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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Underground Coal Fire Detection and Monitoring Based on Landsat-8 and Sentinel-1 Data Sets in Miquan Fire Area, XinJiang 期刊论文 Jinglong Liu;Yunjia Wang;Shiyong Yan;Feng Zhao;Yi Li;Libo Dang;Xixi Liu;Yaqin Shao;Bin Peng
2 基于哨兵双极化数据的地表形变监测方法及其在煤火监测中的应用 奖励 冯瀚
3 Accuracy assessment and scale effect investigation of UAV thermography for underground coal fire surface temperature monitoring 期刊论文 Gang Yuan;Yunjia Wang;Feng Zhao;Teng Wang;Leixin Zhang;Ming Hao;Shiyong Yan;Libo Dang;Bin Peng
4 Spatial Heterogeneity of Factors Influencing CO2 Emissions in China’s High-Energy-Intensive Industries 期刊论文 Shijie Yang;Yunjia Wang;Rongqing Han;Yong Chang;Xihua Sun
5 InSAR- and PIM-Based Inclined Goaf Determination for Illegal Mining Detection 期刊论文 Yuanping Xia;Yunjia Wang
6 基于时空温度阈值法的煤火监测—以新疆阜康火区为例 奖励 王腾
7 基于无人机热红外遥感的新疆宝安煤矿火区探测 期刊论文 张雷昕;汪云甲;赵峰;原刚;彭斌;党立波
8 草原区煤电基地开发生态环境时空响应及综合评价 期刊论文 邵亚琴;汪云甲;李永峰;张华;吴志刚;刘竞龙
9 一种基于多极化时序SAR数据的地表形变监测方法 专利 赵峰;汪云甲;冯瀚;闫世勇;范洪冬;张念斌;王腾;张雷昕
10 煤矸石山自燃污染控制与生态修复关键技术及应用 奖励 胡振琪;汪云甲;赵平;赵艳玲;张成梁;肖亚宁;李海东;谷明川;冯国宝;李美生
11 新疆阜康煤田火区DS-InSAR地表形变监测研究 奖励 彭锴
12 基于热红外和雷达遥感技术的新疆水西沟煤田火区监测与分析 奖励 张玉璇
13 草原区煤电基地土壤风-水复合侵蚀研究 期刊论文 邵亚琴;汪云甲;李永峰;张华
14 Underground Coal Fires Identification and Monitoring Using Time-Series InSAR With Persistent and Distributed Scatterers: A Case Study of Miquan Coal Fire Zone in Xinjiang, China 期刊论文 JINGLONG LIU;YUNJIA WANG;YI LI;LIBO DANG;XIXI LIU;HONGFENG ZHAO;SHIYONG YAN
15 Improving the multiple linear regression method of biomassestimation using plant water-based spectrum correction 期刊论文 Xixi Liu;Lixin Lin;Yunjia Wang
16 面向PSI技术的高质量SAR像元识别与干涉相位极化优化方法研究 期刊论文 赵峰
17 极化Sentinel-1数据极化时序InSAR技术地表形变监测——以上海市浦东机场为例 期刊论文 冯瀚;赵峰;汪云甲;闫世勇;彭锴;王腾;张念斌;徐东彪
18 基于TIRS和TCP-InSAR的新疆广域煤田火区探测方法 期刊论文 许怡;范洪冬;党立波
19 气溶胶定量遥感反演及其在大气环境监测中的应用 奖励 薛勇;秦凯;郭建平;汪云甲;光洁;李英杰;周熙然;李丁
20 基于OLI/TIRS和时序InSAR技术的新疆煤田火区监测与分析 奖励 张玉璇
21 Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for Ground Deformation Monitoring with VV-VH Sentinel-1 Data 期刊论文 Feng Zhao;Teng Wang;Leixin Zhang;Han Feng;Shiyong Yan;Hongdong Fan;Hongdong Fan;Yunjia Wang
22 SMF-POLOPT: An Adaptive Multitemporal Pol(DIn)SAR Filtering and Phase Optimization Algorithm for PSI Applications 期刊论文 Feng Zhao;Jordi J. Mallorquí
23 乌鲁木齐东侧煤火多源遥感融合探测 期刊论文 刘竞龙;汪云甲;闫世勇;党立波;冯方;李毅
24 Goaf Locating Based on InSAR and Probability Integration Method 期刊论文 Sen Du;Yunjia Wang;Meinan Zheng;Dawei Zhou;Yuanping Xia
25 An Accurate Method to Correct Atmospheric Phase Delay for InSAR with the ERA5 Global Atmospheric Model 期刊论文 Zhongbo Hu;Jordi J. Mallorquí
26 Estimation of soil total nitrogen using the synthetic color learning machine (SCLM) method and hyperspectral data 期刊论文 Lixin Lin;Zhiqiu Gao;Xixi Liu
27 Impact of SAR Image Resolution on Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry With Amplitude Dispersion Optimization 期刊论文 Feng Zhao;Jordi J. Mallorqui
28 一种适用于热红外无人机地表温度日变换模型构建方法 专利 汪云甲;王腾;赵峰;原刚;张雷昕
29 矿区生态扰动监测与评价 专著 汪云甲;黄翌;邵亚琴;林丽新;刘茜茜;赵峰;刘竞龙
30 A spatio-temporal temperature-based thresholding algorithm for underground coal fire detection with satellite thermal infrared and radar remote sensing 期刊论文 Teng Wang;Yunjia Wang;Feng Zhao;Han Feng;Jinglong Liu;Leixin Zhang;Nianbin Zhang;Gang Yuan;Dong Wang
31 新疆米泉三道坝煤田火区热红外卫星遥感监测与分析 奖励 王腾
32 煤田隐蔽火源多源遥感探测研究 期刊论文 汪云甲;原刚;王腾;刘竞龙;赵峰;冯瀚;党立波;彭锴;张雷昕