
  • 中英文摘要
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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 The dependence of theparallel and perpendicular mean free paths on the rigidity of the solarenergetic particles: Theoretical model versus observations 期刊论文 H.-Q. He|W. Wan|
2 基于北斗、GLONASS和GPS系统的中低纬电离层特性联合探测 期刊论文 胡连欢|丁锋|赵必强|李建勇|
3 Global propagation features of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances during the magnetic storm of 7-10 November 2004, 期刊论文 Song Q., F. Ding, W. Wan, B. Ning, and L. Liu |
4 Monitoring traveling ionospheric disturbances using the GPS network around China during the geomagnetic storm on 28 May 2011 期刊论文 Ding Feng|Wan WeiXing|Ning BaiQi|Zhao BiQiang|
5 Numerical study of the longitudinally asymmetric distribution of solar energetic particles in the heliosphere 期刊论文 He, H. -Q.|He, H. -Q.|Wan, W.|Wan, W.|
6 Two-dimensional imaging of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over China based on GPS data 期刊论文 Ding|Wan et al|
7 Longitudinal difference in total electron content over the East Asian region: Feature and explanation 期刊论文 Xiao, Zuo|Zhao, Biqiang|Zhang, Donghe|Hao, Yongqiang|
8 TIME3D-IGGCAS: A new three-dimension mid- and low-latitude theoretical ionospheric model in realistic geomagnetic fields 期刊论文 Ren Z|Wan W|
9 Spatial and temporal analysis of the total electron content over China during 2011-2014 期刊论文 Zheng, Jianchang|Zhao, Biqiang|Xiong, Bo|Wan, Weixing|
10 Method for inferring the axis orientation of cylindrical magnetic flux rope based on single-point measurement 期刊论文 Wang, Yuming|Dunlop, M. W.|Zhang, Y. C.|Zong, Q. -G.|
11 Morphology of magneticfield in near-Venus magnetotail: Venus Express observations 期刊论文 Y. Wei|X.-D. Wang|L.H. Chai|J. Zhong|
12 Is the flow-aligned component of IMF really able to impact the magnetic field structure of Venusian magnetotail? 期刊论文 Y. Futaana|S. Barabash|W. X. Wan|C. Shen|
13 Radial distribution of magnetic field in earth magnetotail current sheet 期刊论文 Z. J. Rong|W. X. Wan|C. Shen, A.A. Petrukovich, W. Baumjohann, M. Dunlo|
14 Modeling the global ionospheric total electron content with empirical orthogonal function analysis 期刊论文 Wan et al|
15 Response of the American equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere to theX1.5 solar flare on 13 September 2005 期刊论文 Y. Yu|Y. Wei|Z. Ren|J. Liu|
16 Time delay of interplanetary magnetic field penetration into Earth's magnetotail 期刊论文 Zhang, T. L.|Zhang, T. L.|Wei, Y.|Wei, Y.|
17 Mercury's three-dimensional asymmetric magnetopause 期刊论文 Rong, Z. J.|Rong, Z. J.|Han, X. H.|Han, X. H.|
18 Recent investigation on the coupling between the ionosphere and upper atmosphere 期刊论文 Wan WeiXing|Wan WeiXing|Xu JiYao|Xu JiYao|
19 An empirical modelof the occurrence of an additional layer in the ionosphere from the occultationtechnique:preliminary results 期刊论文 X. Yue|M. Zhang|M. Wang|W. Wan|
20 Recent investigation on the coupling between the ionosphere and upper atmosphere 期刊论文 Wan WeiXing|Wan WeiXing|Xu JiYao|Xu JiYao|
21 The flapping motion of the Venusian magnetotail: Venus Express observations 期刊论文 Chai, L. H.|Chai, L. H.|Zhong, J.|Zhong, J.|
22 Simulated longitudinal variations in the E-region plasma density induced by non-migrating tides 期刊论文 Ren Z|Wan W|
23 Profile of strong magnetic field By component in magnetotail current sheets 期刊论文 Rong et al|
24 Modeling the global NmF2 from the GNSS-derived TEC-GIMs 期刊论文 Liu, Libo|Liu, Jing|Ren, Zhipeng|Li, Ming|
25 Comparative climatological study of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over North America and China in 2011-2012 期刊论文 Zhao, Biqiang|Zhao, Biqiang|Xiong, Bo|Xiong, Bo|
26 Simulated midlatitude summer nighttime anomaly in realistic geomagnetic fields 期刊论文 Ren, Z.,|W. Wan|
27 A simulation study for the couplings between DE3 tide and longitudinal WN4 structure in the thermosphere and ionosphere 期刊论文 Wan et al|
28 A Direct Method to Determine the Parallel Mean Free Path of Solar Energetic Particles with Adiabatic Focusing 期刊论文 He|Wan|
29 Observations of ULF waves on the ground and ionospheric Doppler shifts during storm sudden commencement 期刊论文 Xinyan Ouyang|Wenlong Liu|Zuo Xiao|Yongqiang Hao|
30 A comparative study of GPS ionospheric scintillations and ionogram spread F over Sanya 期刊论文 Li, G.|Liu, L.|Hu, L.|Ning, B.|
31 Yearly variations of the stratospheric tides seen in the CFSR reanalysis data 期刊论文 Li, Xing|Wan, Weixing|Yu, You|Ren, Zhipeng|
32 A Direct Approach for Determining the Perpendicular Mean Free Path of Solar Energetic Particles in a Turbulent and Spatially Varying Magnetic Field 期刊论文 He|Wan|
33 Observations of poleward-propagating large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances in southern China 期刊论文 Ding, F., W. Wan, B. Ning, B. Zhao, Q. Li, Y. Wan|B. Xiong|
34 Ionogram inversion for MARSIS topside sounding 期刊论文 Han Xiuhong| Weixing Wan |
35 Time delay of interplanetary magnetic field penetration into Earth's magnetotail 期刊论文 Zhang, T. L.|Zhang, T. L.|Wei, Y.|Wei, Y.|
36 Tidal wind mapping from observations of a meteor radar chain in December 2011 期刊论文 Liu, Libo|Wang, Zhengui|Hu, LianHuan|Ren, Zhipeng|
37 Ionospheric and geomagnetic disturbances caused by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: A revisit 期刊论文 Zhao, Biqiang|Hao, Yongqiang|
38 Modeling Chinese ionospheric layer parameters based on EOF analysis 期刊论文 Ning, Baiqi|Ning, Baiqi|Liu, Libo|Liu, Libo|
39 East-west differences in F-region electron density at midlatitude: Evidence from the Far East region 期刊论文 Wan, Weixing|Ning, Baiqi|Liu, Jing|Xiong, Bo|
40 Statistical study of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances generated by the solar terminator over China 期刊论文 Liu, Libo|Zhao, Biqiang|Li, Qiang|Zhang, Rui|
41 A statistic study of ionospheric solar flare activity indicator 期刊论文 Ning, Baiqi|Ding, Feng|Hu, Lianhuan|Yu, You|
42 Application of the HF Doppler observations in studying spread-F 期刊论文 Shi Jian-Kui|Zhang Dong-He|Hao Yong-Qiang|Huang Wei-Quan|
43 Changes of solar extreme ultraviolet spectrum in solar cycle 24 期刊论文 Jianping Huang|Yongqiang Hao|Donghe Zhang|Zuo Xiao|
44 Technique for diagnosing the flapping motion of magnetotail current sheets based on single-point magnetic field analysis 期刊论文 Wei, Y.|Wei, Y.|Wang, X. -D.|Wang, X. -D.|
45 Modification of the parallel scattering mean free path of cosmic rays in the presence of adiabatic focusing 期刊论文 He, H. -Q.|He, H. -Q.|Schlickeiser, R.|Schlickeiser, R.|
46 中国高层大气与电离层耦合研究进展 期刊论文 万卫星|万卫星|徐寄遥|徐寄遥|
47 Simulated equinoctial asymmetry of the ionospheric vertical plasma drifts 期刊论文 Ren, Z.|W. Wan|
48 An investigation of the formation patterns of the ionospheric F3 layer in low and equatorial latitudes 期刊论文 Wan, Weixing|Wan, Weixing|Ning, Baiqi|Ning, Baiqi|
49 Influence of DE3 tide on the equinoctial asymmetry of the zonal mean ionospheric electron density 期刊论文 Ren, Zhipeng|Wan, Weixing|Xiong, Jiangang|Liu, Libo|
50 顶部电离层总离子密度的经度变化 期刊论文 刘立波|刘立波|龙智勇|龙智勇|
51 Modeling Chinese ionospheric layer parameters based on EOF analysis 期刊论文 Ning, Baiqi|Ning, Baiqi|Liu, Libo|Liu, Libo|
52 Compressibility ofMercury's dayside magnetosphere 期刊论文 J.M. Raines|Z.J. Rong|L.H. Chai|X.H. Ha|
53 An induced globalmagnetic field looping around the magnetotail of Venus 期刊论文 Hui Zhang|Jun Zhong|Xiuhong Han|Stas Barabash|
54 An investigation on plasmaspheric electron content derived from ISR and GPS observations at Millstone Hill 期刊论文 Wen Jin|Liu Li-Bo|Ning Bai-Qi|Wan Wei-Xing|
55 Observational investigation of the possible correlation between medium-scale TIDs and mid-latitude spread F 期刊论文 Z. Xiao|E. Aa|Y. Hao|D. Zhang|
56 2011年5月28日磁暴期间中国地区大尺度电离层行进式扰动的GPS台网监测 期刊论文 丁锋|万卫星|宁百齐|赵必强|
57 The variability ofnonmigrating tides detected from TIMED/SABER observations 期刊论文 Weixing Wan|Zhipeng Ren|Libo Liu|Baiqi Ning|
58 Seasonal variations of MLT tides revealed by a meteor radar chain based on Hough mode decomposition 期刊论文 Zhang, Yun|Hu, Lianhuan|Ning, Baiqi|Liu, Libo|
59 Relativistic electron flux dropouts in the outer radiation belt associated with corotating interaction regions 期刊论文 Zong, Q. -G.|Wan, W. -X.|Zhang, H.|Du, A. -M.|
60 北美与东亚中纬地区电离层TEC变化的EOF建模和分析 期刊论文 姚新|赵必强|刘立波|万卫星|
61 Modification of the parallel scattering mean free path of cosmic rays in the presence of adiabatic focusing 期刊论文 He, H. -Q.|He, H. -Q.|Schlickeiser, R.|Schlickeiser, R.|