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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Coupled Cation-Anion Dynamics Enhances Cation Mobility in Room Temperature Superionic Solid-State Electrolytes 期刊论文 Zhizhen Zhang;Pierre-Nicholas Roy;Hui Li;Maxim Avdeev;Linda F Nazar
2 CO2 Diffusion in Various Carbonated Beverages: A Molecular Dynamics Study 期刊论文 Lv Ji;Ren Kaixin;Chen Yakun
3 Perturbation Approach for Computing Infrared Spectra of the Local Mode of Probe Molecules 期刊论文 Rui-Jie Xue;Adam Grofe;He Yin;Zexing Qu;Jiali Gao;Hui Li
4 Explicit correlation treatment of the six-dimensional potential energy surface and predicted infrared spectra for OCS-H-2 期刊论文 Liu Jing Min;Zhai Yu;Li Hui
5 Targeting Superionic Conductivity by Turning on Anion Rotation at Room Temperature in Fast Ion Conductors 期刊论文 Zhang Zhizhen;Hui Li;Kavish Kaup;Laidong Zhou;Pierre-Nicholas Roy;Linda F. Nazar
6 Theoretical Study of Infrared Spectra of OCS-(pH2)2, OCS-(oD2)2, OCS-(HD)2 and Mixed OCS-pH2-He Trimers 期刊论文 Jing-Min Liu;Xiao-Long Zhang;Yu Zhai;Hui Li
7 Explicitly correlated ab initio potential energy surface and predicted rovibrational spectra for H2O-N2 and D2O-N2 complexes. 期刊论文 Lu Wang;Xiao-Long Zhang;Yu Zhai;Marcel Nooijen;Hui Li
8 Molecular-bond breaking induced by interatomic decay processes 期刊论文 Tsveta Miteva;Petra Votavová;Přemysl Kolorenč;Peng Bao;Selma Engin;Jiali Gao;Frank Otto;Nicolas Sisourat;Ying-Chih Chiang
9 A new permutation-symmetry-adapted machine learning diabatization procedure and its application in MgH2 system 期刊论文 You Li;Jingmin Liu;Jiarui Li;Yu Zhai;Jitai Yang;Zexing Qu;Hui Li
10 Efficient prediction for high precision CO‐N2 potential energy surface by stacking ensemble DNN 期刊论文 Shanshan Xu;You Li;Donghan Wang;Chao Fang;Chengwei Luo;Jiankun Deng;LiHong Hu;Hui Li;Hongzhi Li
11 Quantum vibration perturbation approach with polyatomic probe in simulating infrared spectra 期刊论文 Yang Cong;Yu Zhai;Jitai Yang;Adam Grofe;Jiali Gao;Hui Li
12 非键体系中计算红外光谱学的发展与应用:量子与经典体系 期刊论文 翟羽;李佳芮;李辉
13 Suppression of Parahydrogen Superfluidity in a Doped Nanoscale Bose Fluid Mixture 期刊论文 Hui Li;Xiao-Long Zhang;Tao Zeng;Robert J. Le Roy;Pierre-Nicholas Roy
14 Constructing high-accuracy intermolecular potential energy surface with multi-dimension Morse/Long-Range model 期刊论文 Zhai Yu;Li Hui;Le Roy Robert J.
15 Active-Site Heterogeneity of Lactate Dehydrogenase 期刊论文 Yin He;Li Hui;Grofe Adam;Gao Jiali
16 Analytic intermolecular potential energy surface and first-principles prediction of the rotational profiles for a symmetric top ion-atom complex: A case study of H3O+-Ar. 期刊论文 Hui Li;Dan Hou;Jing-Min Liu;Yu Zhai;Xiao-Long Zhang;Ji-Tai Yang
17 Enhanced vibrational solvatochromism and spectral diffusion by electron rich substituents on small molecule silanes 期刊论文 Olson Courtney M.;Grofe Adam;Huber Christopher J.;Spector Ivan C.;Gao Jiali;Massari Aaron M.
18 Comment on “Substrate Folding Modes in Trichodiene Synthase: A Determinant of Chemo- and Stereoselectivity” 期刊论文 Mudit Dixit;Michal Weitman;Jiali Gao;Dan T.Major
19 Solvation Induction of Free Energy Barriers of Decarboxylation Reactions in Aqueous Solution from Dual-Level QM/MM Simulations 期刊论文 Zhou Shaoyuan;Wang Yingjie;Gao Jiali
20 Dynamic-then-Static Approach for Core Excitations of Open-Shell Molecules 期刊论文 Ruoqi Zhao;Adam Grofe;Zikuan Wang;Peng Bao;Xin Chen;Wenjian Liu;Jiali Gao
21 Origin of Thiocyanate Spectral Shifts in Water and Organic Solvents (Accepted) 期刊论文 Ruoqi Zhao;Joseph C. Shirley;Euihyun Lee;Adam Grofe;Hui Li;Carlos R. Baiz;Jiali Gao
22 Dynamical and allosteric regulation of photoprotection in light harvesting complex II 期刊论文 Li Hao;Wang Yingjie;Ye Manping;Li Shanshan;Li Deyong;Ren Haisheng;Wang Mohan;Du Luchao;Li Heng;Veglia Gianluigi;Gao Jiali;Weng Yuxiang
23 Dynamics and mechanism of light harvesting in UV photoreceptor UVR8 期刊论文 Xiankun Li;Zhenyun Liu;Haisheng Ren;Mainak Kundu;Lijuan Wang;Jiali Gao;Dongping Zhong
24 Three-Dimensional ab initio Potential Energy Surface and Predicted Spectra for the CH4-Ne Complex 期刊论文 Xiaolong Zhang;Hui Li
25 Rationalization spectrum of H2O-Ne in the m2 H2O bending region: A combined ab initio and experimental investigation 期刊论文 Xunchen Liu;Dan Hou;Javix Thomas;Hui Li;Yunjie Xu
26 Full quantum calculation of the rovibrational states and intensities for a symmetric top-linear molecule dimer: Hamiltonian, basis set, and matrix elements 期刊论文 Zhang Xiao-Long;Ma Yong-Tao;Zhai Yu;Li Hui
27 Block-Localized Excitation for Excimer Complex and Diabatic Coupling 期刊论文 Bao Peng;Hettich Christian P.;Shi Qiang;Gao Jiali
28 Why Can Normal Palladium Catalysts Efficiently Mediate Aerobic C-H Hydroxylation of Arylpyridines by Intercepting Aldehyde Autoxidation? A Nascent Palladium(III)-Peracid Intermediate Makes a Difference. 期刊论文 Lili Yang;Jiali Gao;Yong Wang;Qiaohong Zhang
29 Ro-vibrationally averaged dipole moments of linear triatomic molecules 期刊论文 Tsuneo Hirano;Umpei Nagashima;Per Jensen;Hui Li
30 Deuterium Isotope Effects on Acid-Base Equilibrium of Organic Compounds 期刊论文 Meiyi Liu;Jiali Gao
31 CARNOT: a Fragment-Based Direct Molecular Dynamics and Virtual–Reality Simulation Package for Reactive Systems (DOI:10.1021/acs.jctc.1c01032) 期刊论文 Xin Chen;Meiyi Liu;Jiali Gao
32 Variational Energy Decomposition Analysis of Charge-Transfer Interactions between Metals and Ligands in Carbonyl Complexes. 期刊论文 Jingting Han;Adam Grofe;Jiali Gao
33 Analytic Morse/long-range potential energy surfaces and "adiabatic-hindered-rotor" treatment for a symmetric top-linear molecule dimer: A case study of CH3F-H-2 期刊论文 Zhang Xiao-Long;Ma Yong-Tao;Zhai Yu;Li Hui
34 A full-dimension intra- and inter-molecular ab initio potential energy surface and predicted infrared spectra for H2O-He 期刊论文 Dan Hou;Yong-Tao Ma;Xiao-Long Zhang;Hui Li
35 A leap in quantum efficiency through light harvesting in photoreceptor UVR8 期刊论文 Xiankun Li;Haisheng Ren;Mainak Kundu;Zheyun Liu;Frank W. Zhong;Lijuan Wang;Jiali Gao;Dongping Zhong
36 Fragment Exchange Potential for Realizing Pauli Deformation of Interfragment Interactions 期刊论文 Chen Xin;Jiali Gao
37 Intermolecular configurations dominated by quadrupole-quadrupole electrostatic interactions: explicit correlation treatment of the five-dimensional potential energy surface and infrared spectra for the CO-N-2 complex 期刊论文 Liu Jing-Min;Zhai Yu;Zhang Xiao-Long;Li Hui
38 Beyond Kohn Sham Approximation: Hybrid Multistate Wave Function and Density Functional Theory 期刊论文 Gao Jiali;Grofe Adam;Ren Haisheng;Bao Peng
39 Enhanced receptor binding of SARS-CoV-2 through networks of hydrogen-bonding and hydrophobic interactions 期刊论文 Wang Yingjie;Liu Meiyi;Gao Jiali
40 Dynamics and mechanism of dimer dissociation of photoreceptor UVR8 期刊论文 Xiankun Li;Zheyun Liu;Haisheng Ren;Mainak Kundu;Frank W. Zhong;Lijuan Wang;Jiali Gao;Dongping Zhong
41 Basis sets dependency in constructing spectroscopy-accuracy ab initio global electric dipole moment functions (https://cjcp.ustc.edu.cn/hxwlxb/article/id/7111c96e-05fe-4e20-9374-1582774e1ffd) 期刊论文 Yu Zhai;Hui Li
42 Minimal-active-space multistate density functional theory for excitation energy involving local and charge transfer states 期刊论文 Ruoqi Zhao;Christian P. Hettich;Xin Chen;Jiali Gao