
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Experimental and theoretical study of the rotational reorientation dynamics of 7-animocoumarin derivatives in polar solvents: hydrogen-bonding effects 期刊论文
2 Nonadiabatic effects in the H+H2 exchange reaction: Accurate quantum dynamics calculations at a state-to-state level 期刊论文
3 Significant Nonadiabatic Effects in the S(1D) + HD Reaction 期刊论文
4 Above threshold ionization of polar NaK molecules driven by few-cycle laser pulse 期刊论文
5 Theoretical Studies on the Reaction Mechanism of 1-Chloroethane with Hydroxyl Radical 期刊论文
6 Enhancement of molecular field-free orientation by utilizing rovibrational excitation 期刊论文
7 Control of photodissociation and photoionation of the NaI molecule by dynamic Stark effect 期刊论文
8 Theoretical prediction of stable structures of lithiosilicon species based on planar double, triple, and quadruple silicon rings 期刊论文
9 Resonance enhanced above-threshold ionization of polar molecules induced by ultrashort laser pulse 期刊论文
10 Control of photoassociation reaction F+H→HF with ultrashort laser pulse 期刊论文
11 Theoretical analysis of internal conversion pathways and vibrational relaxation process of chlorophyll-a in ethyl ether solvent 期刊论文
12 Ultrafast dynamics of pyridine in “channel three” region 期刊论文
13 Effect of Coriolis coupling in chemical reaction dynamics 期刊论文
14 Determination of the Phase of Terahertz Few-Cycle Laser Pulses 期刊论文
15 Ultrafast dynamics of chlorobenzene clusters 期刊论文
16 The carrier-envelope phase dependence of above threshold dissociation for HD+ driven by the modulated laser field 期刊论文
17 Field-free molecular orientation with terahertz few-cycle pulses 期刊论文
18 Theoretical studies on the reactions of formaldehyde with OH and OH- 期刊论文
19 Fragmentation of N2 in 410 nm intense femtosecond laser field 期刊论文
20 Exact quantum scattering study of the Ne+H2 + reaction on a new ab initio potential energy surface 期刊论文
21 Theoretical study of above threshold dissociation of HD+ in femtosecond laser fields 期刊论文
22 China targets 20% reduction in energy intensity by 2010 期刊论文 Hua Liao|Ying Fan|Yi-Ming Wei|
23 Rovibrational manipulation of molecular quantum state by a train of ultrashort pulses 期刊论文
24 Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in molecular electronic states 期刊论文
25 Photophysical Properties of 4 '-(p-aminophenyl)-2,2 ':6 ',2 ''-terpyridine 期刊论文
26 Dynamics of H2 in Intense Femtosecond Laser Field 期刊论文
27 Carrier-envelope phase-depenent field-free molecular orientation 期刊论文
28 Rovibrational formation of ultracold NaH molecules induced by an ultrashort laser pulse 期刊论文
29 Time-Resolved Dynamics of NO2 in Its Conical Intersection Region 期刊论文
30 Full six-dimensional nonadiabatic quantum dynamics calculation for the energy pooling reaction O2(a 1??)+O2(a1?)—> O2(b 1??)+O2(X 3????) 期刊论文
31 Above-threshold dissociation of HD+ in femtosecond laser fields 期刊论文
32 Rotational Reorientation Dynamics of Oxazine 750 in Polar Solvents 期刊论文
33 Controlling wave packet interference of dissociating molecules by shaping laser pulses in frequency domain 期刊论文
34 Theoretical and experimental study on the intramolecular charge transfer excited state of the new highly fluorescent terpyridine compound 期刊论文
35 Three-peak Autler-Townes splitting in the photoelectron spectrum of Li2 molecules caused by femtosecond laser pulses 期刊论文
36 The application of Bessel discrete variable representation to atomic hydrogen in intense laser fields 期刊论文
37 Photoassociation reactions H+D+ and H++D in ultrashort pulse laser fields 期刊论文
38 光电子成像方法研究Xe时间分辨多光子电离过程 期刊论文
39 Steering population transfer via continuum structure of the Li2 molecule with ultrashort laser pulses, 期刊论文
40 Simplified model for analysing ion/photoelectron images 期刊论文
41 Nonadiabatic effects in D+ + H2 and H+ + D2 期刊论文
42 Field modulation of Rydberg-state populations of NO studied by femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging 期刊论文
43 Theoretical description of femtosecond fluorescence depletion spectrum of molecules in solution, 期刊论文
44 Theoretical investigation of ultrafast dynamics of the rhodamine-700 molecule in solvents 期刊论文
45 An accurate quantum dynamics study of the N+OH Reaction 期刊论文
46 Sensitivity of high-order harmonic generation to nuclear motion 期刊论文
47 Alignment effects of NO in femtosecond laser field 期刊论文
48 Angular distributions of fragment ions of N2 in a femtosecond laser field 期刊论文
49 Wavelength- dependent Photodissociation Dynamics of Benzaldehyde 期刊论文
50 Dynamics of Highly Excited Nitroaromatics 期刊论文
51 Steering dissociation of Br2 molecules with two femtosecond pulses via wave packet interference 期刊论文
52 Efficient enhancement of field-free molecular orientation by combining terahertz few-cycle pulses and rovibrational pre-excitation 期刊论文
53 Selective excitation of high vibrational states of hydrogen fluoride in a thermal environment by ultrafast infrared laser pulses 期刊论文
54 Interference of dissociating wave packets in I2 molecule driven by femtosecond laser pulses 期刊论文
55 The photoassociation and photodissociation in laser-assisted collision reaction H+Cl+ 期刊论文
56 Rotational reorientation dynamics of Rhodamine 700 in different excited states 期刊论文
57 Internal Conversion Process of Chlorophyll a in Solvents in Femtosecond Pump-Probe Laser Fields 期刊论文
58 Controlling the orientation of polar molecules in a rovibrationally selective manner with an infrared laser pulse and a delayed half-cycle pulse 期刊论文
59 Enhancement of molecular field-free orientation by utilizing rovibrational excitation 期刊论文
60 Fragmentation of CO in Femtosecond Laser Fields 期刊论文
61 An accurate quantum dynamics study of the N+OH Reaction 期刊论文