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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Upregulation of miR-181a impairs hepatic glucose and lipid homeostasis 期刊论文 Xiliang Du;Yuchen Yang;Chuang Xu;Zhicheng Peng;Min Zhang;Lin Lei;Wenwen Gao;Yuhao Dong;Zhen Shi;Xudong Sun;Zhe Wang;Xiaobing Li;Xinwei Li;Guowen Liu
2 SREBP-1c overactivates ROS-mediated hepatic NF-κB inflammatory pathway in dairy cows with fatty liver 期刊论文 Xinwei Li;Weikun Huang;Jingmin Gu;Xiliang Du;Lin Lei;Xue Yuan;Guoquan Sun;Zhe Wang;Xiaobing Li;Guowen Liu
3 beta-Hydroxybutyrate Facilitates Fatty Acids Synthesis Mediated by Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein1 in Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells 期刊论文 Zhang Min;Zhang Shiqi;Hui Qi;Lei Lin;Du Xiliang;Gao Wenwen;Zhang Renhe;Liu Guowen;Li Xiaobing;Li Xinwei
4 NEFAs activate the oxidative stress-mediated NF-kB signaling pathway to induce inflammatory response in calf hepatocytes 会议论文 Li Xinwei;Liu Guowen;Shi Xiaoxia
5 Elevated Apoptosis in the Liver of Dairy Cows with Ketosis. 2017;43:568-578 期刊论文 Xiliang Du;Liang Chen;Dan Huang;Zhicheng Peng;Chenxu Zhao;Yuming Zhang;Yiwei Zhu;Zhe Wang;Xinwei Li;Guowen Liu
6 β-Hydroxybutyrate induces bovine hepatocyte apoptosis via an ROS-p38 signaling pathway. 2016, 99(11):9184-9198 期刊论文 Song Y;Li N;Gu J;Fu S;Peng Z;Zhao C;Zhang Y;Li X;Wang Z;Li X;Liu G
7 Acetoacetate induces hepatocytes apoptosis by the ROS-mediated MAPKs pathway in ketotic cows 期刊论文 Xiliang Du;Zhen Shi;Zhicheng Peng;Chenxu Zhao;Yuming Zhang;Zhe Wang;Xiaobing Li;Guowen Liu;Xinwei Li
8 Acetoacetic acid induces oxidative stress to inhibit the assembly of very low density lipoprotein in bovine hepatocytes 期刊论文 Xiaoxia Shi;Dangdang Li;Qinghua Deng;Zhicheng Peng;Chenxu Zhao;Xiaobing Li;Zhe Wang;Xinwei Li;Guowen Liu
9 Effects of beta-hydroxybutyricacid on the synthesis and assembly of very low-density lipoprotein in bovine hepatocytes in vitro. 期刊论文 Deng Q;Ma D;Shi Z;Huang W;Du X;Gao W;Zhu X;Lei L;Zhang M;Sun G;Yuan X;Li X;Wang Z;Liu G;Li X
10 Alpha-lipoic acid attenuates endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced insulin resistance by improving mitochondrial function in HepG2 cells 期刊论文 Lei Lin;Zhu Yiwei;Gao Wenwen;Du Xiliang;Zhang Min;Peng Zhicheng;Fu Shoupeng;Li Xiaobing;Zhe Wang;Li Xinwei;Liu Guowen
11 High levels of acetoacetate and glucose increase expression of cytokines in bovine hepatocytes, through activation of the NF-kappaB signalling pathway. 期刊论文 Li Yu;Ding Hongyan;Wang Xichun;Liu Lei;Huang Dan;Zhang Renhe;Guo Lihui;Wang Zhe;Li Xiaobing;Liu Guowen;Wu Jinjie;Li Xinwei
12 高NEFA和 高BHBA血 症对酮病奶牛 肝脏脂毒性的作用机制 奖励 刘国文;李心慰;李小兵;王哲;王建国;刘磊;李玉;邓清华
13 Effects of insulin-like growth factor-1 on the assembly and secretion of very low-density lipoproteins in cow hepatocytes in vitro 期刊论文 Li Xinwei;Guan Yuan;Li Ying;Wu Dianjun;Liu Lei;Deng Qinghua;Li Xiaobing;Wang Zhe;Liu Guowen
14 Histamine Induces Bovine Rumen Epithelial Cell Inflammatory Response via NF-κB Pathway 期刊论文 Xudong Sun;Xue Yuan;Liang Chen;Tingting Wang;Zhe Wang;Guoquan Sun;Xiaobing Li;Xinwei Li;Guowen Liu