
  • 中英文摘要
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  • 项目成果
  • 项目参与人
序号 标题 类型 作者
1 An efficient trust evaluation approach in attacker dominated networks in internet of things 期刊论文 Liu, Wenmao|Yin, Lihua|Fang, Binxing|Yu, Xiangzhan|
2 Two new ways of Source node lookup in DHT network 期刊论文 Yu Xiangzhan|Shang Xingqi|
3 A Large Scale Code Resolution Service Network in the Internet of Things 期刊论文 Yu, Haining|Zhang, Hongli|Fang, Binxing|Yu, Xiangzhan|
4 交通网络拓扑结构及特性研究综述 期刊论文 于海宁|张宏莉|余翔湛|
5 Potential attacks against k-anonymity on LBS and solutions for defending the attacks 会议论文
6 An efficient and sustainable self-healing protocol for Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks 会议论文
7 Prometheus: Privacy-aware data retrieval on hybrid cloud 会议论文
8 A Tree Based Location Privacy Approach Against Multi-precision Continuous Attacks in the Internet of Things 期刊论文 Wenmao Liu |Bingxing Fang|Xiangzhan Yu|
9 Mining periodic behaviors based on GPS data 会议论文
10 物联网编码解析系统的体系结构和算法研究 期刊论文 于海宁|张宏莉|方滨兴|余翔湛|
11 An Asynchronous Periodic Sequential Patterns Mining Algorithm with Multiple Minimum item Supports 会议论文
12 A small world based routing approach in heterogeneous forward ad-hoc networks in Internet of Things environments 期刊论文 Wenmao Liu |Bingxing Fang|Xiangzhan Yu|
13 A parallel network simulation scheduling algorithm oriented towards muti-task 期刊论文 Yu Xiangzhan|
14 移动互联网中的位置隐私保护研究 期刊论文 王宇航|张宏莉|余翔湛|
15 基于GPS数据的周期性行为挖掘 期刊论文 方滨兴|刘威|
16 物联网中基于编码的多路径并发实体通用搜索算法 期刊论文 于海宁|余翔湛|
17 An efficient trust evaluation approach in attacker dominated networks in Internet of Things 会议论文 Wenmao Liu |Bingxing Fang|Xiangzhan Yu|
18 Practical and privacy-assured data indexes for outsourced cloud data 会议论文
19 物联网中物理实体搜索服务的研究 期刊论文 于海宁|方滨兴|余翔湛|
20 CLPP: Context-aware Location Privacy Protection for Location based Social Network 会议论文
21 Towards Privacy PreservingPublishing of Set-valued Data on Hybrid Cloud 期刊论文 Hongli Zhang|Zhigang Zhou|Lin Ye|Xiaojiang Du|
22 基于位置隐私保护的模糊查询方法 期刊论文 余翔湛|
23 Privacy-preserving granular data retrieval indexes for outsourced cloud data 会议论文
24 An Asynchronous Periodic Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm with Multiple Minimum Item Supports for Ad Hoc Networking 期刊论文 Zhang, Zhaoxin|Yu, Haining|Jiang, Feng|Ji, Wen|
25 Designing robust routing protocols to protect base stations in wireless sensor networks 期刊论文 Chen Juan|Zhang Hongli|Du Xiaojiang|
26 基于位置隐私保护的模糊查询方法 期刊论文 王鑫|余翔湛|
27 Detection of misbehaving nodes in malicious organization dominant networks in internet of things 期刊论文 Wenmao Liu |Bingxing Fang|Xiangzhan Yu|
28 Continuous Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing 会议论文
29 KAP:一种面向定位服务的位置隐私保护方法 期刊论文 王宇航|张宏莉|余翔湛|
30 Audit Meets Game Theory: Verifying Reliable Execution of SLA for Compute-Intensive Program in Cloud 会议论文
31 Semantic surface representation of physical entity in the WEB of things 会议论文
32 Contention-based Adaptive Position Update for Intermittently Connected VANETs 会议论文
33 An Efficient and Sustainable Self-healing Protocol for Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks 会议论文 Juan Chen|Bingxing Fang|Xiangzhan Yu|