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序号 标题 类型 作者
1 Upper Miocene–Pliocene provenance evolution of the Central Canyon in northwestern South China Sea 期刊论文 Yuchi Cui;Lei Shao;Peijun Qiao;Jianxiang Pei;Daojun Zhang;Huyen Tran
2 Three dimensional seismic anatomy of multi-stage mass transport deposits in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea: Their ages and kinematics 期刊论文 Sun Qiliang;Xie Xinong;Piper David J. W.;Wu Jing;Wu Shiguo
3 Magnetostratigraphy of ODP Site 1143 in the South China Sea since the Early Pliocene 期刊论文 Wu Huaichun;Shi Meinan;Zhao Xixi;Huang Bingyue;Zhang Shihong;Li Haiyan;Yang Tianshui;Lin Changsong
4 海底水道特征及其成因机制:以莺歌海盆地乐东区莺歌海组一段为例 期刊论文 田冬梅;姜涛;张道军
5 Post-spreading volcanism in the central South China Sea: insights from zircon U–Pb dating on volcaniclastic breccia and seismic features 期刊论文 Tao Jiang;Hongfang Gao;Jingke He;Dongmei Tian
6 白云凹陷东南部晚渐新世陆架边缘三角洲沉积特征及沉积地貌演化 期刊论文 王思琦;张忠涛;林畅松;秦成岗;邢作昌
7 Reconstruction of repeated Quaternary slope failures in the northern South China Sea 期刊论文 Sun Qiliang;Cartwright Joe;Xie Xinong;Lu Xiangyang;Yuan Shengqiang;Chen Chuanxu
8 Stratigraphic architectures and associated unconformities of Pearl River Mouth basin during rifting and lithospheric breakup of the South China Sea 期刊论文 Xinong Xie;Jianye Ren;Pang Xiong;Lei Chao;Chen Hui
9 OSL dating of late Holocene coastal sediments and its implication for sea-level eustacy in Hainan Island, Southern China 期刊论文 Jiang Tao;Liu Xiangjun;Yu Tao;Hu Yipan
10 Structural style, formation of low angle normal fault and its controls on the evolution of Baiyun Rift, northern margin of the South China Sea 期刊论文 Zhao Yanghui;Ren Jianye;Pang Xiong;Yang Linlong;Zheng Jinyun
11 南海北部陆缘深水-超深水盆地成因机制分析 期刊论文 任建业;庞雄;于鹏;雷超;罗盼
12 Benthic foraminiferal fauna and sediment provenance of Eocene synrift sequences in Taiwan: implication for onset of Asian epi-continental marginal seas off China coast 期刊论文 Chi‑Yue Huang;Lei Shao;Ming‑Huei Wang;Wei‑Guang Xue;Pei‑Jun Qiao;Yu‑Chi Cui;Yuan‑Li Hou
13 Continental rifting and sediment infill in the distal part of the northern South China Sea in the Western Pacific region: Challenge on the present-day models for the passive margins 期刊论文 Lei Chao;Ren Jianye;Pang Xiong;Chao Peng;Han Xiaoying
14 True Volumes of Slope Failure Estimated From a Quaternary Mass-Transport Deposit in the Northern South China Sea 期刊论文 Sun Qiliang;Alves Tiago M;Lu Xiangyang;Chen Chuanxu;Xie Xinong
15 Depositional architecture and facies of a complete reef complex succession: A case study of the Permian Jiantianba Reefs, Western Hubei, South China 期刊论文 Beichen Chen;Xinong Xie;Ihsan S. Al-Aasm;Wu Feng;Mo Zhou
16 A foraminiferal study on Middle Eocene-Oligocene break-up unconformity in northern Taiwan and its correlation with IODP Site U1435 to constrain the onset event of South China Sea opening 期刊论文 Huang Chi Yue;Shea Kai Hsuan;Li Qianyu
17 Depositional evolution of sediment drifts inside intra-slope basins on the lower southeastern slope of the Dongsha Islands (South China Sea) and their paleoceanographic implications 期刊论文 Chao Liang;Xi-Nong Xie;Hua Wang;Hui Chen;Guan-Zhong Shi;Guang-Jian Zhong;En-Tao Liu;Ming Sun;Hai Yi
18 Early Miocene sedimentary processes and their hydrocarbon implications in the Baiyun Sag of Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern south China sea 期刊论文 Dongmei Tian;Tao Jiang;Baojun Liu;Jun Liu;Zhongtao Zhang;Hui Xu;Cong Cheng
19 Drainage control of Eocene to Miocene sedimentary records in the southeastern margin of Eurasian Plate 期刊论文 Lei Shao;Yuchi Cui;Karl Stattegger;Weilin Zhu;Peijun Qiao;Zhigang Zhao
20 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖 奖励 解习农;任建业;吕万军;姜涛;雷超
21 Sediment dynamics driven by contour currents and mesoscale eddies along continental slope: A case study of the northern South China Sea 期刊论文 Hui Chen;Wenyan Zhang;Xinong Xie;Jianye Ren
22 Submarine erosional troughs in the northern South China Sea: Evidence for Early Miocene deepwater circulation and paleoceanographic change 期刊论文 Sun Qiliang;Cartwright Joe;Wu Shiguo;Zhong Guangfa;Wang Shenghao;Zhang Hailong
23 珠江口盆地白云凹陷中新统韩江组中上部层序结构及深水重力流沉积 期刊论文 陶泽;林畅松;张忠涛;张昕;姜静;张萍;高楠安;李浩;吴高奎;张博;舒粱锋
24 Juxtaposed sequence stratigraphy, temporal-spatial variations of sedimentation and development of modern-forming forearc Lichi Melange in North Luzon Trough forearc basin onshore and offshore eastern Taiwan: An overview 期刊论文 Huang Chi Yue;Chen Wen Huang;Wang Ming Huei;Lin Chiou Ting;Yang Shengxiong;Li Xuejie;Yu Mengming;Zhao XiXi;Yang Kenn Ming;Liu Char Shine;Hsieh Yu Huan;Harris Ron
25 The structure and evolution of deepwater basins in the distal margin of the northern South China Sea and their implications for the formation of the continental margin 期刊论文 Yang Linlong;Ren Jianye;McIntosh Kirk;Pang Xiong;Chao Lei;Zhao Yanghui
26 Cenozoic tectonic events and their implications for constraining the structure and stratigraphic styles from rifting to collision at the southeastern margin of the South China Sea 期刊论文 Dianjun Tong;Jianye Ren;Yuantao Liao;Yongjian Yao;Yanghui Zhao
27 中国盆地动力学研究现状及展望 期刊论文 解习农;林畅松;李忠;任建业;姜涛;姜在兴;雷超
28 Rift structures and its related unconformities on and adjacent the Dongsha Rise: insights into the nature of the high-velocity layer in the northern South China Sea 期刊论文 Chao Lei;Jianye Ren;Xiong Pang
29 台湾岛的年龄 期刊论文 黄奇瑜
30 Hyper-extended rift systems in the Xisha Trough, northwestern South China Sea: Implications for extreme crustal thinning ahead of a propagating ocean 期刊论文 Lei Chao;Ren Jianye
31 Breakup unconformities at the end of the early Oligocene in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea: significance for the evolution of basin dynamics and tectonic geography during rift–drift transition 期刊论文 Yue Gong;Changsong Lin;Zhongtao Zhang;Bo Zhang;Liangfeng;Xuan Feng;Fanghao Hong;Zuochang Xing;Hanyao Liu;Enyu Su
32 The impact of eustatic sea-level fluctuations, temperature variations and nutrient-level changes since the Pliocene on tropical carbonate platform (Xisha Islands, South China Sea) 期刊论文 Feng Wu;Xinong Xie;Christian Betzler;Weilin Zhu;Youhua Zhu;Laiyuan Guo;Zhaoliang Ma;Huaqing Bai;Benjun Ma
33 Sequence architecture and depositional evolution of the Late Miocene to quaternary northeastern shelf margin of the South China Sea 期刊论文 Jiang Jing;Shi Hesheng;Lin Changsong;Zhang Zhongtao;Wei An;Zhang Bo;Shu Liangfeng;Tian Hongxun;Tao Ze;Liu Hanyao