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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Pressure-induced semiconductor-metal phase transition in Mg2Si 期刊论文 Ren, Wanbin|Han, Yonghao|Liu, Cailong|Su, Ningning|Li, Yan|Ma, Boheng|Ma, Yanzhang|Gao, Chunxiao|
2 超高压下物质电输运特性研究的科学方法 奖励 高春晓|邹广田|韩永昊|刘洪武|彭刚|胡庭静|王月|刘鲍|
3 Electrical properties and behaviors of cuprous oxide cubes under high pressure 期刊论文 Boheng Ma|Yan Li|Ningning Su|Qinglin Wang|Yuqiang Li|Junkai Zhang|Yonghao Han|Yanzhang Ma|Chunxiao Gao|
4 The Effect of By-pass Current on the Accuracy of Resistivity Measurement in a Diamond Anvil Cell 期刊论文 Yang Jie|Peng Gang|Liu Cai-Long|Lu Han|Han Yong-Hao|Gao Chun-Xiao|
5 Determination of the phase diagram of water and investigation of the electrical transport properties of ices VI and VII 期刊论文 Liu, Bao|Yang, Jie|Wang, Qinglin|Han, Yonghao|Ma, Yanzhang|Gao, Chunxiao|
6 Spatial extent of the influence of the deeply subducted South China Block on the southeastern North China Block: Constraints from Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes in Mesozoic mafic igneous rocks 期刊论文 De-Bin Yang|Wen-Liang Xu|Fu-Ping Pei|Cheng-Hai Yang|Qing-Hai Wang|
7 超高压下简单分子凝聚体系的新奇结构相变和压力效应 奖励 邹广田|崔田|刘冰冰|马琰铭|高春晓|
8 High-pressure dielectric detecting in diamond anvil cell based on in situ impedance measurement 期刊论文 Gang Peng|Qinglin Wang|Cailong Liu|Yonghao Han|Chunxiao Gao|
9 Applied Physics Letters 期刊论文 Qinglin Wang|Yonghao Han|Cailong Liu|Yanzhang Ma|Wanbin Ren|Chunxiao Gao|
10 Electrical transport properties of SnO under high pressure 期刊论文 Cailong Liu|Wanbin Ren|Yan Li|Qinglin Wang|Ningning Su|Yuqiang Li|Boheng Ma|Yanzhang Ma|Chunxiao Gao|
11 In situ electrical resistance and activation energy of solid C-60 under high pressure 期刊论文 Yang Jie|Liu Cai-Long|Gao Chun-Xiao|
12 High-pressure electrical-transport properties of SnS: Experimental and theoretical approaches 期刊论文 Qinglin Wang|Yuqiang Li|Junkai Zhang|Lei Wu|Xin Zhang|Yonghao Han|Baojia Wu|Yanzhang Ma|Chunxiao Gao|
13 Impurity level evolution and majority carrier-type inversion of Ag2S under extreme compression: Experimental and theoretical approaches 期刊论文 Zhang, Junkai|Liu, Cailong|Zhang, Xin|Ke, Feng|Han, Yonghao|Peng, Gang|Ma, Yanzhang|Gao, Chunxiao|
14 Pressure-induced elastic and structural changes in hydrous basalt glasses: The effect of H<sub>2</sub>O on the gravitational stability of basalt melts at the base of the upper mantle 期刊论文 Lei Wu|De-Bin Yang|Hong-Sen Xie|Fang-Fei Li|Bo Hu|Yang Yu|Wen-Liang Xu|Chun-Xiao Gao|
15 Repeated modification of lithospheric mantle in the eastern North China Craton: Constraints from SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of dunite xenoliths in western Shandong 期刊论文 YANG De-Bin|XU Wen-Liang|GAO Shan|YiGang Xu|FuPing Pei|
16 Electrical transport properties of InSe under high pressure 期刊论文 Wu Bao-Jia|Li Yan|Peng Gang|Gao Chun-Xiao|
17 Accurate measurement of sample conductivity in a diamond anvil cell with axis symmetrical electrodes and finite difference calculation 期刊论文 Yang Jie|Gang Peng|Yonghao Han|Chunxiao Gao|
18 Interlayer-glide-driven isosymmetric phase transition in compressed In2Se3 期刊论文 Dayong Tan|Yonghao Han|Yanzhang Ma|Jinfu Shu|Wenge Yang|Bin Chen|Ho-Kuang Mao|Xiaojia Chen|Chunxiao Gao|
19 High-pressure electrical transport behavior in WO3 期刊论文 Yang Gao|Yonghao Han|Qinglin Wang|Yan Li|Ningning Su|Junkai Zhang|Cailong Liu|Yanzhang Ma|Chunxiao Gao|
20 Electronic topological transition and semiconductor-to-metal conversion of Bi2Te3 under high pressure 期刊论文 Junkai Zhang|Cailong Liu|Xin Zhang|Feng Ke|Yonghao Han|Gang Peng|Yanzhang Ma|Chunxiao Gao|
21 High pressure electrical transport behavior in organic semiconductor pentacene 期刊论文 Qinglin Wang|Haiwa Zhang|Yan Zhang|Cailong Liu|Yonghao han|Yanzhang Ma|Chunxiao Gao|
22 Size-dependent phase transition of graphite to superhard graphite under high pressure at room temperature 期刊论文 Cailong Liu|Yonghao Han|Quan Li|Yanzhang Ma|Yanming Ma|CHUN XIAO GAO|
23 大陆深俯冲作用对邻区岩石圈地幔影响的时空范围:以华北陆块东南部为例 期刊论文 杨德彬|杨进辉|许文良|裴福萍|
24 Effect of melt composition on basalt and peridotite interaction: laboratory dissolution experiments with applications to mineral compositional variations in mantle xenoliths from the North China Craton 期刊论文 Chunguang Wang|Y. Liang|Wenliang Xu|N. Dygert|
25 Equation of state of adamite up to 11 GPa: a synchrotron X?ray diffraction study 期刊论文 Jingui Xu|Maining Ma|Shuyi Wei|Xianxu Hu|Yonggang Liu|Jing Liu|Dawei Fan|Hongsen Xie|
26 Pressure effects on grain boundary, electrical and vibrational properties of the polycrystalline BaTeO3 期刊论文 Yan Li|Yonghao Han|Yanzhang Ma|Pinwen Zhu|Xin Wang|Chunxiao Gao|
27 基于集成技术的金刚石对顶砧原位电学量测量 期刊论文 高春晓|
28 Electrical transport properties of BaWO4 under high pressure 期刊论文 Yuqiang Li|Yang Gao|Yonghao Han|Cailong Li|Wanbin Ren|Qinglin Wang|Yanzhang Ma|Baojia Wu|Chunxiao Gao|
29 用于金刚石对顶砧内超高压条件下温度原位测量的薄膜热电偶集成 奖励 杨洁|李明|张洪林|高春晓|
30 Provenance of sediments from Mesozoic basins in western Shandong: Implications for the evolution of the eastern North China Block 期刊论文 De-Bin Yang|Wen-Liang Xu|Yi-Gang Xu|Fu-Ping Pei|Feng Wang|
31 Semiconductor-to-metal transition of Bi2Se3 under high pressurePressure-induced isostructural phase transition in CaB4 期刊论文 Guanghui Li|Yan Li|Miao Zhang|Yanzhang Ma|Yanming Ma|Yonghao Han|Chunxiao Gao|
32 P–V–T equation of state of spessartine–almandine solid solution measured using a diamond anvil cell and in situ synchrotron X?ray diffraction 期刊论文 Dawei Fan|Jingui Xu|Maining Ma|Jing Liu|Hongsen Xie|
33 Preparation of W-Ta thin-film thermocouple on diamond anvil cell for in-situ temperature measurement under high pressure 期刊论文 Jie Yang|Ming Li|Honglin Zhang|Chunxiao Gao|
34 DAC高压原位测量技术进展及在地学研究中可能的应用 会议论文 高春晓|
35 Pressure-induced magnetoresistivity reversal in magnetite 期刊论文 Ningning Su|Yonghao Han|Yanzhang Ma|Hongwu Liu|Boheng Ma|Chunxiao Gao|
36 华北克拉通东部岩石圈地幔的多期改造:鲁西纯橄岩捕虏体中锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年代学证据 期刊论文 杨德彬|许文良|高山|徐义刚|裴福萍|
37 Preparation and characterization of boron doped diamond electrodes on diamond anvil for in situ electrical measurements under high pressure 期刊论文 Liu, C.L.|Han, Y.H.|Wang, Y.|Peng, G.|Wu, B.J.|Gao, C.X.|