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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Summer Lake Destratification Phenomenon: A Peculiar Deep Lake on the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Rongmingzhu Su;Zhipeng Xie;Weiqiang Ma;Yaoming Ma;Binbin Wang;Wei Hu;Zhongbo Su
2 Quantifying the evaporation amounts of 75 high-elevation large dimictic lakes on the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Binbin Wang;Yaoming Ma;Zhongbo Su;Yan Wang;Weiqiang Ma
3 A long-term (2005–2019) eddy covariance data set of CO2 and H2O fluxes from the Tibetan alpine steppe 期刊论文 Felix Nieberding;Christian Wille;Gerardo Fratini;Magnus O.Asmussen;Yuyang Wang;Yaoming Ma;Torsten Sachs
4 Gravel Parameterization Scheme and Verification Using BCC_CSM 期刊论文 yue xu;Shihua Lyu;Yaomig Ma;Shaobo Zhang;Cuili Ma;Yigang Liu
5 Large eddy simulation of boundary-layer turbulence over the heterogeneous surface in the source region of the Yellow River 期刊论文 Zhang Yunshuai;Huang Qian;Ma Yaoming;Luo Jiali;Wang Chan;Li Zhaoguo;Chou Yan
6 Modification and Comparison of Thermal and Hydrological Parameterization Schemes for Different Underlying Surfaces on the Tibetan Plateau in the Warm Season 期刊论文 Yuan Yuan;Yaoming Ma;Hongchao Zuo;Chenyi Yang;Ling Yuan;Jinlei Chen
7 Tracking the dynamics of paddy rice cultivation practice through MODIS time series and PhenoRice algorithm 期刊论文 Luintel Nirajan;Ma Weiqiang;Ma Yaoming;Wang Binbin;Xu Jie;Dawadi Binod;Mishra Bhogendra
8 QOMS: A Comprehensive Observation Station for Climate Change Research on the top of the Earth 期刊论文 Yaoming Ma;Zhipeng Xie;Weiqiang Ma;Cunbo Han;Fanglin Sun;Genhou Sun;Lian Liu;Yue Lai;Binbin Wang;Xin Liu;Wenqing Zhao;Weiyao Ma;Fangfang Wang;Lijun Sun;Bin Ma;Yizhe Han;Zhongyan Wang;Zhenhua Xi
9 Changes of Extreme Precipitation and its Associated Mechanisms in Northwest China 期刊论文 Lu Shan;Hu Zeyong;Yu Haipeng;Fan Weiwei;Fu Chunwei;Wu Di
10 Winter daytime warming and shift in summer monsoon increase plant cover and net CO 2 uptake in a central Tibetan alpine steppe ecosystem 期刊论文 Felix Nieberding;Christian Wille;Yaoming Ma;Yuyang Wang;Philipp Maurischat;Lukas W. Lehnert;Torsten Sachs
11 1961-2010年青藏高原气候变化特征分析 期刊论文 徐丽娇;胡泽勇;赵亚楠;洪潇宇
12 Evaluation of Albedo Schemes in WRF Coupled with Noah-MP on the Parlung No. 4 Glacier 期刊论文 Lian Liu;Massimo Menenti;Yaoming Ma
13 青藏高原不同下垫面蒸散量及其与气象因子的相关性 期刊论文 张亚春;马耀明;马伟强;王宾宾;王玉阳
14 那曲高寒草地总体输送系数及地面热源特征 期刊论文 郑汇璇;胡泽勇;孙根厚;谢志鹏;严晓强;王奕丹;付春伟
15 Estimation of Hourly Actual Evapotranspiration Over the Tibetan Plateau from Multi-Source Data 期刊论文 Xian Wang;Lei Zhong;Yaoming Ma;Yunfei Fu;Cunbo Han;Peizhen Li;Zixin Wang;Yuting Qi
16 The evaluation of AMSR-E soil moisture data in atmospheric modeling using a suitable time series iteration to derive land surface fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Ma Weiqiang;Ma Yaoming
17 Evapotranspiration Estimation Using Surface Energy Balance System Model: A Case Study in the Nagqu River Basin 期刊论文 Zhong Lei;Xu Kepiao;Ma Yaoming;Huang Ziyu;Wang Xian;Ge Nan
18 黄土高原夏季极端降水及其成因分析 期刊论文 卢珊;胡泽勇;付春伟;樊威伟;吴笛
19 Simulation analysis of local land atmosphere coupling in rainy season over a typical underlying surface in the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Sun Genhou;Hu Zeyong;Ma Yaoming;Xie Zhipeng;Wang Jiemin;Yang Song
20 Monthly variation of local land–atmosphere coupling over the Tibetan Plateau in the rainy season and its relationship with the South Asian summer monsoon 期刊论文 Genhou Sun;Fanglin Sun;Wei Wei;Song Yang;Zeyong Hu;Yaoming Ma;Zhipeng Xie;Jiemin Wang
21 Improved parameterization of snow albedo in Noah coupled with Weather Research and Forecasting: applicability to snow estimates for the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Liu Lian;Ma Yaoming;Menenti Massimo;Su Rongmingzhu;Yao Nan;Ma Weiqiang
22 Earth Summit Mission 2022: Scientific Expedition and Research on Mt. Qomolangma Helps Reveal the Synergy between Westerly Winds and Monsoon and the Resulting Climatic and Environmental Effects 期刊论文 Yaoming Ma;Weiqiang Ma;Huaguang Dai;Lei Zhang;Fanglin Sun;Jinqiang Zhang;Nan Yao;Jianan He;Zhixuan Bai;Yuejian Xuan;Yunshuai Zhang;Yuan Yuan;Chenyi Yang;Weijun Sun;Ping Zhao;Minghu Ding;Kongju Zhu;Jie Hu;Bian Bazhuga;Bai Juepingcuo;Zhuo Ma;Ren Qingnima;Suo Langwangdui;Yang Zong;Haikun Wen
23 A long-term (2005–2016) dataset of hourly integrated land–atmosphere interaction observations on the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Yaoming Ma;Zeyong Hu;Zhenghui Xie;Weiqiang Ma;Binbin Wang;Xiaolong Chen;Maoshan Li;Lei Zhong;Fanglin Sun;Lianglei Gu;Cunbo Han;Lang Zhang;Xin Liu;Zhangwei Ding;Genhou Sun;Shujin Wang;Yonghong Wang;Zhongyan Wang
24 基于CLM4.5的高寒草地辐射收支和水热交换的数值模拟研究 期刊论文 吴笛;胡泽勇;付春伟;王树金;樊威伟
25 北大西洋风暴轴的变化及其对西伯利亚高压和东亚大气环流的影响 期刊论文 曾鼎文;朱伟军;马小娇;顾沛澍;刘鸣彦;高洁
26 Origin and advances in implementing blowing-snow effects in the Community Land Model 期刊论文 ZeYong Hu;ZhiPeng Xie
27 Impacts of the Westerlies on Planetary Boundary Layer Growth Over a Valley on the North Side of the Central Himalayas 期刊论文 Yue Lai;Xiaolong Chen;Yaoming Ma;Deliang Chen;Suolang Zhaxi
28 Positive and Negative Surface Feedback and Atmospheric Control of Land Surface Conditions on Convective Organization Over the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Chenyi Yang;Yaoming Ma;Yuan Yuan;Hongchao Zuo
29 Estimation of the distribution of the total net radiative flux from satellite and automatic weather station data in the Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia 期刊论文 Tegegne Eyale Bayable;Ma Yaoming;Chen Xuelong;Ma Weiqiang;Wang Bingbing;Ding Zhangwei;Zhu Zhikun
30 Responses of Soil Freeze–Thaw Processes to Climate on the Tibetan Plateau from 1980 to 2016 期刊论文 Chunwei Fu;Zeyong Hu;Yaoxian Yang;Mingshan Deng;Haipeng Yu;Shan Lu;Di Wu;Weiwei Fan
31 基于Noah-MP模式的影响青藏高原冻融过程参数化方案评估 期刊论文 刘火霖;胡泽勇;韩赓;裴昌春
32 Estimations of Land Surface Characteristic Parameters and Turbulent Heat Fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau Based on FY-4A/AGRI Data 期刊论文 Ge Nan;Zhong Lei;Ma Yaoming;Fu Yunfei;Zou Mijun;Cheng Meilin;Wang Xian;Huang Ziyu
33 Interannual Variation of NDVI, Precipitation and Temperature during the Growing Season in Langtang National Park, Central Himalaya, Nepal 期刊论文 Regmi R;Ma Yaoming;W.Ma;B. Baniya;B.Bashir
34 Simulation of sensible and latent heat fluxes on the Tibetan Plateau from 1981 to 2018 期刊论文 Shuzhou Wang;Yaoming Ma;Yuxin Liu
35 青藏高原季风演变及其气候效应综述 期刊论文 樊威伟;胡泽勇;荀学义;杨耀先;于海鹏;付春伟;吴笛
36 Simulated Trends in Land Surface Sensible Heat Flux on the Tibetan Plateau in Recent Decades 期刊论文 Shuzhou Wang;Yaoming Ma;Yuxin Liu
37 Spatial and temporal analysis of changes in temperature extremes in the non-monsoon region of China from 1961 to 2016 期刊论文 Wang Yuyang;Z.Ding;Ma Yaoming
38 Seasonal and diurnal variations of carbon dioxide and energy fluxes over three land cover types of Nepal 期刊论文 Bharat Badayar Joshi;Yaoming Ma;Weiqiang Ma;Madan Sigdel;Binbin Wang;Sunil Subba
39 Terrestrial and Atmospheric Controls on Surface Energy Partitioning and Evaporative Fraction Regimes Over the Tibetan Plateau in the Growing Season 期刊论文 Chenyi Yang;Yaoming Ma;Yuan Yuan
40 Strengthening the three-dimensional comprehensive observation system of multi-layer interaction on the Tibetan Plateau to cope with the warming and wetting trend 期刊论文 Yaoming Ma;Binbin Wang;Xuelong Chen;Lei Zhong;Zeyong Hu;Weiqiang Ma;Cunbo Han;Maoshan Li
41 喜马拉雅南北坡地区地表能量通量及蒸散发量对比分析 期刊论文 王俏懿;马耀明;王宾宾;左洪超
42 Land-surface processes and summer-cloud-precipitation characteristics in the Tibetan Plateau and their effects on downstream weather:a review and perspective 期刊论文 Fu Yunfei;Ma Yaoming;Zhong Lei;Yang Yuanjian;Guo Xueliang;Wang Chenghai;Xu Xiaofeng;Yang Kun;Xu Xiangde;Liu Liping;Fan Guangzhou;Li Yueqing;Wang Donghai
43 青藏高原近60年来气候变化及其环境影响研究进展 期刊论文 杨耀先;胡泽勇;路富全;蔡英;于海鹏;郭瑞霞;付春伟;樊威伟;吴笛
44 Improved Parameterization of Snow Albedo in WRF + Noah: Methodology Based on a Severe Snow Event on the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Lian Liu;Massimo Menenti;Yaoming Ma;Weiqiang Ma
45 Recovery of sensible heating and its elevation amplification over and around the Tibetan Plateau since 2000s 期刊论文 Fan Weiwei;Ma Weiqiang;Hu Zeyong;Ma Yaoming
46 青藏高原拉昂错热力分层和混合层深度变化特征观测 期刊论文 苏荣明珠;马伟强;马耀明;谢志鹏;王宾宾;胡伟;刘景时
47 Analysis of local land-atmosphere coupling in rainy season over a typical underlying surface in Tibetan Plateau based on field measurements and ERA5 期刊论文 Sun Genhou;Z.Hu;Ma Yaoming;Z.Xie;S.Yang;J.Wang
48 Estimation of 30 m land surface temperatures over the entire Tibetan Plateau based on Landsat-7 ETM+ data and machine learning methods 期刊论文 Xian Wang;Lei Zhong;Yaoming Ma
49 Analysis of local land atmosphere coupling characteristics over Tibetan Plateau in the dry and rainy seasons using observational data and ERA5 期刊论文 Sun Genhou;Hu Zeyong;Ma Yaoming;Xie Zhipeng;Sun Fanglin;Wang Jiemin;Yang Song
50 A study on the water vapor transport trend and water vapor source of the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Xu Kepiao;Zhong Lei;Ma Yawning;Zou Mijun;Huang Ziyu
51 Variation characteristics of temperature and precipitation on the northern slopes of the Himalaya region from 1979 to 2018 期刊论文 Yizhe Han;Yaoming Ma;Zhongyan Wang;Weiqiang Ma
52 青藏高原多圈层地气相互作用过程研究进展和回顾 期刊论文 马耀明;胡泽勇;王宾宾;马伟强;陈学龙;韩存博;李茂善;仲雷;谷良雷;孙方林;赖悦;刘莲;谢志鹏;韩熠哲;袁令;姚楠;石兴东
53 2021年度西藏自治区科学技术一等奖 奖励 马耀明;卓嘎;胡泽勇;仲雷;马伟强;假拉;陈斌;边 多;张胜军;除多;李茂善;陈学龙;谷良雷;王宾宾;孙方林;韩存 博;孙根厚;徐超;王永杰;王忠彦
54 Development and evaluation of spectral nudging strategy for the simulation of summer precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau using WRF (v4.0) 期刊论文 Ziyu Huang;Lei Zhong;Yaoming Ma;Yunfei Fu
55 Diagnostic analysis of a regional heavy snowfall event over the Tibetan Plateau using NCEP reanalysis data and WRF 期刊论文 Lian Liu;Yaoming Ma;Nan Yao;Weiqiang Ma
56 Analysis of the Radiation Fluxes over Complex Surfaces on the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Chunxiao Wang;Yaoming Ma;Binbin Wang;Weiqiang Ma;Xuelong Chen;Cunbo Han
57 Climatic trends variability and concerning flow regime of Upper Indus Basin, Jehlum, and Kabul river basins Pakistan 期刊论文 Yasir Latif;Yaoming Ma;Weiqiang Ma
58 Carbon and water fluxes in an alpine steppe ecosystem in the Nam Co area of the Tibetan Plateau during two years with contrasting amounts of precipitation 期刊论文 Wang Yuyang;Zhu Zhikun;Ma Yaoming;Yuan Ling
59 近56年中国极端降水事件的时空变化格局 期刊论文 卢珊;胡泽勇;王百朋;秦佩;王丽
60 黄河源区鄂陵湖湖面和湖边草地对流边界层湍流结构特征的大涡模拟研究 期刊论文 张蕴帅;黄倩;马耀明;王蓉;田红瑛;王婵;李照国
61 Continuous monitoring of the isotopic composition of surface water vapor at Lhasa, southern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Di Dai;Jing Gao;Hans Christian Steen-Larsen;Tandong Yao;Yaoming Ma;Meilin Zhu;Shenghai Li
62 Differentiating Snow and Glacier Melt Contribution to Runoff in the Gilgit River Basin via Degree-Day Modelling Approach 期刊论文 Yasir Latif;Ma Yaoming;W.Ma;S. Muhammad;M. Adlan;M.Yassen;R.Fealy
63 Impact of the leading atmospheric wave train over Eurasia on the climate variability over the Tibetan Plateau during early spring 期刊论文 Yaoxian Yang;Yimin Liu;Zeyong Hu;Haipeng Yu;Jinxiao Li;Yongkun Xie;Qian Yang
64 Impacts of mid-high latitude atmospheric teleconnection patterns on interannual variation of the Tibetan Plateau summer monsoon 期刊论文 Weiwei Fan;Zeyong Hu;Weiqiang Ma;Yaoming Ma;Yaoxian Yang;Haipeng Yu;Xiang Han
65 Spring Dust Mass Flux over the Tibetan Plateau during 2007–19 and Connections with North Atlantic SST Variability 期刊论文 Chao Xu;Yaoming Ma;Jiehua Ma;Chao You;Huijun Wang
66 基于CLM4.5模式的季节冻土区土壤参数化方案的模拟研究 期刊论文 付春伟;胡泽勇;卢珊;吴笛;樊威伟
67 Estimation of the distribution of the total net radiative flux from satellite and automatic weather station data in the Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia 期刊论文 Eyale Bayable Tegegne;Yaoming Ma;Xiaolong Chen;Weiqiang Ma;Bingbing Wang;Zhangwei Ding;Zhikun Zhu
68 Respective Advantages of "Top-Down" Based GPM IMERG and "Bottom-Up" Based SM2RAIN-ASCAT Precipitation Products Over the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Fan Yixi;Ma Ziqiang;Ma Yaoming;Ma Weiqiang;Xie Zhipeng;Ding Leiding;Han Yizhe;Hu Wei;Su Rongmingzhu
69 Dominant Modes of Tibetan Plateau Summer Surface Sensible Heating and Associated Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies 期刊论文 Weiwei Fan;Zeyong Hu;Weiqiang Ma;Yaoming Ma;Cunbo Han;Xiang Han;Yaoxian Yang;Haipeng Yu;Chunwei Fu;Di Wu
70 Assessments of Weather Research and Forecasting Land Surface Models in Precipitation Simulation Over the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Lei Zhong;Ziyu Huang;Yaoming Ma;Yunfei Fu;Mingxing Chen;Ming Ma;Jianqiu Zheng
71 Topographical and Thermal Forcing in Favorable Circulation Pattern to Early Spring Precipitation over the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Yaoxian Yang;Zeyong Hu;Maoshan Li;Haipeng Yu;Weiqiang Ma;Weiwei Fan
72 高原季风特征及其与东亚夏季风关系的研究 期刊论文 王奕丹;胡泽勇;孙根厚;谢志鹏;严晓强;郑汇璇;付春伟
73 那曲高寒草地长时间地面热源特征及其气候影响因子分析 期刊论文 严晓强;胡泽勇;孙根厚;谢志鹏;王奕丹;郑汇璇
74 An Enhanced MOD16 Evapotranspiration Model for the Tibetan Plateau During the Unfrozen Season 期刊论文 Ling Yuan;Yaoming Ma;Xuelong Chen;Yuyang Wang;Zhaoguo Li
75 Climate Change Trends and Impacts on Vegetation Greening Over the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Zhong Lei;Ma Yaoming;Xue Yongkang;Piao Shilong
76 Energy and Water Cycles in the Third Pole 专著 马耀明;zhongbo Su;lei zhong
77 Data processing uncertainties may lead to an overestimation of the land carbon sink of the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Yuyang Wang;Zhiyong Ding;Yaoming Ma
78 Estimation of downwelling shortwave and longwave radiation in the Tibetan Plateau under all‐sky conditions 期刊论文 Zhong Lei;M.Zou;Ma Yaoming;Z. Huang;K. Xu;X.Wang;N.Ge;M.Cheng
79 Long-term variations in actual evapotranspiration over the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Han Cunbo;Ma Yaoming;Wang Binbin;Zhong Lei;Ma Weiqiang;Chen Xuelong;Su Zhongbo
80 Estimation of land surface evapotranspiration using the METRIC model in Nepal 期刊论文 Shailaja WASTI;Weiqiang MA;Yaoming MA
81 Impacts of the Silk Road pattern on the interdecadal variations of the atmospheric heat source over the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Han Yizhe;Ma Weiqiang;Yang Yaoxian;Ma Yaoming;Xie Zhipeng;Sun Genhou;Menenti Massimo;Su Bob
82 Characteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer's structure and heating (cooling) rate in summer over the Northern Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Lianglei Gu;Jimin Yao;Zeyong Hu;Yaoming Ma;Fanglin Sun;Haipeng Yu;Shujing Wang;Yaoxian Yang;Ruixia Guo;Yanyan Qin
83 Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Carbon Dioxide and Energy Fluxes over Three Land Cover Types of Nepal 期刊论文 Bharat Badayar Joshi;Yaoming Ma;Weiqiang Ma;Binbin Wang
84 Monitoring Water and Energy Cycles at Climate Scale in the Third Pole Environment (CLIMATE-TPE) 期刊论文 Su Zhongbo;Ma Yaoming;Chen Xuelong;Dong Xiaohua;Du Junping;Han Cunbo;He Yanbo;Hofste Jan G.;Li Maoshan;Li Mengna;Lv Shaoning;Ma Weiqiang;Polo Maria J.;Peng Jian;Qian Hui;Sobrino Jose;Van der Velde Rogier;Wen Jun;Wang Binbin;Wang Xin;Yu Lianyu;Zhang Pei;Zhao Hong;Zheng Han;Zheng Donghai;Zhong Lei;Zeng Yijian
85 The Impact of Climate Warming on Lake Surface Heat Exchange and Ice Phenology of Different Types of Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Lang Jiahe;Ma Yaoming;Li Zhaoguo;Su Dongsheng
86 A Study on the Assessment of Multi-Source Satellite Soil Moisture Products and Reanalysis Data for the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Cheng Meilin;Zhong Lei;Ma Yaoming;Zou Mijun;Ge Nan;Wang Xian;Hu Yuanyuan
87 Carbon fluxes and environmental controls across different alpine grassland types on the Tibetan Plateau 期刊论文 Wang Yuyang;Xiao Jingfeng;Ma Yaoming;Luo Yiqi;Hu Zeyong;Li Fu;Li Yingnian;Gu Lianglei;Li Zhaoguo;Yuan Ling
88 青藏高原六套陆面蒸散发产品的评估 期刊论文 袁令;马耀明;陈学龙;王玉阳