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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 A Robust DoA/Beamforming Algorithm Using the Constant Modulus Feature 期刊论文 Wenlong Liu, Shuxue Ding, Minglu Jin and Jaemoung |
2 声反射鼻腔测量对儿童腺样体肥大的临床研究 期刊论文 唐媛媛|关庆捷|刘迎曦|付誉|
3 A hollow osteon model for examining its poroelastic behaviors: Mathematically modeling an osteon with different boundary cases 期刊论文 Wu Xiaogang|Chen Weiyi|
4 Airflow and temperature distribution inside the maxillary sinus: a computational fluid dynamics simulation 期刊论文 Zang H, Liu Y, Han D, et al|
5 鼻腔手术对OSAHS患者治疗效果的数值分析. 期刊论文 于申|刘迎曦|孙秀珍|苏英锋|王莹|
6 Effects of fluid recirculation on mass transfer from the arterial surface to flowing blood 期刊论文 Zhang, Zhi-Guo|Zhang, Xi-Wen|Liu, Ying-Xi|
7 Stiff substrates enhance cultured neuronal network activity 期刊论文 Xie, Jing|Li, Chen-Xu|Chen, Wei-Yi|Liu, Bai-Lin|Wu, Xiao-an|Li, Shu-Na|Huo, Bo|Jiang, Lin-Hua|Zhao, Hu-Cheng|
8 人中耳听骨链置换数值模型 期刊论文 李生,刘迎曦,孙秀珍|
9 Polynomial Complexity Optimal Detection for Oversaturated M-ary Complex-valued Multiple-Access Systems 期刊论文 Wenlong Liu, Guannan Zhao, Jie Wang, Minglu Jin an|
10 年龄对兔眼晶状体刚度影响的实验研究 期刊论文 陈维毅,冯鹏飞, 王晓君,高志鹏|
11 人前庭系统膜迷路生物力学模型研究 期刊论文 沈双|孙秀珍|刘迎曦|
12 110甲基乙烯基硅橡胶材料参数的确定 期刊论文 王丽丽|王星宇|李永胜|刘宝宝|陈维毅|
13 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的分级检测 期刊论文 张海秀,刘文龙,赵玉霞|
14 A Robust Beamformer for Joint Optimization of Diagonal Loading Factor and Channel Attenuation 期刊论文 Wenlong Liu, Minglu Jin, Jaemoung Kim|
15 鼻腔加温功能特征及其与气流场关系的研究 期刊论文 苏英锋|孙秀珍|刘迎曦|于申|王吉喆|高飞|
16 Development of Amperometric Laccase Biosensor through Immobilizing Enzyme in Magnesium-Containing Mesoporous Silica Sieve (Mg-MCM-41)/Polyvinyl Alcohol Matrix 期刊论文 Dai, Z.|Guo, M. Q.|Wang, X. J.|Wang, H. F.|Chen, W. Y.|
17 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的分级检测 期刊论文 张海秀|刘文龙|赵玉霞|
18 Polynomial Complexity Optimal Detection for Oversaturated M-ary Complex-valued Multiple-Access Systems 期刊论文 Wenlong Liu, Guannan Zhao, Jie Wang, Minglu Jin|
19 Cyclic Mechanical Stretch Regulates MMPs and TIMPs Expression in Corneal Fibroblasts 会议论文 陈维毅|
20 A hollow osteon model for examining its poroelastic behaviors: Mathematically modeling an osteon with different boundary cases 期刊论文 Wu, Xiao-Gang|Chen, Wei-Yi|
21 A Low Complexity Detection for the Binary MIMO System Using Lagrange Multipliers 会议论文 Wenlong Liu|Nana Sun|Minglu Jin|Shuxue Ding|
22 Aerodynamics investigation of the correlation between nasal septal deviation and chronic rhinosinusiti 期刊论文 Lifeng Li, MD; Demin Han, MD, PhD; Luo Zhang|
23 Fluid–structure interaction modeling of upper airways before and after nasal surgery for obstructive sleep apnea 期刊论文 Ying Wang, Jie Wang, Yingxi Liu, Shen Yu, Xiuzhen |
24 Airflow and temperature distribution inside the maxillary sinus: A computational fluid dynamics simulation 期刊论文 Zang, Hongrui|Liu, Yingxi|Han, Demin|Zhang, Luo|Wang, Tong|Sun, Xiuzhen|Li, Lifeng|
25 A Biomechanical Model of the Inner Ear: Numerical Simulation of the Caloric Test 期刊论文 Shen, Shuang|Liu, Yingxi|Sun, Xiuzhen|Zhao, Wei|Su, Yingfeng|Yu, Shen|Liu, Wenlong|
26 鼻中隔穿孔对鼻腔气流场影响的数值模拟研究 期刊论文 苏英锋|刘迎曦|孙秀珍|于申|王吉喆|王吉喆|
27 鼻腔手术对OSAHS患者治疗效果的数值分析 期刊论文 于申|刘迎曦|孙秀珍|苏英锋|王莹|
28 Denoising Detection for the Generalized Spatial Modulation System Using Sparse Property 期刊论文 Wenlong Liu, Nan Wang, Minglu Jin, Hongjun Xu|
29 机械压痕与旋转激励对内耳半规管膜迷路生物力学响应的比对 会议论文 赵伟|孙秀珍|沈双|刘迎曦|
30 A low complexity detection for the binary MIMO system using Lagrange multipliers 会议论文 Wenlong Liu, Nana Sun, Minglu Jin, Shuxue Ding|
31 上气道及部分支气管生物力学模型的数值研究 期刊论文 沈双|于申|孙秀珍|刘迎曦|苏英锋|王莹|
32 A mathematical osteon model for examining its poroelastic behaviors 期刊论文 Wu Xiaogang|Chen Weiyi|Wang Danxia|
33 Numerical Analysis of the Relationship between Nasal Structure and Its Function 期刊论文 Yu, Shen|Sun, Xiu-zhen|Liu, Ying-xi|
34 A Snoring Detector for OSAHS Based on Patient’s Individual Personality 会议论文 Yuxia Zhao, Haixiu Zhang, Wenlong Liu, Shuxue Ding|
35 Poroelastic behaviors of the osteon: a comparison of two theoretical osteon models 期刊论文 Wu Xiaogang|Chen Weiyi|
36 数值模拟人内耳半规管膜迷路的机械压痕实验 期刊论文 赵伟|沈双|孙秀珍|刘迎曦|
37 Poroelastic behaviors of the osteon: A comparison of two theoretical osteon models 期刊论文 Wu, Xiao-Gang|Chen, Wei-Yi|
38 Using the traditional model to evaluate the active force of the human lateral rectus muscle 期刊论文 Gao ZhiPeng|Chen WeiYi|Jing Lin|Feng PengFei|Wu XiaoGang|Guo HongMei|
39 耳鼻咽喉器官生物力学模型研究进展 期刊论文 刘迎曦|孙秀珍|于申|
40 Establishment of the Biomechanical Model of Upper Airway System and Its Numerical Research 会议论文 Shen Yu, Yingxi Liu, Xiuzhen Sun, Yingfeng Su, Yi|
41 鼻中隔穿孔对鼻腔气流场影响的数值模拟研究 期刊论文 苏英锋|刘迎曦|孙秀珍|于申|王吉喆|郭燕|
42 A Snoring Detector for OSAHS Based on Patient's Individual Personality 会议论文 Yuxia Zhao, Haixiu Zhang, Wenlong liu, Shuxue Din|
43 Initial tension of the human extraocular muscles in the primary eye position 期刊论文 Gao, Zhipeng|Guo, Hongmei|Chen, Weiyi|
44 上气道及部分支气管生物力学模型的数值研究 期刊论文 于申|刘迎曦|孙秀珍|苏英锋|王莹|
45 The effects of Haversian fluid pressure and harmonic axial loading on the poroelastic behaviors of a single osteon 期刊论文 Wu XG., Chen WY, Gao ZP|
46 A Modified Amino Acid Network Model Contains Similar and Dissimilar Weight 期刊论文 Jiao, Xiong|Yang, Lifeng|An, Meiwen|Chen, Weiyi|
47 Interfacial and biological properties of the gradient coating on polyamide substrate for bone substitute 期刊论文 Huang, Di|Niu, Lulu|Wei, Yan|Guo, Meiqing|Zuo, Yi|Zou, Qin|Hu, Yinchun|Chen, Weiyi|Li, Yubao|
48 Three-dimensional finite element analysis of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on the optic nerve from a damaged orbit 期刊论文 Guo, Yuan|Li, Yanjun|Chen, Weiyi|An, Meiwen|
49 腺样体肥大患儿上气道气流流场模型的建立与数值分析 期刊论文 唐媛媛|孙秀珍|刘迎曦|柏志刚|
50 Numerical analysis for the efficacy of nasal surgery in obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome 期刊论文 Yu, Shen|Liu, Ying-Xi|Sun, Xiu-Zhen|Su, Ying-Feng|Wang, Ying|Gai, Yin-Zhe|
51 Effects of organic silicone additive material on physical and mechanical properties of mudstone 期刊论文 Chai, Zhaoyun|Kang, Tianhe|Chen, Weiyi|
52 Blistering failure analysis of organic coatings on AZ91D Mg-alloy components 期刊论文 Liu, Bao-sheng|Wei, Ying-hui|Chen, Wei-yi|Hou, Li-feng|Guo, Chun-li|
53 Finite element analysis of micropipette aspiration considering finite size and compressibility of cells 期刊论文 Li Yongsheng|Chen Weiyi|
54 鼻腔加温功能特征及其与气流场关系的研究 期刊论文 苏英锋, 孙秀珍, 刘迎曦|
55 人中耳听骨链置换数值模型 期刊论文 李生|刘迎曦|孙秀珍|
56 110甲基乙烯基硅橡胶材料参数的确定 期刊论文 王丽丽|王宇星|李永胜|刘宝宝|陈维毅|
57 <span style="color:#4C634F;">Hierarchical model for strain generalized streaming potential induced by the canalicular fluid flow of an osteon</span> 期刊论文 Xiao-Gang Wu, Wei-Lun Yu, Hai-Peng Cen,Yan-Qin Wan|
58 An Iterative Algorithm for Joint Beamforming and DoA Estimation 期刊论文 Wenlong Liu, Qian Liu, Minglu Jin, Jaemoung Kim,|
59 腺样体肥大患儿鼻声反射联合上气道气流场生物力学数值模型的特征分析 期刊论文 唐媛媛|孙秀珍|刘迎曦|苏英锋|
60 机械拉伸对兔角膜成纤维细胞增殖和迁移的影响 期刊论文 刘成星|李晓娜|冯鹏飞|安美文|陈维毅|
61 Mathematical osteon model for examining poroelastic behaviors 期刊论文 Wu, Xiao-gang|Chen, Wei-yi|Wang, Dan-xia|
62 Analysis of kinematic data and determination of ground reaction force of foot in slow squat 期刊论文 Zhang, Xu-Shu|Guo, Yuan|An, Mei-Wen|Chen, Wei-Yi|
63 Numerical analysis of the influence of nasal surgery on the nasal heating function 期刊论文 Shen YU|Xiuzhen SUN|Yingxi LIU|
64 The mechanical strength of rabbit femurs fixed with calcium phosphate cement after fracture 会议论文 Chen, Jing|Li, Xiao Na|Tan, Shi En|Chen, Wei Yi|
65 Facile fabrication of gradient bioactive coating with hierarchically porous structures and superior cell response 期刊论文 Di Huang|Shaohui Xi|Yi Zuo|Yan Wei|Meiqing Guo|Hefeng Wang|Weiyi Chen|Yubao Li|
66 Establishment of the Biomechanical Model of Upper Airway System and Its Numerical Research 会议论文 Shen Yu|Yingxi Liu|Xiuzhen Su|Yingfeng Su|Ying Wang|
67 A robust DoA/Beamforming algorithm using the constant modulus feature 期刊论文 Wenlong Liu, Shuxue Ding, Minglu Jin, Jaemoung Ki|
68 Effects of mechanical stimulation on viscoelasticity of rabbit scleral fibroblasts after posterior scleral reinforcement 期刊论文 Guohui Wang|Weiyi Chen|
69 Expression of MMP-2, MT1-MMP, and TIMP-2 by cultured rabbit corneal fibroblasts under mechanical stretch 期刊论文 Liu, Chengxing|Feng, Pengfei|Li, Xiaona|Song, Jie|Chen, Weiyi|
70 周期性机械拉伸对兔角膜成纤维细胞MMP-2/TIMP-2及TGF-&beta;1表达的影响 期刊论文 王晓君, 陈维毅, 李晓娜, 冯鹏飞, 高志鹏|
71 力学刺激对角膜成纤维细胞碱性成纤维细胞生长因子表达的影响 期刊论文 李晓娜,王晓君,贺瑞,陈维毅|
72 A Biomechanical Model of the Inner Ear: Numerical Simulation of the Caloric Test 期刊论文 Shuang Shen|Yingxi Liu|Xiuzhen Sun|Wei Zhao|Yingfeng Su|Shen Yu|
73 Vinculin Motion Modes Analysis with Elastic Network Model 期刊论文 Jiao X, Chang S, Yang, LF, An MW, Chen WY|
75 Effects of microcracks on the poroelastic behaviors of a single osteon 期刊论文 Wu XiaoGang|Wang YanQin|Wu XiaoHong|Cen HaiPeng|Guo Yuan|Chen WeiYi|
76 鼻腔扩容术对上气道流场改变的数值模拟 期刊论文 臧洪瑞|刘迎曦|张罗|于申|王彤|胡斌|李立锋|胡长龙|韩德民|
77 滑车组织在眼球内旋运动时维持眼外肌力学优势的模拟研究 期刊论文 高志鹏|陈维毅|
78 A Robust Beamformer for Joint Optimization of Diagonal Loading Factor and Channel Attenuation 期刊论文 Wenlong Liu, Minglu Jin and Jaemoung Kim|