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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 双-(β-三氟酮萘胺)镍(Ⅱ)/三乙基铝体系催化苯乙炔聚合 期刊论文 李樱|李希祥|周魏华|王晓峰|贺晓慧|陈义旺|
2 Structure and Properties of Liquid-Cystalline Terphenyl-Containing Poly(p-phenylene)s 会议论文 陈义旺|
3 In situ preparation and fluorescence quenching properties of polythiophene/ZnO nanocrystals hybrids through atom-transfer radical polymerization and hydrolysis 期刊论文 Chen, Yiwang|Zhou, Weihua|Peng, Xiaoming|Zhang, Lin|Li, Fan|
4 Effects of substitution and terminal groups for liquid-crystallinity enhanced luminescence of disubstituted polyacetylenes carrying chromophoric terphenyl pendants 期刊论文 Yao Kai|Chen Lie|Nie HuaRong|Chen YiWang|Li Fan|Zhou Dan|
5 Synthesis and Helical Conformation of New Optically Active Liquid Crystalline Polythiophene Containing Cyanoterphenyl Mesogen Pendant 期刊论文 Zhou Wei-Hua|Li Fan|Nie Hua-Rong|Yao Kai|Chen Lie|Chen Yi-Wang|
6 Synthesis and Phase Behaviors of Poly(1-alkyne) with Liquid Crystalline-induced Luminescence Enhancement 期刊论文 谌烈|李璠|陈义旺|周丹|聂华荣|姚凯|
7 液晶取向增强效应在共轭高分子和降解高分子中应用 会议论文 陈义旺|
8 Synthesis and properties of polymer brushes composed of poly(diphenylacetylene) main chain and poly(ethylene glycol) side chains 期刊论文 Wan, Meixiang|He, Xiaohui|Qin, Zhiyong|Chen, Yiwang|Zhou, Weihua|Bai, Fenglian|
9 A Novel Type of Optically Active Helical Liquid Crystalline Polymers: Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(p-phenylene)s Containing Terphenyl Mesogen with Different Terminal Groups 期刊论文 Yao, Kai|Li, Fan|Hu, Rongrong|Chen, Lie|Chen, Yiwang|Tang, Ben Zhong|Zhou, Weihua|Chen, Liping|
10 Stably dispersible P3HT/ZnO nanocomposites with tunable luminescence by in-situ hydrolysis and copolymerization of zinc methacrylate 期刊论文 Chen, Yiwang|Zhang, Lin|Peng, Xiaoming|Zhou, Weihua|Li, Fan|
11 含氰基三联苯聚噻吩液晶共轭聚合物单体合成 期刊论文 姚凯|谌烈|周丹|陈义旺|
12 Synthesis and thermal analysis of disubstituted propiolates bearing terphenylene mesogen 期刊论文 Zhou, Weihua|Chen, Yiwang|Chen, Lie|Song, Yanlin|He, Xiaohui|Zhang, Zhijie|
13 Synthesis and properties of liquid crystalline conjugated disubstituted polyacetylene containing cyanoterphenyl mesogenic pendant 期刊论文 Chen, Lie|Chen, Yiwang|Zhou, Weihua|He, Xiaohui|
14 Luminescent Mesogen Jacketed Poly(1-alkyne) Bearing Lateral Terphenyl with Hexyloxy Tail 期刊论文 He, Xiaohui|Chen, Lie|Li, Fan|Chen, Yiwang|Peng, Hongxia|
15 基于三氯化镧和三氯化铈/正丁基锂体系催化聚合苯乙炔 期刊论文 王晓峰|李希祥|周魏华|陈义旺|贺晓慧|黄同林|
16 Liquid crystallinity and enhanced photoluminescence of terphenyl-containing poly(1-alkynes) with tuning spacers and tails 期刊论文 Li, Fan|Zhou, Dan|Chen, Yiwang|Chen, Lie|Yao, Kai|
17 Photoluminescent, Liquid-Crystalline, and Electrochemical Properties of Para-Phenylene-Based Alternating Conjugated Copolymers 期刊论文 Li, Fan|Chen, Yiwang|Wei, Yen|Zhou, Weihua|Chen, Lie|Kong, Huanling|He, Xiaohui|Yao, Kai|
18 Synthesis and properties of polyacetylenes containing side-chain mesogens 期刊论文 Chen, Lie|Zha, Dai-Jun|Chen, Yi-Wang|Zhou, Dan|Qin, Zhi-Yong|
19 Synthesis and Helical Conformation of Novel Optically Active Liquid Crystalline Poly(p-phenylene)s Containing Cyanoterphenyl Mesogen as Pendant 期刊论文 Zhou, Weihua|Chen, Lie|Tang, Ben Zhong|Chen, Yiwang|Yao, Kai|Li, Fan|Hu, Rongrong|Chen, Liping|
20 Preparation and optical properties of ZnO@PPEGMA nanoparticles 期刊论文 Peng, Xiaoming|Li, Fan|Chen, Yiwang|Hu, Yuehui|Zhou, Weihua|
21 Synthesis and Properties of Polyacetylenes Containing Terphenyl Pendent Group with Different Spacers 期刊论文 Chen, Lie|Chen, Yiwang|He, Xiaohui|Zhou, Weihua|Zhou, Dan|
22 Enhanced Photoluminescence, Mesomorphism and Conformation of Liquid Crystalline Conjugated Polymers with Terphenyl Mesogen Pendant 期刊论文 Yiwang Chen|Dan Zhou|Fan Li|Lie Chen|Kai Yao|Daijun Zha|
23 Synthesis and properties of polyacetylenes containing bis(4-alkylphenyl)terephthalate as pendant and methyleneoxy as spacer 期刊论文 Zhou, Dan|Zha, Daijun|Wan, Meixiang|Zhou, Weihua|Chen, Lie|Bai, Fenglian|Chen, Yiwang|
24 Synthesis and properties of light-emitting polythiophene derivatives bearing terphenyl mesogenic pendant 期刊论文 Li, Fan|He, Xiaohui|Zhou, Weihua|Tang, Ben Zhong|Chen, Yiwang|Chen, Lie|
25 Synthesis and properties of monopolyacetylenes with terphenyl mesogens groups linked at waist position 期刊论文 Qin, Zhiyong|Kong, Huanlin|He, Xiaohui|Chen, Lie|Li, Fan|Zhou, Weihua|Chen, Yiwang|
26 Synthesis and properties of polythiophene with directly attached bis(4-methoxyphenyl) terephthalate mesogen as pendant 期刊论文 Zha, Dai-Jun|Chen, Yi-Wang|Chen, Lie|
27 Orientation Behavior of Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells Based on Liquid-Crystalline Polyfluorene and Fullerene 期刊论文 Liu, Zhaoyang|Li, Fan|Zha, Daijun|Tian, Wenjing|Chen, Yiwang|Pei, Jianing|Yao, Kai|Chen, Lie|