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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 有限振幅扰动下高超声速钝楔绕流感受性 期刊论文 唐小军|王振清|孟祥男|吕红庆|
2 弹性地基复合曲梁抗弯力学性能研究 期刊论文 郝扣安|王振清|周利民|王欣|
3 Numerical simulation on the oblique penetration of ceramic particles reinforced metal matrix functional gradient armor 会议论文 Tang, Xiaojun|Wang, Xintao|Meng, Xiangnan|Lv, Hongqing|
4 形状记忆材料的本构模型 专著 王振清|梁文彦|
5 Experimental and numerical investigation on bolted composite joint made by vacuum assisted resin injection 期刊论文 Zhou, Song|Wang, Zhenqing|Zhou, Jiansheng|Wu, Xiaodi|
6 Micromechanical Modeling of Impact Damage Mechanisms in Unidirectional Composite Laminates 期刊论文 Meng, Qinghua|Wang, Zhenqing|
7 Creep damage models and their applications for crack growth analysis in pipes: A review 期刊论文 Meng, Qinghua|Wang, Zhenqing|
8 钢框架在火灾作用下的结构失效过程分析 期刊论文 鞠竹|韩玉来|董惠|王振清|
9 Finite element simulation for macroscopic mechanical behavior of nano TiO2 particulate reinforced epoxy composites with weak interface 期刊论文 Wang, Zhenqing|Lei, Hongshuai|Wang, Xiaoqiang|Zhou, Bo|
10 Wall temperature effects on hypersonic unsteady flow field under the action of pulse disturbance wave 期刊论文 Wang, Zhenqing|Meng, Xiangnan|Tang, Xiaojun|Lyu, Hongqing|
11 Experimental and numerical investigation on the macroscopic mechanical behavior of shape memory alloy hybrid composite with weak interface 期刊论文 Wang, Zhenqing|Tong, Liyong|Zhou, Bo|Fu, Ji|
12 火灾高温作用下钢结构倒塌分析 会议论文 王振清|韩玉来|梁文彦|李加雷|
13 Theoretical analysis of interfacial debonding and fiber pull-out in fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites 期刊论文 Meng, Qinghua|Wang, Zhenqing|
14 Numerical simulation of loading edge cracks by edge impact using the extended finite element method 期刊论文 Meng, Qinghua|Wang, Zhenqing|
15 脉冲波作用下高超音速非定常流场的壁温效应 期刊论文 王振清|孟祥男|唐小军|吕红庆|
16 Study on the effect of pulse perturbation in hypersonic flow over a blunt cone 期刊论文 Tang, Xiaojun|Meng, Xiangnan|Lü|, Hongqing|
17 Analyzing structure failure process of steel frames in fire 期刊论文 Ju, Zhu|Han, Yulai|Dong, Hui|Wang, Zhenqing|
18 Analysis of crack tip field in materials with creep behavior 期刊论文 Meng Qinghua|Liang Wenyan|Wang Zhenqing|
19 Nanoscale analysis of tensile properties and fracture of nanoreinforced epoxy polymer using micromechanics 期刊论文 Wang, Zhenqing|Liu, Fang|Liang, Wenyan|Zhou, Limin|
20 Macroscopic Mechanical Characterization of SMAs Fiber-Reinforced Hybrid Composite Under Uniaxial Loading 期刊论文 Lei, Hongshuai|Wang, Zhenqing|Tong, Liyong|Tang, Xiaojun|
21 Study on Tensile Properties of Nanoreinforced Epoxy Polymer: Macroscopic Experiments and Nanoscale FEM Simulation Prediction 期刊论文 Wang, Zhenqing|Liu, Fang|Liang, Wenyan|Zhou, Limin|
22 高超声速流场对自由流扰动波响应及边界层扰动波演化 期刊论文 王振清|唐小军|孟祥男|吕红庆|
23 高温下两铰圆弧钢拱平面内稳定临界荷载分析 期刊论文 李加雷|韩玉来|鞠竹|王振清|
24 The critical load analysis of the big curvature circular double-hinged steel arch stability in plane under high temperature of fire 期刊论文 Li, Jialei|Han, Yulai|Ju, Zhu|Wang, Zhenqing|
25 Effect of hybrid style on the performance of CF/GF/epoxy hybrid composites subjected to low-velocity impact 期刊论文 Zhao, Shicheng|Wang, Zhenqing|Guo, Jianming|Yang, Bin|
26 热载下纤维金属层板的高速冲击响应数值模拟及损伤演化分析 会议论文 王振清|吕红庆|段志伟|史明方|
27 Multiscale simulation of the size effect of nano-indentation 期刊论文 Wang zhenqing|Meng qinghua|Yang zengjie|
28 Temporal and Spatial Evolution Characteristics of Disturbance Wave in a Hypersonic Boundary Layer due to Single-Frequency Entropy Disturbance 期刊论文 Wang, Zhenqing|Tang, Xiaojun|Lv, Hongqing|Shi, Jianqiang|
29 Extended finite element method for power-law creep crack growth 期刊论文 Meng, Qinghua|Wang, Zhenqing|
30 Flexural behavior of composite curved beams on an elastic foundation 期刊论文 Hao, Kouan|Wang, Zhenqing|Zhou, Limin|Wang, Xin|
31 SMA丝表面纳米SiO_2改性对SMA/环氧树脂复合材料界面粘结强度的影响 期刊论文 雷红帅|王振清|章继峰|周利民|
32 Prediction of interfacial strength and failure mechanisms in particle-reinforced metal-matrix composites based on a micromechanical model 期刊论文 Meng, Qinghua|Wang, Zhenqing|
33 Effect of temperature on magnetic field-induced response of Ni-Mn-Ga single crystals 期刊论文 Lei, Hongshuai|Tong, Liyong|Wang, Zhenqing|
34 Receptivity of Boundary Layer over a Blunt Wedge due to Freestream Pulse Disturbances at Mach 6 期刊论文 Tang, Xiaojun|Wang, Zhenqing|Shi, Mingfang|Zhao, Wei|
35 碳纤维-不锈钢层板热载条件下冲击动态响应及层间损伤仿真研究 期刊论文 唐小军|回天力|王振清|杨凤龙|
36 Theoretical model of fiber debonding and pull-out in unidirectional hybrid-fiber-reinforced brittle-matrix composites 期刊论文 Meng, Qinghua|Wang, Zhenqing|
37 Asymptotic solutions of mode i steady growth crack in materials under creep conditions 期刊论文 Meng, Qinghua|Wang, Zhenqing|
38 表面机械研磨(SMAT)技术对玻璃纤维增强铝金属层板(GLARE)拉伸性能的影响 期刊论文 万云|王振清|周利民|章继峰|
39 壁温对来流脉冲波作用下钝楔高超声速边界层稳定性的影响 期刊论文 王振清|唐小军|孟祥男|吕红庆|
40 蠕变损伤材料中缺口尖端稳定扩展的应力场 期刊论文 孟庆华|梁文彦|王振清|
41 Mechanical properties of thermoplastic composites via in-situ polymerization from cyclic oligomers 会议论文 Hao, Kou An|Wang, Zhen Qing|Zhou, Li Min|
42 Stability characteristic of hypersonic flow over a blunt wedge under freestream pulse wave 期刊论文 Lv, Hongqing|Meng, Xiangnan|Wang, Zhenqing|Lv, Qin|
43 脉冲波作用下的高超音速非定常流动模拟及影响研究 期刊论文 孟祥男|王振清|唐小军|吕红庆|
44 Macroscopic response of Ni-Mn-Ga single crystals considering the effects of residual reorientation strain and temperature 期刊论文 Lei, Hongshuai|Tong, Liyong|Wang, Zhenqing|
45 混杂方式对CF/GF/环氧混杂复合材料低速冲击性能的影响 期刊论文 赵士成|王振清|郭建明|杨斌|