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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 SCN5A基因单核苷酸多态性位点H558R与慢型克山病合并高血压及其心电图特征的相关性研究 期刊论文 程禾|何娟|李凤兰|李晖|
2 Dishevelled-1 (Dvl-1) Protein: a Potential Participant of Oxidative Stress Induced by Selenium Deficiency. 期刊论文 Meina Sun|Mengdi Li|Fenglan Li|Hui Li|
3 SD大鼠母体低硒对子代哺乳期生长发育的影响 期刊论文 赵汉东|张一彤|李凤兰|李晖|
4 Aberrant expression profiles of isoproterenol-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress response genes in mouse myocardium 期刊论文 He, Juan|Dong, Qin|Li, Fenglan|Li, Hui|
5 低硒心肌损伤与钾离子通道蛋白的关系研究. 期刊论文 孙美娜|陈明子|赵汉东|李晖|
6 Polymorphism H558R in the Human Cardiac Sodium Channel SCN5A Gene is Associated with Atrial Fibrillation 期刊论文 Shu, C.|Cheng, H.|Li, F.|Li, H.|
7 Environmental risk factors in children with cerebral palsy in Jiamusi, China 期刊论文 Li, Ying|Tian, Guozhong|Qiu, Hongbin|Li, Hui|
8 低硒对小鼠心肌钾离子通道基因mRNA表达的影响. 期刊论文 孙美娜|李凤兰|赵汉东|李晖|
9 MicroRNA-30b-5p is Involved in the Regulation of Cardiac Hypertrophy by Targeting CaMKⅡδ 期刊论文 Er-fu Chu|Mei-na Sun|Ming-zi Chen|Hui L|
10 Tetrodotoxin attenuates isoproterenol-induced hypertrophy in H9c2 rat cardiac myocytes 期刊论文 Li, Feng-lan| Sun, Mei-na| Chu, Er-fu|Li, Hui|
11 饮食低硒对小鼠肝、肾、脑组织硒结合蛋白1与硒蛋白P表达的影响 期刊论文 李晖|
12 MicroRNA-30b-5p is involved in the regulation of cardiac hypertrophy by targeting CaMKIIdelta. 期刊论文 Chu, Er-fu|Sun, Mei-na|Chen, Ming-zi|Li, Hui|
13 低硒小鼠氧化应激与不同组织线粒体DNA D-Loop区突变的相关性研究 期刊论文 崔健|初尔复|陈德庆|李晖|
14 CDK10 functions as a tumor suppressor gene and regulates survivability of biliary tract cancer cells 期刊论文 Dong, Qin|Tai, Sheng|Li, Hui|Cui, Yun-Fu|
15 Recombinant Escherichia coli Trx-JZTX-Ⅲ represses the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma in mice through inducing cell 期刊论文 李晖|
16 A mutually  beneficial relationship between hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes mitigates  doxorubicin-induced toxicity. 期刊论文 Qin Dong|Handong Zhao|Fenglan Li|Hui Li|
17 Ischemia/Reperfusion in Clamped Lobes Facilitates Liver Regeneration of Non-clamped Lobes After Selective Portal Vein Ligation 期刊论文 Zhao, Jia-yun| Li, Hui| Wang, Zhi-dong|Cui, Yun-fu|
18 分子诊断学 专著 李晖|
19 H558R polymorphism in SCN5A is associated with Keshan disease and QRS prolongation in Keshan diseasepatients. 期刊论文 Cui J|Ma HX|Chen DQ|Li H|
20 Correlation Between Oxidative Stress and L-type Calcium Channel Expression in the Ventricular Myocardia of Selenium-deficient Mice 期刊论文 CF FANG|Q DONG|FL LI|H LI|
21 Immunological response in H22 transplanted mice undergoing Aconitum coreanum polysaccharide treatment. 期刊论文 Xu, Jin|Li, Hui|Zang, Meng|Cui, Yunfu|
22 The role of Sep (O-phosphoserine) tRNA: Sec (selenocysteine) synthase (SEPSECS) in proliferation, apoptosis and hormone secretion of trophoblast cells. 期刊论文 Sun, M-N|Duan, Q-F|Li, F-L|Li, H|
23 Low-Dosage Intake of Vitamin E Combined with other Antioxidants or Minerals May Decrease All-Cause Mortality: A Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 期刊论文 Shan Jiang|Juan He|Hui Li|
24 人绒毛膜癌细胞 J E G 一 3 中 S E P S E C S 、 T R N A U 1 A P 蛋 白表达 稳定性的分析 期刊论文 李晖|
25 Mmu-miR-702 functions as an anti-apoptotic mirtron by mediating ATF6 inhibition in mice. 期刊论文 He, Juan|Zhao, Han-Dong|Li, Feng-Lan|Li, Hui|
26 miR-30b的组织特异性研究 期刊论文 张伟光|姜山|李凤兰|李晖|
27 MicroRNA-421 functions as an oncogenic miRNA in biliary tract cancer through down-regulating farnesoid X receptor expression 期刊论文 Dong, Qin|Tai, Sheng|Cui, Yun-fu|Li, Hui|
28 α-芋螺毒素特异性结合受体-神经型烟碱乙酰胆碱受体的同源模建及功能预测 期刊论文 姜山|何娟|孙美娜|李晖|
29 p53基因在5-aza诱导小鼠胚胎干细胞向心肌样细胞分化中表达的研究 期刊论文 董钦|李凤兰|马宁|李晖|
30 硒代半胱氨酸合成蛋白基因表达对过氧化氢介导的内皮细胞EVC-304损伤的影响 期刊论文 李晖|
31 The effect of multiple micronutrient supplementation on mortality and morbidity of HIV-infected adults: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 期刊论文 Shan JIANG|Juan HE|Xuejiao ZHAO|Hui LI|