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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The effect of temperature on Bi2Se3nanostructures synthesizedvia chemical vapor deposition 期刊论文 Chuansong Chen|Chao Zhang|Dong Bi|Baoyuan Man|
2 Structural, morphological and magnetic characteristics of Tb-implanted GaN and AlGaN films 期刊论文 Yin, Chunhai|Tao, Dongyan|Yang, Cheng|Man, Baoyuan|
3 Ag2O@Ag core-shell structure on PMMA as low-cost and ultra-sensitive flexible surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate 期刊论文 Shouzhen Jiang|Yanyan Huo|Aihua Liu|Bao Yuan Man|
4 Few-layer MoS2-encapsulated Cu nanoparticle hybrids fabricated by two-step annealing process for surface enhanced Raman scattering 期刊论文 Sheng, Yingqiang|Huo, Yanyan|Yang, Cheng|Man, Baoyuan|
5 Favorable Nucleation Sites of the Au-Graphene Hybrid Layer for the Aligned ZnO Nanorods Synthesis 期刊论文 Chuansong Chen|Mei Liu|Chao Zhang|Bao Yuan Man|
6 Impact of Nitrogen Pressure on the Structural, Morphologic and Magnetic Properties of the GaMnN Thin Films 期刊论文 Cheng Yang|Chuan Song Chen,|Shou Zhen Jiang|Chun Ming Wang|
7 As-grown uniform MoS2/mica saturable absorber for passively Q-switched mode-locked Nd:GdVO4 laser 期刊论文 Jie Liu|Shouzhen Jiang|Chun Li|Bao Yuan Man|
8 Structural, morphological and magnetic properties of AlGaN thin films co-implanted with Cr and Sm ions 期刊论文 Sun, Lili|Tao, Dongyan|Yang, Cheng|Man, Baoyuan|
9 Facile synthesis of graphene on single mode fiber via chemical vapor deposition 期刊论文 Feng, D. J.|Bi, D.|Liu, F. Y.|Qiu, H. W.|
10 Flexible and transparent graphene-based loudspeakers 期刊论文 Liu, M.|Gao, X. G.|Sun, Z. C.|Zhang, C.|
11 飞秒激光诱导Zn等离子体发射光谱时间演化特性 期刊论文 杨诚|刘栋|李菲菲|陈传松|
12 Facile fabrication of graphene-topological insulator Bi2Se3 hybrid Dirac materials via chemical vapor deposition in Se-rich conditions 期刊论文 Bi, D.|Liu, F. Y.|Qiu, H. W.|Zhang, J. X.|
13 Layer-controlled large area MoS2layers grown on mica substrate forsurface-enhanced Raman scattering 期刊论文 H.W. Qiu|H.S. Li|D.J. Feng|J. X. Zhang|
14 SERS detection of low-concentration adenosine by silvernanoparticles on silicon nanoporous pyramid arrays structure 期刊论文 C S Chen|S C Xu|H W Qiu|Z Li|
15 Limited graphene oxidation on the synthesis of ZnO-graphene hybrid nanostructures by the Zn predeposition 期刊论文 Chen, Chuansong|Xu, Shicai|Zhang, Chao|Man, Baoyuan|
16 Facile synthesis of graphene on dielectric surfaces using a two-temperature reactor CVD system 期刊论文 Xu, S. C.|Sun, Z. C.|Gao, X. G.|Chen, X. J.|
17 Effects of CdZnTe buffer layer thickness on properties of HgCdTe thin film grown by pulsed laser deposition 期刊论文 Bi, D.|Man, B. Y.|Kong, D. M.|Xu, X. Y.|
18 Gold@silver bimetal nanoparticles/pyramidal silicon 3D substrate with high reproducibility for high-performance SERS 期刊论文 Wei, Qin|Gao, Sai Sai|Gao, Xing Guo|Man, Bao Yuan|
19 Controlled-layer and large-area MoS_2 films encapsulated Au nanoparticle hybrids for SERS 期刊论文 Xiaoyun Liu|Yingqing Sheng|Chonghui Li|Bao Yuan Man|
20 Graphene-Based Flexible and TransparentTunable Capacitors 期刊论文 Shoubao Gao|Chao Zhang|Hengwei Qiu|Zhen Li|
21 Effect of ambient pressure on a femtosecond laser induced titanium plasma 期刊论文 Jingquan Lin|Bao Yuan Man|Yanna Sun|Feifei Li|
22 Graphene-silver nanowire hybrid films as electrodes for transparent and flexible loudspeakers 期刊论文 Liu, Mei|Yang, Cheng|Chen, Chuansong|Zhang, Chao|
23 A sensitive 2D plasmon ruler based on Fano resonance 期刊论文 Ning, Tingyin|Jiang, Shouzhen|Xiong, Pingxin|Man, Baoyuan|
24 Direct synthesis of graphene on SiO2 substrates by chemical vapor deposition 期刊论文 Liu, M.|Gao, X. G.|Sun, Z. C.|Zhang, C.|
25 Direct growth of graphene on quartz substrate as saturable absorber for femtosecond solid-state laser 期刊论文 Hu, G. D.|Huang, Q. J.|Chen, X. F.|Zhang, C.|
26 The effects of oxygen co-doping on structural, magnetic and optical properties of Mn-doped GaN 期刊论文 Gao, X. G.|Xu, S. C.|Wang, C. C.|Sun, Z. C.|
27 Direct growth of graphene on quartz substrates for label-free detection of adenosine triphosphate 期刊论文 Yang, Cheng|Liu, Mei|Chen, Chuansong|Zhang, Chao|
28 Direct synthesis of graphene on any nonmetallic substrate based on KrF laser ablation of ordered pyrolytic graphite 期刊论文 Liu, M.|Yang, C.|Feng, D. J.|Zhang, C.|
29 Theoretical and experimental investigations on the threshold of a laser-induced breakdown of air 期刊论文 Chuansong Chen|Bao Yuan Man|Yanna Sun|Feifei Li|
30 Dynamics of femtosecond pulsed laser induced Ti plasmas under different pressures 期刊论文 Bao-Yuan Man|M. Liu|Yan-Na Sun|Fei-Fei Li|
31 Study of the room-temperature ferromagnetic GaMnN thinfilms 期刊论文 Cheng Yang|Chuansong Chen|Chao Zhang|Zhencui Sun|
32 Evolution and mechanism of the periodical structures formed on Ti plate under femtosecond laser irradiation 期刊论文 Bao Yuan Man|Xue Meng|Yanna Sun|Feifei Li|
33 Facile synthesis 3D flexible core-shellgraphene/glass fiber via chemical vapordeposition 期刊论文 Chuansong Chen|Xiuhua Li|Shouzhen Jiang|Baoyuan Man|
34 Experimental investigation and 3D-simulation of the ablated morphology of titanium surfaceusing femtosecond laser pulses 期刊论文 Chuansong Chen|Baoyuan Man|Xue Meng|Yanna Sun|
35 Effect of annealing time on the structural and ferromagnetic properties of the GaMnN thin films 期刊论文 Man, Baoyuan|Liu, Mei|Yang, Cheng|Chen, Chuansong|
36 Investigation of Ti III line broadening in a laser-induced plasma 期刊论文 Man, B. Y.|Liu, D.|Song, X.|Chen, X. J.|
37 Investigation of Two Kinds of Periodical Surface Structures Induced by Femtosecond Laser on the Surface of Titanium Plate 期刊论文 Baoyuan Man|Xue Meng|Yanna Sun|Feifei Li|