated Lagrangian Particle Hydrodynamics (ULPH) modeling and simulation of multiphase flows 期刊论文 Yan Jiale;Li Shaofan;Zhang A-Man;Kan XY;Sun PN
5 一种水下高压气枪破冰系统 专利 张阿漫;王诗平;张晓龙;崔璞;张帅;明付仁;刘云龙;刘丙祥
6 Interaction of clustered air gun bubbles in marine prospecting 期刊论文 Zhang S;Wang SP;Liu YL;Zhang AM;Cui P
7 结构及系统冲击毁伤与技术 奖励 张阿漫;完成人2;完成人3;完成人4;完成人5;完成人6;完成人7;完成人8;完成人9;完成人10;完成人11;完成人12;完成人13;完成人14;完成人15
8 Simulation of air gun bubble motion in the presence of air gun body based on the finite volume method 期刊论文 Zhang S;Zhang AM;Cui P;Li T
9 船舶及海洋平台结构振动噪声预报与控制技术 奖励 完成人1;完成人2;完成人3;完成人4;完成人5;张阿漫;完成人7;完成人8;完成人9;完成人10
10 Numerical study on motion of the air-gun bubble based on boundary integral method 期刊论文 S. Zhang;S.P. Wang;A.M. Zhang;P. Cui
11 一种环状喷口式水下高压气爆喷实验装置 专利 张阿漫;张晓龙;王诗平;明付仁;张帅;刘丙祥;崔璞;刘云龙
12 Experimental and numerical study on bubble-sphere interaction near a rigid wall 期刊论文 S. Li;A.M. Zhang;R. Han;Y.L. Liu
13 Ice breaking by a collapsing bubble 期刊论文 P.Cui;A.M.Zhang;S.Wang;B.C.Khoo
14 一种以高压空气作为驱动的新型二级轻气炮 专利 张阿漫;张晓龙;王诗平;明付仁;隋宇彤;刘云龙;崔璞;刘丙祥
15 Dynamic behaviour of a two-microbubble system under ultrasonic wave excitation 期刊论文 X. Huang;Q.X. Wang;A.M. Zhang;J. Su
16 一种电磁控制的水下高压气泡源装置 专利 张阿漫;王诗平;刘丙祥;张晓龙;刘云龙;明付仁;任少飞;李帅;郭君
17 Numerical study on attenuation of bubble pulse through tuning the air-gun array with the particle swarm optimization method 期刊论文 S. Zhang;S.P. Wang;A.M. Zhang;Y.Q. Li
18 Numerical investigation of 3D bubble growth and detachment 期刊论文 W.B.Wu;Y.L.Liu;A.M.Zhang
19 爱思唯尔2019中国高被引学者 奖励 张阿漫
20 首届科学探索奖 奖励 张阿漫
21 一种气动式水下高压气泡源 专利 张阿漫;王诗平;刘丙祥;张晓龙;刘云龙;明付仁;李帅;任少飞
22 Simulation of three-dimensional bubble formation and interaction using the high-density-ratio lattice Boltzmann method 期刊论文 G.Q. Chen;X. Huang;A.M. Zhang;S.P. Wang
23 冲击毁伤特性与技术 奖励 张阿漫;完成人2;完成人3;完成人4;完成人5;完成人6
24 Dynamic characteristics of large scale spark bubbles close to different boundaries 期刊论文 S. Zhang;A.M. Zhang;S.P. Wang;J. Cui
25 Formation and coalescence of nanobubbles under controlled gas concentration and species 期刊论文 C.L. Li;A.M. Zhang;S.P. Wang;P. Cui
26 Numerical investigation of ice breaking by a high-pressure bubble based on a coupled BEM-PD model 期刊论文 Kan XY;Zhang AM;Yan JL;Wu WB;Liu YL
27 Prolonged simulation of near-free surface underwater explosion based on Eulerian finite element method 期刊论文 He M;Zhang AM;Liu YL
28 一种气泡破冰方法 专利 张阿漫;崔璞;王诗平;刘云龙;任少飞;明付仁;曹雪雁;李晨亮
29 Experimental and numerical investigation on bubble dynamics near a free surface and a circular opening of plate 期刊论文 N.N. Liu;W.B. Wu;A.M. Zhang;Y.L. Liu
30 一种水下高压气体连续爆喷装置及实验平台 专利 张阿漫;王诗平;明付仁;刘云龙;张晓龙;刘丙祥;任少飞;李帅;郭君
31 Study on the structure and behaviour of cavitation bubbles generated in a high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) field 期刊论文 Liu N-N;Khoo B-C;Zhang A-M
32 全国创新争先奖 奖励 张阿漫