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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Ventricle stress/strain comparisons between Tetralogy of Fallot patients and healthy using models with different zero-load diastole and systole morphologies 期刊论文 Yu Han;Tang Dalin;Geva Tal;Yang Chun;Wu Zheyang;Rathod Rahul H;Huang Xueying;Billiar Kristen L;del Nido Pedro J
2 Patient-Specific MRI-Based Right Ventricle Models Using Different Zero-Load Diastole and Systole Geometries for Better Cardiac Stress and Strain Calculations and Pulmonary Valve Replacement Surgical Outcome Predictions 期刊论文 Tang Dalin;del Nido Pedro J.;Yang Chun;Zuo Heng;Huang Xueying;Rathod Rahul H.;Gooty Vasu;Tang Alexander;Wu Zheyang;Billiar Kristen L.;Geva Tal
3 Numerical simulation study on systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy 期刊论文 Deng Long;Huang Xueying;Yang Chun;Lyu Bin;Duan Fujian;Tang Dalin;Song Yunhu
4 Patient-specific in vivo right ventricle material parameter estimation for patients with tetralogy of Fallot using MRI-based models with different zero-load diastole and systole morphologies 期刊论文 Yu Han;del Nido Pedro J;Geva Tal;Yang Chun;Tang Alexander;Wu Zheyang;Rathod Rahul H;Huang Xueying;Billiar Kristen L;Tang Dalin
5 Combining morphological and biomechanical factors for optimal carotid plaque progression prediction: An MRI-based follow-up study using 3D thin-layer models 期刊论文 Wang Qingyu;Tang Dalin;Wang Liang;Canton Gador;Wu Zheyang;Hatsukami Thomas S;Billiar Kristen L;Yuan Chun
6 Modeling Active Contraction and Relaxation of Left Ventricle Using Different Zero-load Diastole and Systole Geometries for Better Material Parameter Estimation and Stress/Strain Calculations 期刊论文 Longling Fan;Jing Yao;Chun Yang;Di Xu;Dalin Tang
7 Multi-factor decision-making strategy for better coronary plaque burden increase prediction: a patient-specific 3D FSI study using IVUS follow-up data 期刊论文 Wang Liang;Tang Dalin;Maehara Akiko;Molony David;Zheng Jie;Samady Habib;Wu Zheyang;Lu Wenbin;Zhu Jian;Ma Genshan;Giddens Don P;Stone Gregg W;Mintz Gary S
8 Patient-Specific Echo-Based Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling Study of Blood Flow in the Left Ventricle with Infarction and Hypertension 期刊论文 Fan Longling;Yao Jing;Yang Chun;Xu Di;Tang Dalin
9 Patient-specific CT-based 3D passive FSI model for left ventricle in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy 期刊论文 Deng Long;Huang Xueying;Yang Chun;Song Yunhu;Tang Dalin
10 Angle of Attack between Blood Flow and Mitral Valve Leaflets in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy: An In Vivo Multi patient CT-based FSI Study 期刊论文 Deng Long;Huang Xueying;Zuo Heng;Zheng Yuan;Yang Chun;Song Yunhu;Tang Dalin
11 Combining Smaller Patch, RV Remodeling and Tissue Regeneration in Pulmonary Valve Replacement Surgery Design May Lead to Better Post-Surgery RV Cardiac Function for Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot 期刊论文 Zhou Z;Geva T;Rathod R.H;Tang A.;Yang C.;Billiar K.L.;Tang D.
12 Stress-Based Plaque Vulnerability Index and Assessment for Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques Using Patient-Specific Vessel Material Properties 期刊论文 Qingyu Wang;Dalin Tang;Gador Canton;Zheyang Wu;Thomas S. Hatsukami;Kristen L. Billiar;Chun Yuan
13 Using intravascular ultrasound image-based fluid-structure interaction models and machine learning methods to predict human coronary plaque vulnerability change 期刊论文 Wang Liang;Tang Dalin;Maehara Akiko;Wu Zheyang;Yang Chun;Muccigrosso David;Matsumura Mitsuaki;Zheng Jie;Bach Richard;Billiar Kristen L.;Stone Gregg W.;Mintz Gary S.
14 Fluid-structure interaction models based on patient-specific IVUS at baseline and follow-up for prediction of coronary plaque progression by morphological and biomechanical factors: A preliminary study 期刊论文 Wang Liang;Tang Dalin;Maehara Akiko;Wu Zheyang;Yang Chun;Muccigrosso David;Zheng Jie;Bach Richard;Billiar Kristen L;Mintz Gary S
15 Multi-Band Surgery for Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Patients With Reduced Right Ventricle Ejection Fraction: A Pilot Study 期刊论文 Yu Han;del Nido Pedro J.;Geva Tal;Yang Chun;Wu Zheyang;Rathod Rahul H.;Huang Xueying;Billiar Kristen L.;Tang Dalin
16 Computational Modeling of Human Bicuspid Pulmonary Valve Dynamic Deformation in Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot 期刊论文 Li Caili;Baird Christopher;Yao Jing;Yang Chun;Wang Liang;Yu Han;Geva Tal;Tang Dalin
17 Cap inflammation leads to higher plaque cap strain and lower cap stress: An MRI-PET/Cr-based FSI modeling approach 期刊论文 Tang Dalin;Yang Chun;Huang Sarayu;Mani Venkatesh;Zheng Jie;Woodard Pamela K.;Robson Philip;Teng Zhongzhao;Dweck Marc;Fayad Zahi A.
18 Patient-Specific Echo-Based Left Ventricle Models for Active Contraction and Relaxation Using Different Zero-Load Diastole and Systole Geometries 期刊论文 Fan Longling;Yao Jing;Yang Chun;Xu Di;Tang Dalin
19 Comparison of Right Ventricle Morphological and Mechanical Characteristics for Healthy and Patients with Tetralogy of Fallot: An In Vivo MRI-Based Modeling Study 期刊论文 Dalin Tang;Heng Zuo;Chun Yang;Zheyang Wu;Xueying Huang;Rahul H Rathod;Alexander Tang;Kristen L Billiar;Tal Geva
20 Machine Learning Model Comparison for Automatic Segmentation of Intracoronary Optical Coherence Tomography and Plaque Cap Thickness Quantification 期刊论文 Zhang Caining;Guo Xiaopeng;Guo Xiaoya;Molony David;Li Huaguang;Samady Habib;Giddens Don P.;Athanasiou Lambros;Tang Dalin;Nie Rencan;Cao Jinde
21 MRI-based patient-specific human carotid atherosclerotic vessel material property variations in patients, vessel location and long-term follow up 期刊论文 Wang Qingyu;Canton Gador;Guo Jian;Guo Xiaoya;Hatsukami Thomas S;Billiar Kristen L;Yuan Chun;Wu Zheyang;Tang Dalin
22 Impact of Patient-Specific In Vivo Vessel Material Properties on Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque Stress/Strain Calculations 期刊论文 Wang Qingyu;Tang Dalin;Canton Gador;Hatsukami Thomas S.;Billiar Kristen L.;Wu Zheyang;Yuan Chun
23 Using optical coherence tomography and intravascular ultrasound imaging to quantify coronary plaque cap thickness and vulnerability: a pilot study. 期刊论文 Lv R;Maehara A;Matsumura M;Wang L;Wang Q;Zhang C;Guo X;Samady H;Giddens DP;Zheng J;Mintz GS;Tang D