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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 江苏省高层次卫生人才“六个一工程”拔尖人才 奖励 谢春明
2 Altered resting-state cerebral blood flow and its functional connectivity in patients with major depressive disorder with and without suicidal ideation 会议论文 樊丹丹;谢春明
3 管衰老影响阿尔茨海默病的研究进展 会议论文 葛笑;谢春明
4 Altered Regional Cerebral Blood Flow and Brain Function Across the Alzheimer's Disease Spectrum: A Potential Biomarker 期刊论文 Qianqian Zhang;Qing Wang;Cancan He;Dandan Fan;Yao Zhu;Feifei Zang;Chang Tan;Shao-Ke Zhang;Hao Shu;Zhijun Zhang;Haixia Feng;Zan Wang;Chunming Xie
5 重复经颅磁刺激调控阿尔茨海默病患者认知功能的研究进展 会议论文 任玲;谢春明
6 Dyslipidemia induced large-scale network connectivity abnormality facilitates cognitive decline in the Alzheimer’s disease 期刊论文 Qing Wang;Feifei Zang;Cancan He;Zhijun Zhang;Chunming Xie
7 Neural effects of childhood maltreatment on dynamic large-scale brain networks in major depressive disorder 期刊论文 Qing Wang;Canan He;Dandan Fan;Xinyi Liu;Haisan Zhang;Hongxing Zhang;Zhijun Zhang;Chunming Xie
8 脂质代谢物可扰乱大尺度静息态网络连接并加速阿尔茨海默病谱系人群的认知衰退速度 会议论文 王清;谢春明
9 Identification of microRNA-9 linking the effects of childhood maltreatment on depression using amygdala connectivity 期刊论文 Cancan He;Ying Bai;Zan Wang;Dandan Fan;Qing Wang;Xinyi Liu;Haisan Zhang;Hongxing Zhang;Zhijun Zhang;Honghong Yao;Chunming Xie
10 Topological Properties of Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Suicidal Ideas in Patients with Depression 会议论文 刘馨怡;谢春明
11 Cortical Atrophy Mediating the Accumulating Effects of Vascular Risk Factors on Cognition in Alzheimer’s Disease Spectrum 会议论文 王清;谢春明
12 自杀相关的抑郁症谱系人群影像学标记物研究 会议论文 王清;谢春明
13 阿尔兹海默病谱系人群动态脑功能网络的异常及个体化分类 会议论文 朱尧;谢春明
14 Collateral Circulation Detected by Arterial Spin Labeling Can Predict Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke 会议论文 刘桑妮;谢春明
15 Altered resting-state cerebral blood flow and functional connectivity mediate suicidal ideation in major depressive disorder 会议论文 樊丹丹;谢春明
16 Cortical atrophy mediates the accumulating effects of vascular risk factors on cognitive decline in the Alzheimer's disease spectrum 期刊论文 Wang Qing;He Cancan;Zhu Yao;Zhang Qianqian;Zhang Zhijun;Xie Chunming
17 AD谱系人群的脑网络研究 会议论文 王清;谢春明
18 脉自旋标记检测的侧支循环可以预测急性缺血性中风的结局 会议论文 刘桑妮;谢春明
19 2018江苏省“双创团队” 奖励 姚红红;潘玉峰;罗卓娟;谢春明
20 Microglia activation linking amyloid-β drive tau spatial propagation in Alzheimer's disease 期刊论文 Qing Wang;Chunming Xie
21 脂质代谢异常加速 AD 谱系人群认知功能下降相关脑网络机制研究 会议论文 王清;谢春明
22 自杀相关的抑郁谱系人群影像学标记物 会议论文 王清;谢春明
23 抑郁症自杀意念患者的静息态脑血流及其脑网络研究 会议论文 樊丹丹;谢春明
24 抑郁症自杀意念患者的静息态脑血流及其脑网络异常机制研究 会议论文 樊丹丹;谢春明
25 Alterations of core structural network connectome associated with suicidal ideation in major depressive disorder patients 期刊论文 Liu Xinyi;He Cancan;Fan Dandan;Zang Feifei;Zhu Yao;Zhang Haisan;Zhang Zhijun;Zhang Hongxing;Xie Chunming
26 Default Mode Network Connectivity Moderates the Relationship Between the APOE Genotype and Cognition and Individualizes Identification Across the Alzheimer’s Disease Spectrum 期刊论文 Yao Zhu;Liang Gong;Cancan He;Qing Wang;Qingguo Ren;Chunming Xie
27 脂质代谢通路多基因效应加速阿尔茨海默病谱系人群的病理进程并破坏默认网络的轨迹变化 会议论文 臧菲菲;谢春明
28 Apolipoprotein E Drives Early Blood–Brain Barrier Damage in Alzheimer's Disease 期刊论文 Zhang Qianqian;Xie Chunming
29 江苏省新技术引进奖 奖励 谢春明
30 利用功能影像学方法探讨不同类型儿童期受虐调控miR-9 影响抑郁症发生发展的机制 会议论文 何灿灿;谢春明
31 AD 谱系人群的脑功能网络动态改变预测其认知功能衰退研究 会议论文 王清;谢春明
32 抑郁症局部脑血流动脉自旋标记成像的研究进展 期刊论文 樊丹丹;何灿灿;谢春明;张志琚
33 Altered resting-state cerebral blood flow and functional connectivity mediate suicidal ideation in major depressive disorder 期刊论文 Dandan Fan;Cancan He;Xinyi Liu;Feifei Zang;Yao Zhu;Haisan Zhang;Hongxing Zhang;Zhijun Zhang;Chunming Xie
34 Dynamic Connectivity Alteration Facilitates Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's Disease Spectrum 期刊论文 Wang Qing;He Cancan;Wang Zan;Zhang Zhijun;Xie Chunming
35 2型糖尿病伴认知障碍人群海马亚区血流量异常与临床行为学的相关性研究 会议论文 陈翔;谢春明
36 遗传性痉挛性截瘫病报告1例及文献复习 会议论文 葛笑;谢春明
37 抑郁症患者自杀意念的弥散张量成像拓扑 属性研究 会议论文 刘馨怡;谢春明
38 2型糖尿病伴认知障碍患者的神经影像学研究进展 会议论文 陈翔;谢春明
39 Sleep disturbance-related neuroimaging features as potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of major depressive disorder: A multicenter study based on machine learning 期刊论文 Shi Yachen;Zhang Linhai;He Cancan;Yin Yingying;Song Ruize;Chen Suzhen;Fan Dandan;Zhou Deyu;Yuan Yonggui;Xie Chunming;Zhang Zhijun
40 Effects of rs1799986 polymorphism of LRP1 gene on default mode network in Alzheimer's Disease spectrum, Korean Cogress of Radiology 会议论文 臧菲菲;谢春明
41 中国神经科学学会精神病学基础与临床分会第十七届全国学术会议大会论文报告,三等奖 奖励 谢春明
42 APOE genotype moderates the relationship between LRP1 polymorphism and cognition across the Alzheimer's disease spectrum via disturbing default mode network 期刊论文 Zang Feifei;Zhu Yao;Zhang Qianqian;Tan Chang;Wang Qing;Xie Chunming
43 抑郁症自杀相关的神经影像学研究 期刊论文 戚玲瑜;谢春明
44 Insula network connectivity mediates the association between childhood maltreatment and depressive symptoms in major depressive disorder patients 期刊论文 Cancan He;Dandan Fan;Xinyi Liu;Qing Wang;Haisan Zhang;Hongxing Zhang;Zhijun Zhang;Chunming Xie
45 老年抑郁情绪与记忆障碍共病的杏仁核脑网络影像学研究 期刊论文 谢春明;龚亮;何灿灿;王清;樊丹丹;张海三;张红星
46 Connectome-based model predicts episodic memory performance in individuals with subjective cognitive decline and amnestic mild cognitive impairment 期刊论文 Yao Zhu;Feifei Zang;Qing Wang;Qianqian Zhang;Chang Tan;Shaoke Zhang;Tianjian Hu;Lingyu Qi;Shouyong Xu;Qing-Guo Ren;Chunming Xie
47 LRP1 基因 rs1799986 多态性对阿尔茨海默病谱系人群默认网络的影响 会议论文 臧菲菲;谢春明
48 抑郁症患者自杀意念相关的核心结构网络连接体的改变 会议论文 刘馨怡;谢春明
49 抑郁症伴或不伴自杀意念的静息态脑血流及功能连接网络的改变 会议论文 樊丹丹;谢春明
50 长程高频重复经颅磁刺激对遗忘型轻度认知障碍患者认知功能的影响及神经机制初探 会议论文 朱尧;谢春明
51 老年性痴呆高危早期筛查和诊断及其生物标记物与干预 奖励 张志珺;谢春明;袁勇贵;任庆国;闫福岭;张洪英;束昊;陈玖;王赞;吴迪;顾丽华;孙君君;侯正华;张正生;王燕娟
52 Disrupted rich-club network organization and individualized identification of patients with major depressive disorder 期刊论文 Liu Xinyi;He Cancan;Fan Dandan;Zhu Yao;Zang Feifei;Wang Qing;Zhang Haisan;Zhang Zhijun;Zhang Hongxing;Xie Chunming
53 Polygenic Effects of the Lipid Metabolic Pathway Accelerated Pathological Changes and Disrupted Default Mode Network Trajectory Across the Alzheimer’s Disease Spectrum 期刊论文 Feifei Zang;Yao Zhu;Xinyi Liu;Dandan Fan;Qing Wang;Qianqian Zhang;Cancan He;Zhijun Zhang;Chunming Xie;Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative